@Dinsdalepiranha you can get large shield +2, and a large shield +4 (I think) vs missles near the end of the game. Durlag's tower I think? Or in catacombs? Something like that...
The Large Shield +1, +4 vs. Missiles is a reward I think for rescuing the boy's body from the Temple of Umberlee. And I think there is a +2 large shield somewhere but I couldn't really recall.
@CaptRory: actually, you are correct, checked here (http://mikesrpgcenter.com/bgate/armor.html), there indeed is a Large Shield +2... it's at the bottom of Durlag's Tower though, so you can't get it for quite a long time.
@elminster & for the lovers of bucklers: there's more bucklers for your choosing (up to +2) with the 'additional items for thieves and bards' tweak from Rogue Rebalancing.
Thanks but I've never really been big on gameplay mod use. I may try SCS in the future, but thats about as far as I'll go I think. I'm a vanilla kind of person. If that makes any sense.
Single weapon style is good for Thieves and Assassins, it doubles the critical chance for backstabs and thives can only use bucklers, which don't give priercing or missile defence, and there is (currently, might change in BGEE/BG2EE) only one magic buckler in BG1 and none in BG2, so the AC bonus can help.
Actually, there is at least one +1 buckler in BG2.
Actually, there is at least one +1 buckler in BG2.
Yeah there are a couple of +1 Bucklers. That's it.
Pretty much a complete load. Hey Overhaul please add a magical buckler come BGII:EE time okay? Even just throwing Kiel's Buckler somewhere would make me very happy.
Actually, there is at least one +1 buckler in BG2.
Yeah there are a couple of +1 Bucklers. That's it.
Pretty much a complete load. Hey Overhaul please add a magical buckler come BGII:EE time okay? Even just throwing Kiel's Buckler somewhere would make me very happy.
+ more small shields too. There aren't many of those. The shield of harmony is nice (there is also a +2 small shield) but otherwise I can't think of there being any reason for you to not go with something stronger. I know druids, thieves, and bards can't use small shields. So as far as I know every class that can use something more than a buckler can also use medium and large shields (though for some reason in my mind I'm thinking fighter/druid multiclass characters are restricted to small shields).
Single weapon style is good for Thieves and Assassins, it doubles the critical chance for backstabs and thives can only use bucklers, which don't give priercing or missile defence, and there is (currently, might change in BGEE/BG2EE) only one magic buckler in BG1 and none in BG2, so the AC bonus can help. I even sometimes take it for fighter/thieves, but mainly use it just for backstabs, reverting to sword and shield (not the sword and shield style, though) or dual-wielding for straight-up melee.
I read online that there is one buckler +1 in Maevar's guild. Different online places (gamebanshee and sorcerers.net) are suggesting that this is the case, though I can't say I can recall this myself.
I can confirm this from personal experience. It's in the room with all the doors that are leaning against the wall, apparently there for the thieves to practice lockpicking.
@elminster & for the lovers of bucklers: there's more bucklers for your choosing (up to +2) with the 'additional items for thieves and bards' tweak from Rogue Rebalancing.
Thanks but I've never really been big on gameplay mod use. I may try SCS in the future, but thats about as far as I'll go I think. I'm a vanilla kind of person. If that makes any sense.
@elminster & for the lovers of bucklers: there's more bucklers for your choosing (up to +2) with the 'additional items for thieves and bards' tweak from Rogue Rebalancing.
Thanks but I've never really been big on gameplay mod use. I may try SCS in the future, but thats about as far as I'll go I think. I'm a vanilla kind of person. If that makes any sense.
But but...Bards suck without RR D<</p>
Now that we know jesters get the -4 for enemies trying to save to their song I'd hardly say bards suck.
For those saying it's hard to beat an extra attack: Not really. I find attacks per round don't really matter all that much considering how quickly most enemies are dispatched.
I personally love single weapon style. It's essentially a small shield +1 for free, AND you have a 10% rather than 5% chance to critically hit. I prefer it on anyone who does backstab damage (extra attacks per round don't matter when after you backstab a guy, you run away to re-enter stealth to try to backstab again), and as an early help to guys who struggle with defense (kensai, shapeshifter druid). I love it on Kensai, actually. That extra crit chance syncs up pretty grisly with Kai. Katanas hit just as hard as two-handed swords so it's not like I'm sacrificing damage over using a two-handed blade.
Thanks but I've never really been big on gameplay mod use. I may try SCS in the future, but thats about as far as I'll go I think. I'm a vanilla kind of person. If that makes any sense.
BG:EE is the new vanilla.
(I swear I posted this earlier, but I see it not!)
For those saying it's hard to beat an extra attack: Not really. I find attacks per round don't really matter all that much considering how quickly most enemies are dispatched.
Whilst I can see your point, in BG2 dual-wielding also means you can get the extra magic bonuses (additional attacks with the main hand, additional spells, reduced AC, increased strength, regeneration) from wielding two magic weapons...
I personally love single weapon style. It's essentially a small shield +1 for free, AND you have a 10% rather than 5% chance to critically hit. I prefer it on anyone who does backstab damage (extra attacks per round don't matter when after you backstab a guy, you run away to re-enter stealth to try to backstab again), and as an early help to guys who struggle with defense (kensai, shapeshifter druid). I love it on Kensai, actually. That extra crit chance syncs up pretty grisly with Kai. Katanas hit just as hard as two-handed swords so it's not like I'm sacrificing damage over using a two-handed blade.
Indeed, on backstabby characters (most Thieves and Stalkers) it's great, also on Monks and Kensai, I guess.
In my day, we fought with a weapon in one hand, a weapon in two hands, or a weapon and a shield. Some fancy-lads played with a rapier in one hand and a parrying dagger in the other. Then some white-haired fop gets everyone all a-tizz when he can't make up his mind which scimitar to wield and in what hand to wield it.
Now every game and its brother thinks that two-weapon style (or "dual wielding" as the kids call it nowadays) is legit. The gods forbid you bring only one gun to the gunfight now!
I used it a lot on my backstabber characters like assassins/stalkers/bounty hunters, unless they are fighter/thief. Staves are better for "backsattbing" Lol.
Thanks but I've never really been big on gameplay mod use. I may try SCS in the future, but thats about as far as I'll go I think. I'm a vanilla kind of person. If that makes any sense.
BG:EE is the new vanilla.
(I swear I posted this earlier, but I see it not!)
I have numerous Weidu.log files saved on my system tracking what mods I used and when. I'm kinda looking forward to playing "vanilla" again. (And my mod use was fairly "vanilla" compared to some, as I avoided huge swaths of new content, sticking to just bugfixes and balancing.)
As for kensais i don't see them as tank, rather like fast and nimble fighters that delivers damage, not soaking it. +2AC is great, especially in early game, but i remembered my BGT playtrough with two weapons elf kensai. At 4-5th level he was pretty capable to killing most enemies before they could even touch him and when it comes to rather harder fights, we have potions of AC0 and buffs, so i didn't had a feeling that he "struggle" for AC. Katanas are exception of one handed weapon, because they deal 1d10, but you are limited to katanas if you don't want to sacrifice dmg, but there are exceptions within two handers that deal 1d12, so it is still loss.
I see that on backstabbers SW Style is quite appealing, so I probably go for a stalker with SW Style in my first BGEE playtrough. As for backstabbing thieves I hate playng cat and mouse with enemies, so when backstab didn't kill the target I like to finish the job with another upcoming regular attack from offhand or main hand if i have belm or kundane.
Yes, character has a shield +1 for free (if you dont count proficiency cost), but in most cases you could just wear shield +1 and later (in BG2) exchange it for another with greater AC bonus and some other resistances.
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate SW Style, I would love if it could be a little better, for example adding half or even one full attack with third proficiency (we would still miss a bonuses from having shield or other weapon what would be accaptable for me then) would make me uber happy.
Pretty much a complete load. Hey Overhaul please add a magical buckler come BGII:EE time okay? Even just throwing Kiel's Buckler somewhere would make me very happy.
I personally love single weapon style. It's essentially a small shield +1 for free, AND you have a 10% rather than 5% chance to critically hit. I prefer it on anyone who does backstab damage (extra attacks per round don't matter when after you backstab a guy, you run away to re-enter stealth to try to backstab again), and as an early help to guys who struggle with defense (kensai, shapeshifter druid). I love it on Kensai, actually. That extra crit chance syncs up pretty grisly with Kai. Katanas hit just as hard as two-handed swords so it's not like I'm sacrificing damage over using a two-handed blade.
(I swear I posted this earlier, but I see it not!)
EDIT: Okay, I posted this same sentiment in another thread. Harumph!
Now every game and its brother thinks that two-weapon style (or "dual wielding" as the kids call it nowadays) is legit. The gods forbid you bring only one gun to the gunfight now!
"Niten ichi my arse!" as the old dwarf would say.
Mmmm vanilla. The type of ice cream that wishes it was strawberry ice cream. That or tiger tail.
I see that on backstabbers SW Style is quite appealing, so I probably go for a stalker with SW Style in my first BGEE playtrough. As for backstabbing thieves I hate playng cat and mouse with enemies, so when backstab didn't kill the target I like to finish the job with another upcoming regular attack from offhand or main hand if i have belm or kundane.
Yes, character has a shield +1 for free (if you dont count proficiency cost), but in most cases you could just wear shield +1 and later (in BG2) exchange it for another with greater AC bonus and some other resistances.
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate SW Style, I would love if it could be a little better, for example adding half or even one full attack with third proficiency (we would still miss a bonuses from having shield or other weapon what would be accaptable for me then) would make me uber happy.