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Levelup screen modding

WatchmakerWatchmaker Member Posts: 20
Hello. Is there a quick and easy way to add "abilities" button to levelup screen in IDEE after 2.5 patch? I installed no restrictions mod
and when I level up to the point of gaining HLAs levelup screen stuck. There is no abilities button to click...


  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    Here is a quick mod that will add the button, and optionally install the required files to enable HLAs in the first place, if you don't already have a mod that does that. In your case, it sounds like the no restrictions mod already enables HLAs, so you should skip this step when prompted.

    (I mostly gathered how to do this from @lefreut 's awesome Lefreut's enhanced UI for IWDEE, so a big thanks goes out to him!)
  • WatchmakerWatchmaker Member Posts: 20
    Thanks a lot. I already tried His GUI mod and it works but with some errors. I need to save after level up and restart the game. But I had a copy of game folder from before GUI install. You should add your mod to the Big World Setup EE. It is really helpfull.
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