Adventure Island Anyone?

Does anyone have a copy of the old Adventure Island they wold be willing to make available? The original creator seems to be mia and the one that was up awhile ago has been taken down. Would love to get it up and running again along with an update to the crafting system.
I used to be one of the Adventure Island DMs and ran lots of events on the AA servers.
Yeah those servers were great fun. I ALMOST found a copy of AA posted online, but the link was dead unfortunately. But I searched a couple of years ago, so maybe it's been posted again since.
But unfortunately, I suspect it's unlikely.
A shame though, it was a great PW, if a little buggy. Particularly the quest management,.
If you find a copy and want to set up, ping me, I'd be happy to help out.
If I remember correctly, he was very protective of his work, setting strict limits on how and who ran a server of AA and the conditions of running it.
So I'd prefer to get his permission first, but if he's moved on/MIA, then I guess if he's made it a public download somewhere, it's probably ok ... I suppose.
You'll need the CEP1 to play it though, but you can get it from here:
I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to convert it to CEP 2.65, so any suggestions would be helpful.
I would like to try and get it up and running.
I have a couple of machines that should be powerful enough to host and a connection fast enough as well
Silverti - If you are still willing to share
PM me and I'll send you my e-mail to try and get this happening