Placeables to cast spells

Is it possible to make a placeable, like a pedestal to cast a spell into a waypoint?
Tried using the UserDefinedEvent for this, and SignalEvent but couldn't get it to work.
It worked using a creature, but not with a normal placeable.
Code below:
void main()
object oSelf = OBJECT_SELF;
object oLoc = GetNearestObjectByTag("Spawn_loc");
location lLoc = GetLocation(oLoc);
int nSpell = SPELL_RAY_OF_FROST;
int nEvent = GetUserDefinedEventNumber();
ActionCastSpellAtLocation(nSpell, lLoc, TRUE, TRUE);
Put this into the OnUserDefined script for the pedestal.
SignalEvent command for case 14 is on a conversation with an altar.
Code below:
Is there a way to make this work?
I tried also tweaking with the AssignCommand but it didn't produce results either.
Thank you in advance.
Tried using the UserDefinedEvent for this, and SignalEvent but couldn't get it to work.
It worked using a creature, but not with a normal placeable.
Code below:
void main()
object oSelf = OBJECT_SELF;
object oLoc = GetNearestObjectByTag("Spawn_loc");
location lLoc = GetLocation(oLoc);
int nSpell = SPELL_RAY_OF_FROST;
int nEvent = GetUserDefinedEventNumber();
ActionCastSpellAtLocation(nSpell, lLoc, TRUE, TRUE);
Put this into the OnUserDefined script for the pedestal.
SignalEvent command for case 14 is on a conversation with an altar.
Code below:
Is there a way to make this work?
I tried also tweaking with the AssignCommand but it didn't produce results either.
Thank you in advance.
Am I missing something here, or cant placeables cast spells?
I can simulate a beam, etc by EffectVisualEffect and ApplyEffectToObject or location.
Created an user defined event for the visuals. No spells involved.
Thank you everybody for your answers and help.