Server Description Text Limit -- Can We Increase It?

Greetings, and May Your Axe Be Ever Sharp,
Is there a way to increase this size limitation? It pulls the description from the Module Description, and that has a very robust limit, but in the transition to the Beamdog Master Server, the description is a scant 6-8 lines. It takes me 6-8 lines just to get my cussing out of my system. I hereby formally request that this limitation be extended to a healthy 750 characters.
Is there a way to increase this size limitation? It pulls the description from the Module Description, and that has a very robust limit, but in the transition to the Beamdog Master Server, the description is a scant 6-8 lines. It takes me 6-8 lines just to get my cussing out of my system. I hereby formally request that this limitation be extended to a healthy 750 characters.
Post edited by Grizzled_Dwarflord on