Do I Need to Get a New BD Client?

Just come from twitter where somebody at BeamDog advised somebody who had just bought EE, that if they were using the BD launcher and wanted to access the toolset they just needed to select "Launch Aurora". Seeing as such an option doesn't exist in the version of the BD launcher that I've got, do I need to somehow (I thought it was supposed to let you know there was a new one available) get a new version or were they getting ahead of reality?
How does the Aurora Toolset work in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition?
The Aurora Toolset works exactly as it did in the original Neverwinter Nights. You should be able to access the toolset from the Beamdog Client by clicking Options and choosing open game location. After, go to the bin/win32 directory and run toolset .exe.
I will investigate about that tweet.
You just resize the launcher and there are more options to the right. There will be arrows at the edge that you can use to drag the window to a larger size. (I didn't know until it did that until I saw the tweet and tried it.)
Edit: Here is a pic of the resized launcher.
Mind you, didn't affect me that much as I've made a shortcut to the toolset when I first got it back in November.