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Saving Massy's sister Rellwyn bug

Gmanuk65Gmanuk65 Member Posts: 9
I am doing the above quest and up to the part of finding Wallace, I find him but when
I click on him there are no dialogue options. I checked a site and it stated to go to temple and speak to the Overgold Rellwyn and he investigates. No dialogue options came up for him to do this. Is this quest bugged?


  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Is Mazzy with you when talking to Wallace?
  • Gmanuk65Gmanuk65 Member Posts: 9
    Yes. It doesn't matter now. I dropped her for Rasaad so can't do quest no more
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    edited April 2018
    Definitely sounds like a bug then. If you are interested, you can pick Mazzy up again and use the console (assuming you aren't on mobile) to fix the quest. You could also upload you save file and someone can look at it there to figure out what went wrong.
  • Gmanuk65Gmanuk65 Member Posts: 9
    I've realized now that maybe there isn't a bug. For some reason the default character that asks NPCs changed from
    my character to another character in my group. I have been having similar problems with other quests such as the Bridge murders and Fallen Paladins. I tried Fallen Paladins again but by physically sending in my character and being he quest worked. I don't know if it will be the same for the other quests but I am guessing it will be
  • GreenlupinGreenlupin Member Posts: 4
    I'm havingthe same problem. how do i use the console to fix it?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @Greenlupin Mazzy should initiate the dialog with Wallace as soon as she sees him. Have you tried bringing Mazzy close to him? If that doesn't work could you upload your save file here so I can look at it?

    You can find a guide to uploading save files here.
  • GreenlupinGreenlupin Member Posts: 4
    yeah i've even made her try speaking to him but no luck.

    Thanks @Tresset
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited April 2019
    @Greenlupin This is very odd. Maybe I am a bit rusty, but I cannot figure out why Mazzy will not start the dialog on her own. All the conditions seem to be met. Anyway, I have found a workaround to this issue you can easily do yourself. All you have to do is force a party member to talk to Mazzy while she is in view of Wallace. You can do this by clicking on the "Talk" button and then clicking on Mazzy. You can also do this by pressing the "f1" key and then clicking on Mazzy. I quickly ran through the rest of the quest and it appears to complete properly after doing this. Enjoy the rest of your game and let me know if you need any further help!

    Sorry about the delay in looking at this, too. I was somewhat distracted yesterday...
  • GreenlupinGreenlupin Member Posts: 4
    @Tresset thank you, i'll try that out as soon as i can.
  • GreenlupinGreenlupin Member Posts: 4
    I just tested it and it worked, may Helm bestow his blessings on you.
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