How to take down enemy mages in battle of Boereskyr Bridge?
I have Breach and Dispel Magic memorized and they don't seem to do much to knock down the defenses of enemy mages -- what's the trick?
Dispel Magic only has a chance of working, depending on the caster's level and the target's level. A level 8 player-controlled mage would have a 50% chance of removing a level 8 enemy mage's buffs.
Minor Globe of Invulnerability, a common buff for enemy mages, cannot be dispelled. Secret Word and Spell Thrust can both take it down 100% of the time. I'm guessing that's why Breach and Dispel Magic don't seem to do anything; the visual effect of Minor Globe of Invulnerability is the easiest to see, and if it doesn't vanish, it looks like the mages' defenses remain untouched.