Check this out at!

Hi folks,
Go check out for so much awesome content it'll knock your chainmail socks off.
I mean, look at this dinosaur! Jim Morrison reincarnated!
Okay, carry on.
Go check out for so much awesome content it'll knock your chainmail socks off.
I mean, look at this dinosaur! Jim Morrison reincarnated!
Okay, carry on.
Is this content already available at the Steam Workshop?
Here's a guide on how to use material that's exclusively available at the Vault.
In general, only a few established NWN authors have published on Steam, for various reasons - interest / awareness hasn't really taken off yet, and, for some, Steam has a bad reputation. One or two have even explicitly forbidden reproduction of their work there.
Personally, while recognizing that Steam isn't an unequivocal blessing, I figure that it would be good for the game to encourage more publication on the Workshop, so my modules are there.
Everyone can help to promote this here at the Beamdog forum, on Steam, and at the Vault. The message I'd like to come across is that NWN is a relatively civilised community, as we always have been (not a safe haven for pirates or trolls) and that Steam is an opportunity to get lots of subscribers / positive ratings.
My own take is to simply try to highlight that there is a LOT of stuff available for NWN. I want as many people as possible to be aware of and the trove of great stuff people have created for this game. Steam v. Vault or any other things, please set aside here, and let's just have a focus on highlighting the great content at the Vault.
The rest will fall out in time, I think.
So, HUZZAH for !!
It's more about helping authors & players feel comfortable with both sites.