Help Removing CEP 265 Wemic and Brownie Races

Hey there,
*yes, I seen the recent topic about this but I could not get the suggestions to work*
I'm having trouble removing the Wemic and Brownie races from character selection in my PW module.
I have tried:
- Editing the cep_top_2_65.hak racialdata to set "Player Race" from 1 to 0 on both Wemic and Brownie rows
- Editing the cep_top_2_65.hak racialdata by completely removing the Wemic and Brownie rows
- Creating my own clone of cep_top_2_65.hak as both above cases and loading that in place of the CEP version in my module's custom content page
All of which have resulted in either the race still being available, or getting the error "Missing required HAK file" when trying to join the server.
This is literally my first ever attempt to modify 2da content and would appreciate any wisdom.
*yes, I seen the recent topic about this but I could not get the suggestions to work*
I'm having trouble removing the Wemic and Brownie races from character selection in my PW module.
I have tried:
- Editing the cep_top_2_65.hak racialdata to set "Player Race" from 1 to 0 on both Wemic and Brownie rows
- Editing the cep_top_2_65.hak racialdata by completely removing the Wemic and Brownie rows
- Creating my own clone of cep_top_2_65.hak as both above cases and loading that in place of the CEP version in my module's custom content page
All of which have resulted in either the race still being available, or getting the error "Missing required HAK file" when trying to join the server.
This is literally my first ever attempt to modify 2da content and would appreciate any wisdom.
Upon doing so, every time I tried to join the server it would tell me I was missing a hak file -- though I am 100% certain I had the file in my hak folder. I even tried putting it in the override folder, and even under the hk/override folders in the actual steam directory for NWN:EE
Just now I tried extracting the racialtypes.2ds from cep_top_2_65.hak, editing the wemic and brownie rows to have 0 for playerrace column. Saved and imported into my own fresh, empty hak. Added that hak file directly aboce cep_top_2_65 in the custom content page for my module.
I was able to successfully join the server this time, but the wemic and brownie races are still selectable. I'm at a bit of a loss.
Did I do something wrong?
My suggestion? CEP should change their racial2da defaults, or Beamdog should find a way to mitigate the faucet to a drip instead of a torrent.
You don't want to make your players download another hak, then force boot them OnEnter of your PW if they picked either of these two newly unlocked races.
As for getting this done, I'd much rather not edit the CEP top hak file but rather create my own hak above it that omits the wemic/brownie races. I wasn't able to get that to work.
By this I mean keeping all CEP files as they are, but inserting my own hak with a racialdata.2da above them that has wemic and brownie races set to 0 on playerrace columns.
Is it possible?
I am truly saddened by this turn of events by Beamdog. I have been an advocate for many months. This last update has been one downgrade after another. I now have to consider actually going back to 1.69.
Also, making your players download a module specific hak isn't exactly anything new. Plenty of modules and servers that I've seen require players to download a module specific hak, which you'd either have to download off of the Steam Workshop (where I see the most of these) or the NeverwinterVault. Considering the custom hak will only contain one file, it won't be a big download either. If they have to download the CEP, then one extra hak shouldn't be too much to ask for.
If you use the racialtype.2da solution and turn on ELC characters with custom race won't be allowed to enter.
If you use the hak then your module will require this hak for players.
And again, without ELC you cannot prevent players joining your server with these races. They will be able to do it no matter what. So if you don't use ELC for any reason (which is under NWN:EE extra dangerous because of the lack of nwnx security plugins) then you must check for these races in OnClientEnter module script and kick/boot such characters from your server.