Where is placeables.2DA?

Hey guys, got a small problem here.
Returning to PW development after a 15 year break (yikes!) I notice there are many new standard placeables in the game nowadays.
When I built my hakpaks back in the days, I included a modified placeables.2DA file where I simply added my own models at the end of Bioware's list.
So, of course, I don't have access to the new placeables since mine override them.
My question is twofold:
1° Where can I find the current placeables.2DA file so I can work from there?
2° If I add my own models list at the end of that current placeables.2DA list, all my old placeables in my modules will now have random appearences which I can fix easily by changing the blueprints appearance and update all areas, is that correct?
Returning to PW development after a 15 year break (yikes!) I notice there are many new standard placeables in the game nowadays.
When I built my hakpaks back in the days, I included a modified placeables.2DA file where I simply added my own models at the end of Bioware's list.
So, of course, I don't have access to the new placeables since mine override them.
My question is twofold:
1° Where can I find the current placeables.2DA file so I can work from there?
2° If I add my own models list at the end of that current placeables.2DA list, all my old placeables in my modules will now have random appearences which I can fix easily by changing the blueprints appearance and update all areas, is that correct?
As far as the 2das go, maybe these Vault links will help?
Bioware 1.69 -scripts & 2da files
NwN1 Standard Assets
NwN: Hordes of the Underdark 1.69 full 2da source
I'm still relatively new to this end of the custom content spectrum, but these might be good places to start, yes?
But, if you're planning on using other custom content in addition to your own stuff, I'd probably get that CC first, because they'll have an updated .2da already, and you can add your stuff to that .2da instead.
Lot's of custom content here:
Now going to figure out how to retrieve my custom shields, doesn't look as easy as placeables.