Feature Rich Server - Argentum Regio NOW on NWN:EE

I run a long established Neverwinter Nights server, which features 1337+ areas your PC can visit, including more than 100 areas that are 'blank zones' that DMs dress-up to simulate locations not otherwise built-into our nwn game server.
We enhanced the ROLE PLAYING aspects of this game by creating our IMMERSION TOOLS - a two part toolset that enables PLAYERS to record a backstory for their PC, and both the DMs and the game itself reads from this backstory to enhance game play. Our DMs 'get to know' PCs quickly, and you may find a PC involved in adventures to rescue kidnapped siblings, or visited by a grandfather's ghost (and yes, your PC looks a lot like they do).
We have added over 100 spells from D&D to our NWN server, spells including Wish, Wall of Ice (melts too), Blink and more! We have enabled additional modes of movement including FLY, SWIM, CLIMB (both with and without ropes), SWING (from ropes and vines), JUMP and SQUEEZE-THROUGH-TIGHT-SPACES. We feature crafting and resource gathering, poison use, tracking, scavenging, grifting, extorion, window-use, theft of placeable objects, player owned housing and much more.
PLAYERS are free to play solo (a great way to get to know the game controls, your PCs capabilities and even explore the world some), but the game really is meant to be a sandbox for DM and PARTY. The sandbox features an excellent 'jumping off' location; the city of Dohral where all starting PCs find their ship diverted to in dire need, driven by storms and damage to the craft requiring repair. Why have the gods brought you here? Perhaps the coming days will reveal that, for now, a strange city and stranger lands beyond it lay before your PC.
We have several DMs active presently, in time zones from eastern Europe to several USA time zones. You are welcome to join us anytime.
If you would like to play our module/server using NWN:Enhanced Edition (EE) you need that game (from beamdog.com) and can use the following information to connect to our server (currently running v1.74):
If you would like to read more about the NWN game server we built, see these links.
(*this web site has been acting up lately, if offline, see...
^ archive of our website
If you'd be interested in visiting, I'd be happy to guide you on a tour of our tutorial area (dubbed "Noob U.") where you can get some free gear, up to four free levels (optional), and examine the game controls without imperiling your PC (death is nerfed in Noob U.).
Free smokebombs for you if I see you on the server.
Be well. Game on!
We enhanced the ROLE PLAYING aspects of this game by creating our IMMERSION TOOLS - a two part toolset that enables PLAYERS to record a backstory for their PC, and both the DMs and the game itself reads from this backstory to enhance game play. Our DMs 'get to know' PCs quickly, and you may find a PC involved in adventures to rescue kidnapped siblings, or visited by a grandfather's ghost (and yes, your PC looks a lot like they do).
We have added over 100 spells from D&D to our NWN server, spells including Wish, Wall of Ice (melts too), Blink and more! We have enabled additional modes of movement including FLY, SWIM, CLIMB (both with and without ropes), SWING (from ropes and vines), JUMP and SQUEEZE-THROUGH-TIGHT-SPACES. We feature crafting and resource gathering, poison use, tracking, scavenging, grifting, extorion, window-use, theft of placeable objects, player owned housing and much more.
PLAYERS are free to play solo (a great way to get to know the game controls, your PCs capabilities and even explore the world some), but the game really is meant to be a sandbox for DM and PARTY. The sandbox features an excellent 'jumping off' location; the city of Dohral where all starting PCs find their ship diverted to in dire need, driven by storms and damage to the craft requiring repair. Why have the gods brought you here? Perhaps the coming days will reveal that, for now, a strange city and stranger lands beyond it lay before your PC.
We have several DMs active presently, in time zones from eastern Europe to several USA time zones. You are welcome to join us anytime.
If you would like to play our module/server using NWN:Enhanced Edition (EE) you need that game (from beamdog.com) and can use the following information to connect to our server (currently running v1.74):
If you would like to read more about the NWN game server we built, see these links.
(*this web site has been acting up lately, if offline, see...
^ archive of our website
If you'd be interested in visiting, I'd be happy to guide you on a tour of our tutorial area (dubbed "Noob U.") where you can get some free gear, up to four free levels (optional), and examine the game controls without imperiling your PC (death is nerfed in Noob U.).
Free smokebombs for you if I see you on the server.

Be well. Game on!
New movement breakout tools added (shortcuts for jump, fly, swim, climb, squeeze-thru, etc.).
This VAST module offers Player Owned Housing (POH) you can customize, GUILDS and more. The server is being operated sans-old-servervault for at least a month to help better test all the systems 'from the ground up' - come join the server it is a level playing field!
You can join us anytime!
RP-enhanced server with a feature list unmatched anywhere - Argentum Regio empowers the player! PCs can walk and run (of course, standard in NWN, but) also, they can climb, swim, swing on vines, jump, squeeze-through-tight-spaces, and even FLY! PCs can climb trees, hide inside containers, use windows, make smokebombs, craft magic items, brew potions, own/lease virtual real-estate and decorate/fortify same. We have added over 100 spells from D&D to our NWN server, spells including Wish, Wall of Ice (melts too), Blink, Rope Trick, Live Oak, and more!
Working systems include cursed transformations such as lycanthropy, vampirism, and the dreaded Yuan-ti! There is food and drink, but best of all, your PC can poison the food and drink! Animal forms are imbued with apropriate powers such as feline forms enhanced jumping and climbing, ursine and canine forms ability to dig sans tools (other PCs can use shovels), scent tracking which varies from form to form is feature and it even allows you to track a specific creature. There is scrying, peeking through windows, and listening at doors and windows. Our DMs can invoke a 'dreamstate' on resting PCs to play out secret dream events with the PC unknown to the other party members, DMs can also make custom magic items while logged into the server.
PCs can explore the depths of a troll infested cave, goblin warrens, vampire hide-a-ways, and much more.The server offers 1337+ areas to explore and your PC gains XP for each new area visited! PCs also get XP for RP (tallied during play and awarded on next visit), as well as for performing other 'in-character' actions, all in addition to the traditional combat awards of xp. We offer a wilderness big enough a nature freak could vanish into it, and a city large enough a rogue could do likewise in an urban setting. We offer underground and planar locations as well as over 100 generic locations our DMs can dress up to be 'anywhere not otherwise depicted in the module'. There is a maze, filled with monsters, traps and secrets, that has a footprint nearly a kilometer on a side and more than six levels deep!
We enhanced the ROLE PLAYING aspects of this game by creating our IMMERSION TOOLS - a two part toolset that enables PLAYERS to record a backstory for their PC, and both the DMs and the game itself reads from this backstory to enhance game play. Our DMs 'get to know' PCs quickly, and you may find a PC involved in adventures to rescue kidnapped siblings, or visited by a grandfather's ghost (and yes, your PC looks a lot like they do). Details count here, spending time - your PC with other PCs causes them to 'get to know one another' and this can help expose a doppelganger or other creature attempting to disguise themselves as a PC known to the others.
PLAYERS are free to play solo (a great way to get to know the game controls, your PCs capabilities and even explore the world some), but the game really is meant to be a sandbox for DM and PARTY. The sandbox features an excellent 'jumping off' location; the city of Dohral. PCs entering the module find themselves on a long ship voyage, near floundering in a terrible storm. Driven by storms and damage to the craft requiring repair the captain finds harbor at the city of Dohral. Why have the gods brought the PC here? Perhaps the coming days will reveal that, for now, a strange city and stranger lands beyond it lay before your PC.
We have several DMs active presently, in time zones from eastern Europe to several USA time zones. You are welcome to join us anytime. NOTE we are recruiting more DMs too, if you are interested in DMing here, please ask.
If you would like to read more about the NWN game server we built, see these links.
If you'd be interested in visiting, I'd be happy to guide you on a tour of our tutorial area (dubbed "Noob U.") where you can get some free gear, up to four free levels (optional), and examine the game controls without imperiling your PC (death is nerfed in Noob U.).
Free smokebombs for you if I see you on the server.
Be well. Game on!
The server is running 24x7 and offers many features found nowhere else. Come explore our extensive crafting system, learn new Arcane and Divine spells, discover a game world with 1337+ areas to explore.
Our DMs and players are waiting to meet you!
So please, if anyone actually read this far, give it a chance. I know that this server doesn't fit everyone's tastes, but the way your PCs are made part of the world through their actions, I simply have not experienced anything the like anywhere else.
Well, I guess I shouldn't fanboy too much. But do give us a chance!
Immersion-enhancing systems and tools.
Race, Class and other customization that both make sense and offer excellent utility; wings that work, Stonecunning, Wilderness Sense and so much more.
Crafting deluxe, magical research (100+ spells added), 1337+ areas to explore, XP for kills, XP for RP, XP for exploring, and a world where your backstory matters.
Come explore and see for yourself why our players will tell you 'this is the place'.
ANNOUNCING : Argentum Regio - a RP-enhanced server is holding a Sunday Afternoon Social. This is a 'get to know us' event where you can meet a few of our 'regular irregulars', take a tour of the tutorial areas, and even ask questions of the builders and DMs too.
Event starts Sunday, January 20, 2019, at 4pm (UTC-5 aka eastern time zone) and runs at least until 10pm, maybe later if we're all having fun and not run out of coffee.
Come join us - for free smokebombs and all the rest! Argentum Regio is a NWN:EE server found at IP, it requires CEP 2.1 or better (most folks already have this but if you don't, you can find the CEP here https://neverwintervault.org/cep ). For more information about Argentum Regio and our many RP-enhancements see
Forum at http://aldohral.forumotion.com
WIKI at https://argentumregio.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page?&cb=8705
I hope to see you there!
Be well. Game ON!