Is there a complete documentation of new Modding Changes & Features?
This post is about quite what the title says. Having browsed the "New UI modding features" post, I became curious about learning if any of the major changes the 2.5 patch will implement will offer any new capabilities for the modder of the EE Infinity Engine games, whether they be new opcodes or general engine changes that will let us do things we could not before or make certain modding tasks simpler. In that regards, is there complete list of modder relevant changes? or has anyone who has been looking over the new new code noticed anything that would be relevant for the curious modder?
Post edited by Reddbane on
ROW 0 15 1
checks if Current HP = 15.
When they self-terminate, their resource field(spell) is applied to the creature.
Disables all spells (wizard/priest/innate) that lack BIT14 (Ignore dead/wild magic).
Hides these spells from their respective submenus (Cast Spell / Special Abilities).
Does not clear (or dim) them in Quick-cast slots, though they still cannot be cast.
Now used by Tenser's Transformation in place of "Disable Spellcasting: Innate(2)", disabling only "spells", while leaving non-magical innates usable. The spell still disables all wizard and priest spells with Parameter2=0/1 effects, in case any of them have BIT14.
Spell breaks Sanctuary on the user when cast. Does not by itself cause the spell to break invisibility(self) or charm(target). All spells must now have either this new flag or BIT10 set in order to break Sanctuary.
The "Hostile" flag (BIT10) is unchanged, it still breaks Sanctuary(self), Invisibility(self), and Charm(target).
Spells that deal damage without either flag will now only break Invisibility(self) and Charm(target), but not Sanctuary(self).
Parameter2 = 3
Applies an increment modifier to Saving throw that CAN effect the saving throws of effects proceeding it in the same spell/item.
Can be seen in "SPPR650" Spritual Lock, to impose a greater save penalty for spirits/Elementals.
Opcode 33 is currently broken in all but latest IWDEE release, affecting Save vs. Wands instead of Save vs. Death. Yet opcode 325 correctly applies the modifier to all saving throws, not Wands twice and Death none.
In contrast, Parameter2 = 0(Increment) is not able to alter saving throws for the spell/item applying it.