The next installment is downloading . . .
I hope this doesn't annoy the head honchos, but as a little heads up folks - the next 500Mb are available to download now.
Without trying to jinx anything, the speeds seemed to be steady and reasonably fast too.
So what are you all waiting for? An official announcement? . . .
Sorry BeamDog.
Without trying to jinx anything, the speeds seemed to be steady and reasonably fast too.
So what are you all waiting for? An official announcement? . . .
Sorry BeamDog.

Maybe this is to provide solace to any devastated Calgary fans out there. Argos!, Argos!, Argos! (don't ask).
I really hope thats not the case as I could really have upset a lot of people prematurely!
EDIT: - not quite ninja'd, but damn my slow typing!
500 MB downloading... O_O
Seems I got to 1.8 gb, the speed fell down to 80.22kb/s, and its gone nowhere.
Edit: nevermind done.
How can you SLEEP at a time like this?! Heh, thanks for the heads-up, though, seriously.
Peaking at 700-800 kpbs as well.
Now, where was I, . .
. . . ZZZZzzzzzz . . .
But I'm all pre-loaded and ready for the 28th....