Help needed to pick a class.

Lets start this by saying that i have completed BG and BG2 with each class at least once before and the only thing i need is your oppinion on the few classes that i want to play on EE (which one fits in the game best, and with what party composition).
First character that i need opinion on is Half-Elf Blade with clubs as weapons (they said they are adding more clubs so i want to test them at some point)
Second one is Half-Elf Skald with two handed swords in front row singing when low on hp.
And third and the last one im thinking of starting BG:EE first is Elf Assassin with Dagger of venom (mage killer).
So which one should i play and which one fits best in the game party composiotion wise.
I know my english sucks so bare with me
Lets start this by saying that i have completed BG and BG2 with each class at least once before and the only thing i need is your oppinion on the few classes that i want to play on EE (which one fits in the game best, and with what party composition).
First character that i need opinion on is Half-Elf Blade with clubs as weapons (they said they are adding more clubs so i want to test them at some point)
Second one is Half-Elf Skald with two handed swords in front row singing when low on hp.
And third and the last one im thinking of starting BG:EE first is Elf Assassin with Dagger of venom (mage killer).
So which one should i play and which one fits best in the game party composiotion wise.
I know my english sucks so bare with me

That's why you should go for an Assassin. There are plenty of thieves to handle the things you can't put points into due to your assassin disadvantage. Enjoy your backstabbing.
I'd say go Skald, but use Halberds/Pole Arms instead. Two handers are better in the hands of pallis or minc. The Lore is good for penny pinching and frees up your limited lvl one spell slots for more important spells. And a song that provides +2, +2, -2 to hit, damage, and ac at lvl one, that is one of best early party buffs you can get.
if you want to go backstabby, go fighter/thief (or kensai -> thief if feeling cheesy, you can get shield amulet really early on in BG), I've used that (to be precise, Montaron) with Dagger of Venom on my last playthrough, and it was... *extremely* amusing.
I hear what folks are saying about the BG:EE Assassin not really getting the awesome backstab multiplier at lower levels, and therefore not being quite as cool as in BG2. For a Skald I know that Bard Song is powerful. But personally I'd rather be engaged in combat (via melee or spellcasting) all the time versus singing. Myself, I think I'll save trying a Skald for the Black Pits.
Blades, on the other hand, are super powerful, probably even with clubs. You can't go wrong with one of those. Elf Assassin also sounds interesting, but I don't know about its actual power level.
I'd say go Skald if you want to be in the frontline as well as supporting, go Blade if you want a real badass. I'm not sure about the Assassin, although mage killers are always useful.
Just thought I'd add that since you are interested in melee builds.