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Question/Request: Possibly of new base classes (non-custom) such as warlock added to NWN:EE

Though I realize it would be a long way down the road, I was wondering what the chances are of eventually seeing NWN2 classes such as the warlock added to NWN:EE? Though I've seen and voted for the "custom classes" Trello card, a custom class could vary depending on how it was implemented. The only feature that has ever drawn me back to NWN2 was the warlock class, and I've noticed it mentioned by others in the Steam forums as well.

Of course, a lot of ideas are being tossed around as far as classes, so perhaps that is just my own fixation. Nonetheless, it was one of the most unique classes, and though a custom class would handle that, it would really be great to see as a built-in class in NWN:EE. However, since I'm not familiar with the source code, I have no idea if that would be difficult as far as impacting existing compatibility.

Just thought I'd throw that out there out of intrepid curiosity. It appears many of the changes involve removing hard-coded attributes allowing more custom content, which is an excellent idea (and the route to go). Nonetheless, being a tried and true fan of the warlock class, I had to ask. Regardless, NWN:EE is an amazing game and I look forward to all the upcoming changes!


  • RoadieRoadie Member Posts: 6
    I think some degree of complication here would be that NWN is a weird variant of D&D 3.0 (for example, Parry was invented just for the game), while Warlock (and a bunch of other interesting classes) are from D&D 3.5.

    That's not to say that they couldn't do it, but it would make a straight adaptation more difficult.
  • SelpheaSelphea Member Posts: 23
    3.0E Haste with Eldritch Chain spam :O
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Can't provide a reply here, but can quote this part:

    "Let us know your thoughts on skills, feats, mechanics and prestige classes you want to see in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition."

  • TelariusTelarius Member Posts: 8
    Great to see developers so involved with the community! Being a software engineer myself (over 20 years), I can imagine what it is like going through the old code and it being a minefield of dependencies you don't want to break. Been there, done that, gave me quite a few headaches. Nonetheless, when it is something like NWN that you are proud of, it makes all the difference! Despite some of the negativity I have seen in the Steam forums, I was personally very pleased with the initial release of NWN:EE, and even more exited about its future!
  • TelariusTelarius Member Posts: 8
    @Selphea, yep! I see you are a fan of the warlock class too eh? I tinkered a bit with some of the other classes like spirit shaman in NWN2, but warlock held my interest the longest. In NWN:EE I usually stick with a sorcerer and sometimes multi-class with a fighter(2)/rogue(3). It is easier with a wizard since they get so many bonus feats and are int-based, but the whole "memorizing spells" just isn't my thing.

    I think I spend most of my time simply creating characters with a training module and trying them out as opposed to actually questing! There are definitely some great ideas out there on the Trello board to improve some of the classes & prestige classes. Without a doubt, I suspect in a year or so we'll see quite a few exciting changes/additions to many aspects of the game. It is nice to see how much more positive and productive discussions are in these forums.

    As many have said, it is an exciting time to be an NWN fan! Heck, just being able to load the game up and not have to tweak umpteen files to get everything working told me it was money well spent! The future of NWN:EE is bright and I am pleased to be a part of it!
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