Test Module (F9) Char Selection - let us choose default test char!

One of my most-used Tooslet features is the "F9" - aka Build->Test Module commands. By default, this launches the mod with the first character from your vault by name alphabetically.
It would be an improvement if I could more intelligently select a test character, particularly for things like working on classes/feats/races/spells.
Ideal world: add a button to let me browse to select a default test char .bic; remember the selection in an .ini file and use that character until I choose another one.
It would be an improvement if I could more intelligently select a test character, particularly for things like working on classes/feats/races/spells.
Ideal world: add a button to let me browse to select a default test char .bic; remember the selection in an .ini file and use that character until I choose another one.
add to the end of you shortcut starter with a space.
+LoadNewModule "Module Name"
This will take you directly to the character selection screen. I use it all the time in my base testing.