There was insufficent disc space to perform this operation (Playing a Module)

I receive this message any time I try playing a module. It was an older, 1.69 module which I pasted into the EE modules directory, opened with the toolset, built the module, successfully. Then, after building and saving I try to play it. I can test it from the toolset or try running it from the game, either way I get the error as posted in the topic title. The HDD has over 60 Gigs of free space, so clearly that isn't the issue.
If so, it would be awesome if you could file a bug to our redmine with (if you're amiable to it) a copy of your mod, so we can try to reproduce this in-house for debugging.
Update: Fixed:
I loaded up the beamdog client and ran an update(The fiest and only update I have ever run iirc). That fixed the insufficent disc space error and I could open and play the module which has my custom haks. However, this problem had started at the same time that another issue was created: my inability to use nwnee server to host other mods which I had previously hosted many times. It just sat there idle, unable or unwilling to load/host the module. Running the update did not remedy that situation.
I got a little curious and tried to use the ee server to host Chapter 1E, which it did flawlessly. Then I tested a bit further and found that I could host 2 version of my hak packed module, only one of which I had performed the module-build with EE. However, the older, non hak-pack module I had been hosting for weeks remains broken.
In summary, once I pasted hak packs and another module into my nwn EE directories, it broke nwnserver's ability to host all other modules I had previously been able to host. Running the update did not help this situation.
As for filing a bug to redmine. I have and have tried to file 2 of those before: nwsserver-crash and a nwmain-crash. But, when I have tried to submit them to, it redirects me to, where I see nothing about filing bugs. My nwn beamdog account also doesn't work for this page, and I'm unsure even if I did create an account, if I could then find a link to submit them.
If making an account would enable me to submit those errors I am willing to do so. Let me know.
FYI the error text from the .log files. There are .dmp's with each of them.
Filename: nwserver-crash-1528081281.log
=== Props
target = nwserver
time = 1528081281
exception = c0000005
g_sBuildNumber = 8166
g_sVersionNumber = 1, 0, 0, 0
&GenericCrashHandler = 015E3650
=== Backtrace
=== Minidump
Minidump file has been written to C:\Users\Rodney\Documents\Neverwinter Nights/nwserver-crash-1528081281.dmp.
=== End
Filename: nwmain-crash-1526844693.log
=== Props
target = nwmain
time = 1526844693
exception = c0000005
g_sBuildNumber = 8166
g_sVersionNumber = 1, 0, 0, 0
&GenericCrashHandler = 0164D2E0
=== Backtrace
=== Minidump
Minidump file has been written to C:\Users\Rodney\Documents\Neverwinter Nights/nwmain-crash-1526844693.dmp.
=== End