World of Greyhawk, Mithral Edition

The World of Greyhawk Action Server, Mithral Edition is now live, out of beta-testing, and firing on all Enhanced Edition cylinders! We are proud to have made the Beamdog EE transition, and we would like to thank them for keeping the dream alive. Thank you, my lords and ladies of Beamdog, we are at your service. Now, on with the news!
Come back to where it all began, to the ancient genesis of our role-playing forefathers, to Oerth, and to the World of Greyhawk! The World of Greyhawk Action Server has been an on-going and evolving persistent world since 2005. It's hard to believe that we've been around for 13 years, and that we might be older than some of the people who play there. It is not a heavy role-playing environment, nor is it all hack-and-slash/Monty Haul-style campaign. The World of Greyhawk is rich in action, intrigue, mysteries, traps, puzzles and wonders, mixed in with humor and light role-play. The world is low to mid-magic, and many feats and spells have been customized to suit the setting.
For old school players, the World of Greyhawk hardly needs description. This was the birthplace and origin of many monsters, heroes, and locales that are now as common as household words-- Mordenkainen, Bigby, Tenser, Rary, Iuz the Old, Vecna, Tharizdun, and more. Players will find themselves in the hotbed of the central Flanaess, and will find such places as The Free City of Greyhawk, The Wild Coast, The Abbor Alz and Bright Desert, The Shield Lands, The Gnarley Forest, Village of Hommlet, The Horned Lands, White Plume Mountain, Against the Giants series, The Ghost Tower of Inverness, the notorious Temple of Elemental Evil, and the incomparable Queen of the Demonweb Pits adventure, and just recently the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh was added. There are many quests, some of which place the world itself in jeopardy.
All classes and races welcome. In addition to CEP 2.65, you'll need to grab the following haks located here:
WoG Vault Page
Server Name: World of Greyhawk
Genre: Action & Adventure
Levels: 1-40
Required Haks: CEP 2.65
Greyhawk Forum & Community:
We are continually trying to improve the server, and any and all suggestions are welcome. After 14+ years, we are still going strong and still adding updates. We are a small but vibrant community, and we welcome all. If you haven’t tried it, or if you have but it was a long time ago, we invite you!
But you better pack a lunch.
Your Faithful Dwarflord,
Come back to where it all began, to the ancient genesis of our role-playing forefathers, to Oerth, and to the World of Greyhawk! The World of Greyhawk Action Server has been an on-going and evolving persistent world since 2005. It's hard to believe that we've been around for 13 years, and that we might be older than some of the people who play there. It is not a heavy role-playing environment, nor is it all hack-and-slash/Monty Haul-style campaign. The World of Greyhawk is rich in action, intrigue, mysteries, traps, puzzles and wonders, mixed in with humor and light role-play. The world is low to mid-magic, and many feats and spells have been customized to suit the setting.
For old school players, the World of Greyhawk hardly needs description. This was the birthplace and origin of many monsters, heroes, and locales that are now as common as household words-- Mordenkainen, Bigby, Tenser, Rary, Iuz the Old, Vecna, Tharizdun, and more. Players will find themselves in the hotbed of the central Flanaess, and will find such places as The Free City of Greyhawk, The Wild Coast, The Abbor Alz and Bright Desert, The Shield Lands, The Gnarley Forest, Village of Hommlet, The Horned Lands, White Plume Mountain, Against the Giants series, The Ghost Tower of Inverness, the notorious Temple of Elemental Evil, and the incomparable Queen of the Demonweb Pits adventure, and just recently the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh was added. There are many quests, some of which place the world itself in jeopardy.
All classes and races welcome. In addition to CEP 2.65, you'll need to grab the following haks located here:
WoG Vault Page
Server Name: World of Greyhawk
Genre: Action & Adventure
Levels: 1-40
Required Haks: CEP 2.65
Greyhawk Forum & Community:
We are continually trying to improve the server, and any and all suggestions are welcome. After 14+ years, we are still going strong and still adding updates. We are a small but vibrant community, and we welcome all. If you haven’t tried it, or if you have but it was a long time ago, we invite you!
But you better pack a lunch.
Your Faithful Dwarflord,
Post edited by Grizzled_Dwarflord on
When I try to connect it says "Server and Client different versions" I am on NwN EE.
The other possibility is maybe you are on an earlier patch.
IP correct?
I was able to play via GoG's NWN version. I'm still unable to connect through NWN EE.
World of Greyhawk
I installed the Nvwsync to download, install Cep 2.65.(4 gb download install)
But still when go to multiplayer list, and try to connect to various PW's on list, some will connect(more then before I downloaded, installed Cep 2 65), and some will not.
World of Greyhawk is still one that I still cant connect to. It says that you require Cep 2.65. So I went and got Cep 2.65. When I try to connect, it says that I am missing a hak file.
Is it possible, and how do I get around this?
I have a LG K20 Android, Mobile Smart Phone.
Where, and how do I get, install, the right files to connect to your PW server?
Also can you make a Nvwsync download for your PW?
Some of the PW's, all you have to do is click to try to connect to the PW server, and it will start a Nvwsync download, install that is about 500 mb to 8 gb, that when done, can then connect to, play that PW.
Would be nice if could do that with your PW as well.
I think we mobile folks can play if you make the haks downloadable through EE, otherwise, we can't manually place them.
The World of Greyhawk is hosting a live DM event this Friday, June 14th, 12pm GMT (8am EST) to roll out the new and continuing adventure of The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, Danger at Dunwater, and The Final Enemy. All are welcome. For server requirements, please see here
Make sure to grab not only the listed haks, but grab those under "Required Projects."
The TLK file is not a hak but the required talk table, and you'll need to extract that into your tlk folder.
The music files will need to go into your "music" folder (also in your NWN Directory). Note the actual music hak still goes in your hak folder.
If you're still having issues, please post here and someone will step up and get you the help you need.
I'm sure there is more I've forgotten than what I am remembering. While roleplaying is always encouraged, it’s not a prerequisite, for much of World of Greyhawk is action-oriented and problem solving and players may play at their own speed, leisure and style. Greyhawk is a mid-magic world whose setting is the central Flanaess shortly after the Greyhawk Wars. There is much strife and tension in the world, and many kingdoms are either at war or weary from it. Others have closed their border altogether. And an evil shadow slowly creeps across the world...
To get your Greyhawk haks & tlk and start playing, visit WoG Vault Repository
Server Name: World of Greyhawk
Module Name: World of Greyhawk 2_65 Mithral
Genre: Action, Adventure, Light Roleplay
Levels: 1-40, Mid-Magic Level
WoG Discussions and Bug Reporting: WoG Forum
Cheers, everyone, and don't forget to pack a lunch!
Upon the banks of the Velverdyva
Outside the Hool Marshes
The Old Coast Road
Some Forlorn Mansion that squats upon the heath
True, any three of them could, but one is dedicated to only hosting a server, and I don't care to share bandwidth and hosting duties on the same machine. It would create more lag than I need for the PW. The other machine actually is a toaster (somewhere between 10-12 years old), and my 3rd -- the Toolset/DM Client -- is always on the go with me so it's quite possibly the worst candidate of the three in spite of it being the best machine. So... that's where I'm at. I'm basically out of machines and I'm not willing to buy a 4th anytime soon. But I am willing to entertain other ideas. Thank you, Master Draco.
Come one, come all. Whether ye be an old fan or a new player ... come get lost all over again.
World of Greyhawk Website
World of Greyhawk Hak Repository