Holy Avenger / Holy Sword -- Uncapping the Dispel

Greetings, and Moradin's Blessing to you all,
Prior to the 1.69 patch, the Dispel property for the Holy Avenger property scaled with the level of the Paladin, and thus made possible the Paper-Scissors-Rock engagement between Paladins and Casters down through the ages and epic levels. However, someone decided with 1.69 that this was too powerful, and they capped the Dispel property to a static Level 10, and so hamstrung the Paladin, and so he has remained for many years, just a pale shadow of his former self.
I suggest that it be uncapped and allowed to scale/progress at a level commensurate with the Paladin or, if not, then unhardcode that property (currently we can't even modify it like we could with other spells) so that DMs and PW Makers can decide what is best for them.
That's all. Just a little bit of Paladin stuff.
Thank you,
Prior to the 1.69 patch, the Dispel property for the Holy Avenger property scaled with the level of the Paladin, and thus made possible the Paper-Scissors-Rock engagement between Paladins and Casters down through the ages and epic levels. However, someone decided with 1.69 that this was too powerful, and they capped the Dispel property to a static Level 10, and so hamstrung the Paladin, and so he has remained for many years, just a pale shadow of his former self.
I suggest that it be uncapped and allowed to scale/progress at a level commensurate with the Paladin or, if not, then unhardcode that property (currently we can't even modify it like we could with other spells) so that DMs and PW Makers can decide what is best for them.
That's all. Just a little bit of Paladin stuff.
Thank you,
You could just mod it yourself.I fail at reading comprehension. Why the heck is it even hardcoded...
Edit: To be in line with OP's initial post.
To mimic the dispel portion, have it apply OnHit Dispel Magic, then edit Dispel Magic's script to account for paladin levels when fired from a weapon marked as an holy avenger. It roughly works the same as the original.
I also don't like this change made in 1.69 but I was wondering are we sure that the holy sword spell was also changed ? I am asking this because when I was looking for more info about the 1.69 changes I found a forums thread here with highlights about the patch. There is one comment about the Holy sword spell and an aswer and I'll just quote it - "Craig, just confirming that you and Brenon made the Holy Avenger property set at a static caster level, but left the Holy Sword Spell dynamic at the Paladin's caster level?
Yep. Someone already complained in the 1.69 beta patch sticky that we nerfed it." There is a link to the old official forums but they are long gone so I can't really see who said that and who are these guys but they seems to be part of the old dev team ? . So is it possible then that this is actually true about the spell ? Has anyone actually tested the spell ?
Hope that's useful.
Yes, this was changed about 10 years ago. I was in the community then and remember the change along with the announcement (there were hundreds at the time so it got lumped in with the rest). And it's been tested it. Ad nauseum. You're just a bit late to the party.
Yup I guess I am. But I just wanted to be sure because as you see everyone else in this thread does not know that either. Just to confirm you are saying that the Holy Sword spell and its dispell effect from Holy Avenger still DOES scale with paladins level while only the Holy Avenger property on weapons is capped at 10, right ?
There's no scaling for Dispel DC, there is scaling for caster level.