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Fix balance in character creation

Wouldn't it be easiest to have the character generator roll the stats randomly for every class without adjusting the minimum stats automatically? Then the player would have to assign his stats to meet the minimum requirements manually before proceeding in character generation?

I'm thinking specifically of the Cleric/Ranger exploit where the average roll is much higher than on other classes since the generator automatically boosts the stats which have minimum requirements to meet them without lowering any of the other stats to compensate.

Of course people could still keep rolling to get higher stats but at least it would be balanced between classes.


  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Wouldn't that simply amount to even more reroll-spamming? As I understand it, you can't really exploit the higher ability average of classes such as Paladin or Cleric/Ranger, as your stats are being deleted if you go back to choose a different class.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    You'd also have to radically change the character generation process and do the stats bit before choosing a race and class. You could then only chose a class you qualified for etc...

    It'd just be a pain, if you wanted to play a paladin then you'd have to back and forth until you got what you wanted.
  • killeahkilleah Member Posts: 124
    have anyone actually made 1xxx rolls and compared?

    Could it be the combined avg. is the same?
  • biggboss83biggboss83 Member Posts: 4
    Hmmm I don't think I explained well enough. Nothing would have to change in the character creation process except when, after choosing your class, you are rolling for your abilities the generator would not automatically boost your stats to meet the minimum requirement.

    You would then manually have to adjust your stats using the +/- to meet the minimum reqs. (which would probably have to be specified next to the stats)

    You can get much higher stats in original BG when rolling for cleric/ranger than f.ex. a wizard because of the automatic boosting.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    So what you're suggesting is that there be no minimums for ability scores, and just prevent the player from proceeding until all ability scores are within an acceptable range?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    As I said in another thread a few weeks ago, the PnP method is ok on PnP where these classes/kits are supposed to be rare. I just don't see any reason to create a difficulty for the player of a single player computer game to play the character he wishes to play by implementing these change in BG.
  • biggboss83biggboss83 Member Posts: 4
    Aosaw - Yes that would be the simplest way to do it I think.
    mlnevese - I see your point, it's just that I find it odd that the classes that were rare because they had so high minimums (I remember my whole PnP group wanted to become Rangers back in the day but were rolling 3d6x6 so fat chance) now have the most likelihood of having the best stats. I'm thinking if it had been done the other way around in the first place no one would have wanted to change it to what it is now. And now is the time to make such corrections while they are redoing it ;)
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Maybe. But just imagine the amount of whining the developers would have to put up with from people who want to play paladins, cleric/rangers or whatever... It's better to just leave it as it is.
  • biggboss83biggboss83 Member Posts: 4
    They could of course keep rolling to get high enough average and adjust them to meet the requirements, it would only take them a little while longer. But it would take much longer to get the crazy high stats you can now get by choosing these high requirement classes, in fact it would then take the same amount of time as for all the other classes with less requirements.

    Of course someone would whine about it but I'm hoping there would be more people on the side of balance. Even though it's a single player game :)
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    What about if you tried to create a class with multiple high minimum scores, like the mentioned cleric/ranger and come up with a roll that doesn't meet the requirements no matter how you arrange the numbers?

    Seems awkward to me.
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