Anyone using Single-Weapon Proficiency?

I've never created a character with Single WeaponStyle. I just don't get it, why should I fight with single weapon and nothing in off-hand? We all know drawbacks of single weapon fighting.We miss an extra attack with off-hand weapon (even two with Belm and Kundane) and theese bonuses provided by weapons held in off-hand. We miss raw power compared to Two Handers, as they tend to be more powerful (1D12 dmg, 25% chance to instant kill, or 50%MR) than one hand weapons. We miss extra protection from shields as they can provide+5AC and some useful bonuses and resistances. What we can get? Up to +2AC and +5% critical chance. Is there some character build I could use without sacrificing so much potential? [Low level Monk?] If anyone is convinced to using Single-Weapon Style please encourage me to start using it.
2 points in single weapon style will also bring an 18 dex Kensai down to 2 AC. In BG1 2 weapon fighting is weak, a lot of BG2 kits like the ones I mentioned here will benefit greatly from single weapon style instead.
They can't use a shield anyway, and the other available option would be dual-wielding, but then you'd have to get inside their inventory everytime you want to switch them to ranged. For a mage, it's much safer to have a ranged weapon equiped when they're in the back casting spells than to accidentaly have them rush into melee.
Finally, when I everyone joins in to finish off minor monsters in melee, as I don't want to waste spells on goblins or whatever (and for most of my mages it's quite safe as they're well-protected most of the time), I have them use their single-wielded weapons to help finishing them off quick.
Besides, a 19 or 20 is a critical with single weapon style, so it gives them twice at much chance to do reasonable damage. And to those who say 'a mage should always be casting spells' I say 'there's only an x number of spells to be memorized a day and sometimes it's better to save your spells for more useful situations. Often a buff or party control spell is all my mages need do to be useful and there's not many useful spells for the particular occasion, I'd rather have them adding to the melee damage than idling or wasting spells that will be more useful in other situations.
Dual-wielding essentially means you gain +1 attack and get an extra slot for equipment bonuses, as well as costing at least two pips to eliminate penalties with your primary hand, which is a big investment for most classes.
Thinking short bow / short sword / singel weapon style for the first EE, but that is yet to be decided 100% :-)
Also, if said cookout is crashed by an angry flumph, the Bhaalspawn need only flip it upside-down with a critical hit from his trusty one-handed spatula.
But having points in Two Weapon fighting allow the Bhaalspawn to dual wield Tongs AND Spatula.
Your argument is invalid. =D
Doubling chance for a critical hit sounds really good until you realize that it goes from 5%-10%, heh.
Although, you also don't have to tote around a heavy (10-15 pounds?) offhand. So there is that.
As for the mages I never let them going for melee (unless it is F/M) so if mage isn't shooting spells he use his ranged weapon (sling, throwing fire dagger or bow in case of Imoen)
though generally two weapon style still wins big time, it's hard to beat an extra attack.
Talking about Imoen: I mostly dual here, but give her the first pip in single-weapon style already when she's still a thief. Usually for me it's: * in short sword * in bow, first extra pip in single weapon and then darts when she duals to mage. *edit: talking Tutu here.