Noob questions from a old nwn player about NWN EE

So i did my basic home work and looked at the FAQ and went over it twice to make shore i knew the basic info about NWN EE but some of what i was looking for isn't 100% answered their.
So here is one more post from someone that would like to join the NWN EE party that's going on seeing as I imho consider Classic NWN to be the best D&D video game ever made to date and nothing tops it, at lest on the game play topic that is and 90% opensource code / game wise in regards to what on can do with the tool-set and the game in general.
Grafix are dark age lol. Ya I know, old game O'well.
Ps: yes iv bin a Dev for the game/some servers in the past and at one point i took the time in years to make my own server from the ground up at one point “hosted it ½ year” but then gave it up at one point cus it was just too much work to deal with all the time so after years of working on it I just gave up on the project.
Ps: most mmo aka "World of noob craft" games and their wana be clones imho are a joke and i can't even bring my self to play that kind of thing though iv tried a few times in the past and it just doesn't do it for me....
10 years of grinding to make one high level toon too doesn't do a lot for me and thats seems to be the case for one too meany mmo's out their that's just a quick turn off.
Now on to the questions that sadly i'm probably not going to like and all ready know the answers to but never the less I guess ill just go for it and ask to see what happens
Probably get depressed at the answers
First off i'm a die hard winXP user and atm i'm working on atm pimping out a win98se retro gamer system for someone “ with all the bad ass parts from back in the day of course”
For a price of corse, you did know a full 486 cpu DX 2/66mgz cpu gamer system tower wise on Ebay is like $$$.
Emulation is just not the same thing for true die hard retro gamer's.
MY self i tend to live in the past when it comes to Os and PC hardware / games in general and for the most part & imho win10 is SKY-NET and is pure EVIL 666
After version WIN7 of windows “dies” i'm sorry but i'm OpenSorce code only and if i'm not allowed to know what your doing on my system then your not allowed to be part of my life as well in any case half of my working servers/systems/computers/laptops atm are all linux/unix in any case so you know all the same to me but the WIN10 NSA SKY-NET EDITION can go die as far as i'm considered.
SO winXP is old and out on the topic of NWN EE
OK fine i knew i had to get with the win7 plain at some point seeing as last i checked something like 50~60% of the hole world now is win7 “ball part number”
SO win7 is the new winXP.
Btw douse the new NWN EE use more then one cpu core for the game or not, just asking cus my main dedicated game system ill make for win7 I need to know if I should be the high mgz twin core in their or the slower quad core in mgz “per core”
Problem with win7 is you just can't lock it down like you can in win98 or win2000/XP.
In my world all network ports have to be disabled and a netstat command at the command prompt if I see even a single port open with out my permission ill format the OS gone if needed and or use and mod/hack/toolz to the max to fix the leak and last I looked in to it win7 is a huge pos on this topic and that's just for starters when it comes to cyber security lock-downs.
Its just god the OS gets on my bad side and fast but i guess i'm going to have to learn how to work the thing, god i'm probably going to need pills to help my nerves some when dealing with that os and plz don't get me ever started on the win8 or win10 topic as i tend to become unpleasant to be around when that topic douse the rounds.
So here's the thing, when you buy the game in question "NWN EE" do you get the full real installers in *.ISO so i can burn full DVD copy's of the installer ?
Unlimited installs as needed.
Online activation of any kind not permitted to play the game.
IF not problem at my end.
2nd douse everything work on lan network "server/clients" with no internet of any kind, if not problem or I can just use the old real NWN for that i guess but it be nice to have that in NWN EE as well.
3rd i don't like or use steam, all they do is data mine you soul/computer all day long and in my world privacy is king and no data mining of any kind is allowed and/or acceptable and that's all steam douse all day long so problem on this topic, the only thing the game client should be connecting to is to check Cd ~ keys / accounts if and when needed on the network/internet and 2nd update the player/server list and that's it, any other kind of data mining should be forbidden.
Last but not lest the old NWN did not encrypt player to player chat “and maybe game play network code” and more protections need to be put in place to stop that kind of problem as well blocking server admins from being able to log and see players Tells in game.
As you know anything you say on the net/old nwn in chat everyone gets to log a copy if they wanted to and with the right hacks and mods “server side” sadly the same thing happens and everything can be logged on the admin server in regards to tells or whatever they want.
Imho we need at lest 256bit encryption for all chat and Tells in regards to privacy or at the very lest only for tells.
Privacy needs to be protected at all costs and no admin server side should ever be allowed to know whats said in tells.
SO that's about it for the questions for now and lets see what happens, tnx in advance for anyone time if they decide to help out a old nwn server admin/dev/player to get back in the game, thing is from what I understand the new NWN EE getting player base and that's what makes the game, sadly the old nwn has like no players on most servers
lots of servers just no players
Need player base if not whats the point and the game is dead online more or less.....
So here is one more post from someone that would like to join the NWN EE party that's going on seeing as I imho consider Classic NWN to be the best D&D video game ever made to date and nothing tops it, at lest on the game play topic that is and 90% opensource code / game wise in regards to what on can do with the tool-set and the game in general.
Grafix are dark age lol. Ya I know, old game O'well.
Ps: yes iv bin a Dev for the game/some servers in the past and at one point i took the time in years to make my own server from the ground up at one point “hosted it ½ year” but then gave it up at one point cus it was just too much work to deal with all the time so after years of working on it I just gave up on the project.
Ps: most mmo aka "World of noob craft" games and their wana be clones imho are a joke and i can't even bring my self to play that kind of thing though iv tried a few times in the past and it just doesn't do it for me....
10 years of grinding to make one high level toon too doesn't do a lot for me and thats seems to be the case for one too meany mmo's out their that's just a quick turn off.
Now on to the questions that sadly i'm probably not going to like and all ready know the answers to but never the less I guess ill just go for it and ask to see what happens

Probably get depressed at the answers

First off i'm a die hard winXP user and atm i'm working on atm pimping out a win98se retro gamer system for someone “ with all the bad ass parts from back in the day of course”
For a price of corse, you did know a full 486 cpu DX 2/66mgz cpu gamer system tower wise on Ebay is like $$$.
Emulation is just not the same thing for true die hard retro gamer's.
MY self i tend to live in the past when it comes to Os and PC hardware / games in general and for the most part & imho win10 is SKY-NET and is pure EVIL 666
After version WIN7 of windows “dies” i'm sorry but i'm OpenSorce code only and if i'm not allowed to know what your doing on my system then your not allowed to be part of my life as well in any case half of my working servers/systems/computers/laptops atm are all linux/unix in any case so you know all the same to me but the WIN10 NSA SKY-NET EDITION can go die as far as i'm considered.
SO winXP is old and out on the topic of NWN EE

OK fine i knew i had to get with the win7 plain at some point seeing as last i checked something like 50~60% of the hole world now is win7 “ball part number”
SO win7 is the new winXP.
Btw douse the new NWN EE use more then one cpu core for the game or not, just asking cus my main dedicated game system ill make for win7 I need to know if I should be the high mgz twin core in their or the slower quad core in mgz “per core”
Problem with win7 is you just can't lock it down like you can in win98 or win2000/XP.
In my world all network ports have to be disabled and a netstat command at the command prompt if I see even a single port open with out my permission ill format the OS gone if needed and or use and mod/hack/toolz to the max to fix the leak and last I looked in to it win7 is a huge pos on this topic and that's just for starters when it comes to cyber security lock-downs.
Its just god the OS gets on my bad side and fast but i guess i'm going to have to learn how to work the thing, god i'm probably going to need pills to help my nerves some when dealing with that os and plz don't get me ever started on the win8 or win10 topic as i tend to become unpleasant to be around when that topic douse the rounds.
So here's the thing, when you buy the game in question "NWN EE" do you get the full real installers in *.ISO so i can burn full DVD copy's of the installer ?
Unlimited installs as needed.
Online activation of any kind not permitted to play the game.
IF not problem at my end.
2nd douse everything work on lan network "server/clients" with no internet of any kind, if not problem or I can just use the old real NWN for that i guess but it be nice to have that in NWN EE as well.
3rd i don't like or use steam, all they do is data mine you soul/computer all day long and in my world privacy is king and no data mining of any kind is allowed and/or acceptable and that's all steam douse all day long so problem on this topic, the only thing the game client should be connecting to is to check Cd ~ keys / accounts if and when needed on the network/internet and 2nd update the player/server list and that's it, any other kind of data mining should be forbidden.
Last but not lest the old NWN did not encrypt player to player chat “and maybe game play network code” and more protections need to be put in place to stop that kind of problem as well blocking server admins from being able to log and see players Tells in game.
As you know anything you say on the net/old nwn in chat everyone gets to log a copy if they wanted to and with the right hacks and mods “server side” sadly the same thing happens and everything can be logged on the admin server in regards to tells or whatever they want.
Imho we need at lest 256bit encryption for all chat and Tells in regards to privacy or at the very lest only for tells.
Privacy needs to be protected at all costs and no admin server side should ever be allowed to know whats said in tells.
SO that's about it for the questions for now and lets see what happens, tnx in advance for anyone time if they decide to help out a old nwn server admin/dev/player to get back in the game, thing is from what I understand the new NWN EE getting player base and that's what makes the game, sadly the old nwn has like no players on most servers

lots of servers just no players

Need player base if not whats the point and the game is dead online more or less.....
*Wall of text hits you for 5 hp*
No but seriously...can you cut that shorter or summarize or something?
Nothing gets on my case faster then pointless text message stile mini trash for your head posts count farmers with nothing ever worth reading that they post about.
As for me iv bin playing games since pac man & pong on black and white CRT screens 12" in size since the age of 6.
12" black and white is all you get when your a kid, only mom and dad get to use or touch the 22" color TV......
Cost you a mint back then just for a color 20~22" so the kids = no no touch the real TV with out parent supervision.
As well i'm a middle aged network forum admin ~ server systems admin / privacy expert / computer security researcher / computer hardware tech & overclocker / NWN server owner ~ head dev {at one point} and part time DEVs for one of the most bad ass all time NWN PVP to the MAX PERSISTENT WORLD ALL MOST NO RULES PVP servers ever made.
Well theirs rules for the new people I mean, got to be gentle with the pvp virgins so they don't just rage quit after a few PK's
The hard-cores we don't need any rules for the most part, we just man up and take the pain.
"BADLANDS SERVER 100% PVP {18+ recommended} griefer wars all day long with a side order or troll and talking shit to the max " PS your guild sucks bro and your guild leader a moron lol, bite me and or go tell a DM I said so and see what happens lolz "
A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, occasionally using aspects of the game in unintended ways. A griefer derives pleasure primarily or exclusively from the act of annoying other users, and as such is a particular nuisance in online gaming
Home of the strong and players that took D&D 3.X core rule pvp balance to the point of almost being a religion.
Old forum link
All most no rules PVP persistent world mini mmo NWN server that's bin worked on for like 20 years by like 30+ different devs over the years.
The last one of its kind left standing out of em all {in that stile}
So if HARDCORE pvp is what you want then come see us, all my old nwn buddy's are waiting for me their it seems and the server is being hosted in NWN EE from what I understand and has loads of player base with a super cool server admin, known him more years then I care to remember, super cool guy.
You couldn't ask for a better server owner / head coder / hardware server admin, in a way when it comes to nwn hes like one of my heros for keeping the dream alive when all the rest let the topic die, we are the last ones on this topic last i checked that are the keepers and gardians of pvp in nwn.
Awesome guy and one of the old ones when it comes to pvp players ~ servers owners all the way around as I am, as meany of us are in that place.
We are the gods of NWN pvp and/or whats left of what was once a big community when it came to NWN pvp all the way around
Sadly we are all that is left
Ps: all as a hoibe of course , or you could just call me a video game nerd / power user ... that works too.
Still have my ATARI 2600 AND 25 GAMES
I do full wiki posts solo my friend just so you know from scratch, do better
Quote Superfly2000: " No but seriously...can you cut that shorter or summarize or something? "
Shore , I am one of the first ones form nwn / WANA get on board with NWN EE / my home FAV server is waiting for me from what I understand and has good player base / win7 pisses me off but i have to go their sadly cus winXP just to old / steam me no like / privacy is king in my world so if you try and data mine my pc ill flip in someone face
Questions comments ?
PS: just like to chat with people is all and ya I do big posts at times.
Why Superfly2000 do you have a problem with reading cus just the three main core rule-set books are like 1000 pages of books “3x books” 12”x 8” in size and that's just for starters if you want to call your self a real AD&D DM and host a real game old stile in 3.X core rules .......
We hope you enjoy your stay!
This is a reminder to read the Forum Guidelines as we do not tolerate spam or trolling.
Thank you.
Wana be pure {chaos / evil & death} guild on badlands & be my guest *massive grin* and remember light can not exist with out darkness.
Just remember I might become your new best friend if you go their with out you even knowing it Death/tricks/evil {Nerull}
Its what I tend to become in NWN when I see pure evil running around the server Pking everything and your allowed of course to be that way on badlands server just all too often you get back what you send out in life.
Careful what you wish to learn from the masters of AD&D when it comes to the dark side of the force from some of us like my self that have bin at it over 30 years.
That reminds me.
Meany on my home server wanted me to keep going in that special place on the server “quest levels” that is my part of the server and wish me to keep going with what I started their, they want me to keep going and add in the 9 plains of hell and then the last place where you end up after that called the abyss, the place were satin or the D&D equivalent sends you once hes done with you and no longer has a use for you any more, your final reward for what you chose to be, that is pure darkness.
When Badlands server was first made only Evils 666 guild / server owner / guild leader "Advocates of the seventh son" we just use to call em advos owned and ran the server, welcome to pvp hell server....
Hole server was themed pure evil as were all most all the DM's on the server, welcome to hell greeted you at the gates
" ye who enter here abandon all hope " of the most pro and ruthless persistent world PVP server ever made in nwn of all time.
That's no longer the case seeing as the forces of light & good killed em all, now their all gone for the most part but be my guest if you wana pass by and be that way and fear not i can take the pain.
Speaking of pain some once told me hate & pain keeps you warm at night, and they were right "evil grin" so ill try not to be like that because no one likes trolls right
As for if i were the head forum admin of this forum iv all ready spotted 3 users "possible trolls" just in this one forum thread alone *evil grin* that imho are playing around with the troll topic and well given time id take care of em if it were my call and its not in any case but if i were unless they changed their ways well you know.
Now lets move on to the poster that isn't a post counting "all ways 20 words or less posts" forum noob troll seeing as this poster seems to have more IQ then the rest and knows how to use a keyboard it seems and knows how to read unlike the other three 12 year old's that have problems understanding more then 20 words per post.
PS : everything is done in a full word editor "Open Office" and not just texted from a smart phone 20 words or less stile with little to say that's worth reading in case anyone cared to know.
In regards to the spelling and grammar topic and or who is or isn't a troll it's all mater of politically determined criteria followed by subjective opinion with a side order or being a rules/law lawyer so you know its just one of those things *grins*
Tnx you for the info Selphea you answered most of what i was talking about and ya i don't need to have a *ISO if i'm given the full installer, full installer = full installer so i'm good on this topic.
Buying right from beamdog seems like the only way i'm going to do it as well with a per-payed card of some kind seeing as i will never identity who i am in the real world online, i'm just like that so that works and i'm just like that.
Lan mode would be cool with full servers in the new NWN EE but like you said Selphea you haven't tested it yet.
Worse case if were talking "were all friends" on a lan / lanparty ~
"i know who douse that anymore right but old timers like me"
Its all good cus i know that all works with the old classic NWN and/or all most every game ever made before everything went steam or something were you are no longer allowed to own a game and or have any legal rights of any kind and can't even play single player with out a internet connection "diablo III dog shit anyone" at the same time they data mine your gamer computer dry and once they say its over the game dies once the online servers are turned off seeing as you never owned the game in any case and have no rights of any kind in that system, and you don't have the right to keep the game after that fact and or sell the game used to a 3rd party and or given the full installers/game.
Sadly i understand why they had to go their seeing as the copy guards back in the day just couldn't keep the pirates away from other peoples games / software vs a bag of cracks and keygens / toolz and the like.
Just sucks were the year is 2018 and its Xbox or sony box or you just make a dedicated gamer pc box and call it a day and sadly with all the spyware going on in gamer system / windows / free to use you just use it for gaming and that's all you use it for and were done here.
For all the rest I recommend Linux mint for home use “ unless you like win10 NSA edition “ill pass my self on that topic”
As for the chat thing well back in the day as a DM / SERVER ADMIN you can see what everyone is saying in any case all day long and or as the main server owner log all chat and many servers would log all chat in any case so that's just how the old nwn was setup as well putting things in like HTTPS in all chat over a network "like the internet" wasn't done in the old NWN and with a simple deep packet analyzer like wire shark i can see it all “TESTED”
Someone that could code and make a BOT could log all chat from anywhere down the pipe if they wanted sadly but its just when it comes to tells it was hard coded “ private ” in the old nwn " in game only and up to a point though not encrypted on the net " but from what i understand given time server owners found a way around that and just between you and me Selphea sometimes things need to be spoken of at times that need to be privet about things that are going on in life and or on the server that 100% need to be secret.
Sucks when you have to use a 3rd party chat app to do that with people in game cus the DM / server owner hacked the old nwn code to be able to read tells, rest can be public for all i care it's just tells imho are sacred and need to stay privet for when secrecy/privacy is needed for whats needed to be spoken of and none should be able to see what said most notably the server admin and or dm's.
Unless their a big problem on that topic troll wise or respect wise "tells" in that case well you can all ways take screen shots and take that up with the server staff as needed.
You know the drill if you have bin playing the game as long as i have and or other games like this one when it comes to this topic.
Just sometimes things are going down on the server and max security & secrecy is key, as well putting in say 256bit encryption in the game on everything going on wasn't something they probably wanted to code in back in the day seeing as it would mean more mem/cpu use to deal with all the chat going on, something computers didn't have a lot of when nwn first came out aka cpu/mem wise.
I can still remember people first playing the game on 32meg video memory cards + Intel p3 500mgz + 256megs pc 133mgz SDR back in the day with a sound blaster live or something like when the game first came out so you know, computer power was limited and doing anything that was going to drain your fps wasn't what anyone wanted at the time.
Speaking of NWN EE has the game code bin changed to use more then one core on a cpu ?
Just asking cus the main game system ill make for win7 and I have pc parts coming out of everywhere at my pad.......
Think 8x full tower server computers just for starters though I only keep 4 running most of the time, rest are honeypot computers “2x” and “2x” suicide servers as needed and only come online if the network defenses start freaking out firewall log wise if you know what I mean and or you start having some servers that start acting wacko in the head and you don't know wtf going on with your network/servers/systems anymore.
PS: 33% of all known virus and Cyber weapons are all undetectable by any known Antivirus "ball park number"
Mostly of late i'm collecting top of the line 775/771 cpus and top of the line socket 775/711 server/gamer mobos/hardware , so should I go for the best ever made Intel core 2 dual E8500 overclocked to 4200mgz or should I go for the slower per core quad core for NWN EE ?
Question of the day douse NWN understand more then one cpu core ?
PS: special tnx to Selphea you answered most if not all of my questions unlike the other post count farmers with their useless comments.
And yes ill try and watch my ass some on the COC topic, tnx for the reminder joe and tnx as well for welcoming me to the forum, I feel special all ready after just having read that post and "welcome to the forum" in this place of grate debate and discussion in regards to if NWN lives on or dies cus the old classic online player base wise is a dead topic and i'm hoping cult fallowing stile “that I will be” that Beemdog can save the game from death and jump start the topic once more for all the world.
I feal like we should all most all do a grupe hug to shair the love or some shit.
Beemdog at this point has my total support and respect for NWN EE and I can only hope that they can save the day on this topic, we needed a Archangel of some kind to push buttons in the Matix and not let one if not the greatest online D&D video game made in history to date die.
If they can't on the NWN topic its going to be a sad day for me as a old timer of D&D and NWN seeing as most if not all mmos out their do little for me and quite simply just bore me and their core rules or whatever it is they try and call them offend me and I have yet to see better game play wise then NWN when it comes to RPG + D&D + ONLINE.
Don't do drugs, kids.
Hell, run free Linux on an isolated partition on your computer if you don't like Windows and Steam, NWN:EE supports Linux now.
He seems to be one of the admins/devs from the Badlands server pvp line. One of the original veterans in the pvp scene -- Badstreff, Uber builds, he would know it all. Plus he is a dev.
Hope everyone can appreciate the huge amount of knowledge he would have.
Trying to answer one more of his questions: I do not think NWN EE uses more than one cpu core.
Also -- i am in agreement that it is not a solution to use Windows 10 on a separate machine, or to use Steam and just suffer data mining. Win10 is horrible. People are entitled to reject any form of privacy intrusion whatsoever. New players and computer users like to say "oh its ok to have a little biut, nothing wil harm you"/ Well, then you end up with lousy facebook and worthless Zuckerbergs.
So yea, massive and total opposition to all privacy intruders is needed. no mercy. Muster the True NWNers, and smash down the opposition. No mercy for weenies and losers. Actually, back in the golden years of nwn, lots of players hated mods who peeped or hacked, and all of us hated all forms of intrusion. I see no reason for that to change, unless you are a loser.
My self i don't know about the spelling mistakes Aaezil seeing as on the one hand "yes" my spelling is bad but on the other monster posts i was using OpenOffice and it didn't pick up on a single spelling mistake so anyways lets move on, and ya win10 blows just like win8 imho, ill wait my self for whatever comes next and its nice to know it runs on Linux seeing as that's more or less were i'm going of late.
Even win7 "that last i checked 50% of the world uses" gets on my nerves all the way around just like everything past winXP that Microsoft seems to make of late.
And if you like spelling and grammar mistakes try IRC lol , grammar and spelling in places like that are theatrical concepts only, typing speed is all that maters in places like that and or often in real time chat in online games.
Its sad that not that many video games online support only keyboard only chat anymore seeing as it all went VoIP or something, its how i got my keyboard speed and skills, just years and years of forums and IRC and online games that were keyboard only to chat with people, and i don't like VoIP in any case all the way around, just gets on my bad side.
As for me i'm only keyboard, what can i say ..... im going on 50 years old at my end and ya from the golden years and all that of video games all the way around, started when i was like 8 with the first games out their but of late i feel like i need to make some big changes iin my life "Midlife crisis land" and abandon computers and video games for the most part all the way around for at lest a year or so but in the year 2018 its kind of hard not to get pushed in to a place that sadly i have to use one because i'm just sick of video games and computers and hackers / botnets / virus / windows / video games whatever the Matrix is out to get you topic and all that noise all the way around of late with a big side order of privacy invasion.
And ya i know 95% of most RPG~MMO anything players don't like or want hardcore RPG+PVP anything topic, sadly its why this kind of game stile is so hard to find in any online RPG stile game of late or just go League of legends of Dota or something and done.
Just wanted to let everyone know that at lest one server is left on this topic out their that is like that for the nut-balls like my or others like me that is to say the 5% or less player base that just want DIABLO II stile power gaming + ruthless PVP/RPG persistent world server with bosses everywhere and all that with quests that are more often then not just dungeon crawls / tricks and traps power leveling with lots of senseless pvp violence all the time.
Were all that's left of what once was and my self in any case i'm more or less retired "and just passing by" but i felt on behalf of my old server and for the server owner and head admin i'd just speak/post about the last PVP server in its stile left in nwn on his behalf and the old server and to let everyone know if your a pvp freak that doesn't like RPG servers like i do we do have one server for you, in fact for years listed under action we were in the top 5 servers list player wise for the longest time, big server play wised was DEX or Dungeon eternal server "we have copys of the last version of it" but it died "lack of players"
Just like all the Arena server died just like everything PVP died in NWN server wise but us, bads server is all that is left, everyone moved on and that server bin 15+ years in the making, so i don't even know anymore whats up on that topic or how many devs worked on it over the years but its a big number.
Anyways mostly just passing By for some chat and what not just one last time or something on the nwn topic, sorry if i stepped on a few feet along the way
Guess im on my way, hope it all works out for NWN EE ........
We are an open and friendly group and all types of gameplay styles are well represented throughout this community. Given that Baldurs Gate was released 20 years ago the median age of your average forum goer is pretty high.
As long as you follow the forums rules and are not immediately hostile to people then you are more than welcome to survive your midlife crisis with us.