Toolset hell - Creature properties crash

Ohh jeeze, I tried working with the toolset from Beamdog, and it seems to work fine on mods created with it, but I wanted to add some work to an old mod with CEP 2.65 and it crashed 80% of the time I tried to view Creature properties, So I decided to try it on a NON cep mod that was an old one, crashed about 50% of the time.. Had to hack the mod I wanted to work on and drop the version down to 1.69 so I could use my GOG version. works fine now in GOG's, but the Beamdog one is just Garbage to me. RANT over.
Edit, so it even does this with a clean fresh mod made with the NWN EE toolset. Just not as often.
Edit, so it even does this with a clean fresh mod made with the NWN EE toolset. Just not as often.
Post edited by flyinghtcher on
If it is similar to what I had going on, I didn't have any trouble playing the game with the 6850 even under Win10-64, just using the toolset.