BGEE weapon proficiencies - like BG1 or BG2 (more specific)?

I know that BGEE will use Grand Mastery progression more like BG1 than BG2, but will it use BG1 style proficiencies (e.g. where the "Small Sword" proficiency includes both daggers and short swords) or the more specific BG2-style proficiencies, where pretty much each weapon type requires it's own proficiency? I had assumed the latter, but could anyone confirm? Thanks!
Why not wait two days...
(I'm new around these parts, I wouldn't know if you're one of the playtesters or something along those lines.)
although even if BGEE keeps BG2's proficiency system (which I personally despise), the tweakpack will quickly "fix" it
I'm not sure if I agree with grouping greatswords and longswords in the same category (IWD's system was better in this aspect), but still, I'd take variety any day.
So yes, I would have preferred if they had used the BG1 system (as I think it made sense for the lower level gameplay of BG1), but I'm not all that bothered that they're not.
*Throws rage fit*
*et cetera*
They should've gone for a middle ground, a la Icewind Dale. Seriously. With the BGII system, a newbie will take a prof or two in a weapon thinking it's a great idea, then find out that there are no good weapons for it. Seriously. Big issue for the newbies.