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Update 8176

Anyone else having diffuculties with 8176? Such as no chat window and not being able to select any race but human in the character creation menu?


  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    edited June 2018
    Are you using a custom racialtype.2da or custom tlk file for naming races? This was a rare bug I found and reported. If so you just need to update you racialtypes.2da with BD.
    It's in ovr/ in the development download. Only updated ones are racialtypes.2da and portrait.2da
    As for the chat window, thing I did not encounter this during testing. Also beamdog client develop branch has not been update to 8176 it still at 8175. Steam version has been updated.
  • raz651raz651 Member Posts: 175
    The live is updated to 8176 today.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    edited June 2018
    raz651 said:

    The live is updated to 8176 today.

    Yes for stable builds not for development branch. I keep both version on Development branch so I get ahead of the fixes/things added and test them out ahead of everyone. If I need to play, I just downgrade my steam version and play with others.
  • raz651raz651 Member Posts: 175
    Thing is the stable version number is bigger than the development version.

    A friend told me how to split the chat window. (never had to do that before so something must have defaulted the multiplayer to a single window.)
  • raz651raz651 Member Posts: 175
    Ok, figured out the race selection thing. I had a GUI mod in the override directory for a larger font that caused the problem.
  • EetheartEetheart Member Posts: 22
    edited June 2018
    Is there a way we can choose the default chat window(s) splitting in an .ini file, so that our choice will be remembered in both multiplayer and singleplayer?
  • gkorjaxgkorjax Member Posts: 4
    How DOES one split the chat windows? I'm used to seeing it as two separate windows, and now I'm wondering if one can choose the window sizes? Am I missing something in the .ini ?
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    Right click on the top border of the window, and in the raidal menu you'll have a "split" option.
  • SmokinbobSmokinbob Member Posts: 1
    Very disappointed in this most recent update. Beginning to regret my purchase. With these new races, game balance is right out the window. You guys mess with the chat window to the point that I have to reconfigure it each and every time I login. If it isn't broke don't fix it. If the whole EE thing was about changing the into something else than what it was, I congratulate you on taking my money and destroying something that was great. Death by a thousand cuts.
  • jpersinnejpersinne Member Posts: 23
    To be fair, he kind of has a point. It's a bit muddled in questionable tone and some patent nonsense, but he has a point.

    True, the gripe about races lacks legs. No new races have been added to the game. Developers now have the ability to add new races via .2da; however, that's restricted exclusively to custom content. It's a nice new feature. I won't ever use it. But it's nice.

    But here's the rub.

    For developers, the new patch has taken great strides toward helping EE to catch up to 1.69 -- but it offers nothing new to players. For players, it's arguably a direct downgrade.

    After less than an hour on this patch, I'd discovered:

    - Chatbar settings now save, but aren't loaded. Rendering this feature pointless. Settings also no longer default based on singleplayer/multiplayer gameplay, making this a direct downgrade.
    - All doors now have transition VFX--even if the door has no transition attached. I assume this is a bug. It looks odd and it's confusing.
    - Sounds now sometimes play from the client even when volume is muted. Obviously unintended.

    As a developer, I appreciate the new toys, but I do hope the next patch offers more to players and is released in a more polished state. Players are the lifeline of any community, afterall.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    It's not even that races weren't a thing before. The only change the update makes is that race selection is exposed directly in the character creation menu rather than based on hints provided either by subrace entry or in game dialog menus. It changes it from a work around of grafting on racial bonuses or making character file edits with something that works seamlessly. There are still issues with it as in issues with how much it can display and an open question mark on how it behaves with race based effects. That is in NWN2 all races were in a subrace 2da that referred back to the base race which allowed effects to resolve for a shared base race, while NWN wasn't built with this in mind and so might need extra columns.

    As always it's a mixed bag, optional things, not quite full featured, but generally steps in moving the game forward.

    As for sounds playing while muted I've had that happen before randomly on the last stable patch. I'm just going to expect a lot of bugs and instabilities until a much later date.
  • dTddTd Member Posts: 182
    edited June 2018
    Well, if you are using cep 2.65? , then yes you get some very overpowered race selections. I had to manually edit the 2da and place it in another hak just to disable them. Perhaps allowing custom races should be a switch you can select?

    As above, I also feel the door transition VFX is a bug, I really really really want to disable it. I have a lot of areas where I use walls crossing with gates like say a walled in town, all of these gates are very difficult to traverse without either rotating the view 180 degrees or using WASD movement which I only use in FPS games :)
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    Lol, Beamdog reminds me of me. In order to make things better, I have to make things worse.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Custom races are a switch by the 2da column named PlayerRace, where you can set it to 1 for a player race and 0 for non player races. Custom content is responsible for itself, if it has features enabled such as feats, base items, races, and classes, then it is their responsibility. If a hak like CEP uses a custom racialtypes.2da that has undesired races set to 1 then you should request them to set it to 0 in their next version.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    They slowed down the "stable" patch schedule because it puts too much strain on persistent worlds to update every week. The release patch is just the accumulation of all the weekly patches. I agree that it kind of defeats the point if ppl still experience so many bugs.
  • raz651raz651 Member Posts: 175
    I think they released the 0876 patch so they could release the "Darkness Over Daggerfall" premium Mod to coincide with "The Stream of Many Eyes" event.

  • dTddTd Member Posts: 182
    edited June 2018
    Well, fiddling with SetObJectVisualTransform on my pw I find that most times size increase/decrease on creatures will not show up unless you leave and get outside the render distance and return to it, if I'm close enough to see them spawn (doesn't happen unless testing) the transform isn't showing up. Also an unintended side effect, cep (not sure who actually made them sorry) kuo toa creatures are various sizes now where as they were all the same size before this latest patch.

    As far as testing, I work on my PW every day, and would have loved to add/test a lot of these new features. That being said it's entirely reliant on nwnx-lite and there hasn't been support for the betas or I'd have found and reported all of these issues like the other bugs I've reported. It's no ones fault, people are busy and I would never put pressure on anyone to release something that wasn't ready but I think the main people who would find the bugs are PW devs and without nwnx they just aren't going spend time on something they can't use.
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    For whatever reason, this latest patch is less stable and more buggy than the previous version. I'm receiving player reports from all over, and I myself have encountered a throng of issues, and I suppose I'll submit them on Redmine, but that could take a while given the sheer number:
    • The toolset is way buggier -- i now get compile errors on scripts that I never had issues with before, and it tends to crash when before it didn't.
    • Running the "Build Encounters" function in the Toolset, I now receive Access Violation errors when before I didn't
    • Door VFXs are now extremely cumbersome and not an intuitive design scheme. One cannot click beyond the door unless one rotates one's camera to about a 180* pitch
    • SFX -- voices other than the PC's are being heard in random (or not random) situations
    • Was their a change to the HotU scripts? Heartbeat scripts used to spawn undead from corpes or placeables, and I've had that working since 2006.
    • DM Client -- Transitions no longer visible
    • DM Client -- UI is useless. I can only see the first 3 players on the side list. I have to manually change my Video settings from 1920x1080 with a UI Scale of 2 down to 1368x768 with a scale of 1 in order to see everyone.
    • Split Window chat screens should stay split by default, and the user's change should stay saved.
    • Pathfinding for players took a step back -- I need more anecdotal evidence here, but one can always tell
  • Knight_ShieldKnight_Shield Member Posts: 55
  • pscythepscythe Member Posts: 116
    Compilation errors could well be avoided if different quotes was used for the new string types. Back quotes ` or even double double-quotes "" could have been used while leaving the " single double-quote strings as it is for compatibility.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I did notice that there is still some flickering with the loading screens so something probably went wrong with the patch.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited June 2018
    Hello everyone!

    Thanks a lot for your feedback. The team are currently working on a dev build to address all the hot issues, with regressions being the most important bugs to fix.

    We'd appreciate a lot if you could report all the problems mentioned in this thread on our bug tracker ( - just search for existing reports first.

    @FreshLemonBun I think the flickering is still not on the public tracker. Can you please file it?

  • grom56grom56 Member Posts: 113

    ShadowM said:

    Improved models that are on steam and will come to the core game.

    Forgive me if this Quote is a mess... I've never gotten a solid handle on how to do it.

    But I noticed this from ShadowM and it bothered me... I don't use Steam, and I'm a tad saddened that the good stuff is going to folks that bought the game from Steam and not those of us who spent our dollars with the good folks who are build this game for us. Maybe my skin is too thin, but I'm just not happy that Steam is getting all the fancy looking stuff, and I have a deal with a herky jerky game.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited June 2018
    @grom56 The game is being sold on and Steam. And when you buy from Beamdog, you still get a Steam key. So all customers have access to "all the fancy looking stuff".

    As stated during livestreams, the plan is to slowly roll out visual updates, and when the team is happy with the state of all those models and stuff, to include them into the base game.
  • grom56grom56 Member Posts: 113
    edited June 2018
    So are you saying that all those keys I got can be used even though I bought the game via Beamdog? This is something I didn't understand. I thought that those keys were if I bought Steams version of the game. Thank you for clearing this matter up for me. Now I just have to see if I can figure out how to use the keys and add some of the "goodies" into my own game.

    Again thank you @JuliusBorisov
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Yes, you totally can use the Steam keys you can find on your account on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Finally, folks! Thanks for your patience and hopefully that'll fix a few issues!
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