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How to Open Darkness over Daggerford in the Toolset - Straight from Ossian!

You'll need to copy certain files from the Beamdog NWNEE installation folder in Steam (contained in several subfolders - you'll be able to identify by the names, see below) to your MyDocs folder (Ex: C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\Documents\Neverwinter Nights)

These are the files that must be copied:

1) "Darkness over Daggerford.mod" in the modules folder

2) 3 hak files in the hak folder

3) 18 bmu files in the music folder

4) "ossian.tlk" in the tlk folder

5) 2 wbm files in the movies folder

Just note that you're free to tinker around and see what we did in order to learn or customize what you like, but you can't redistribute the files to claim as your own, or customize Daggerford and redistribute the whole game as your own, or reuse large parts of the game in your own mod, or update the free version of Daggerford on the NWVault with the new files.

I repeat, feel free to open up the enhanced version of Darkness over Daggerford in the toolset, but don't:
1) Redistribute the DoD files to claim as your own.
2) Modify DoD in order to redistribute the whole game as your own.
3) Update the old free version of DoD on the NWVault (or elsewhere) with the new enhanced files.


  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    To clarify: this information comes directly from Alan at Ossian.
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 340
    edited June 2018
    So does this allow me to build with the placeables, tilesets or what not, from DoD, in a different module I'm working on or just to mess around with the DoD module? And if someone is already using CEP in their module is this going to conflict with it? And if this does allow us to build with the DoD resources I'm assuming anyone else who want's to play the module must also have purchased DoD if it is done in this manner?
    Post edited by NeverwinterWights on
  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    The DoD placeable assets are not added to the base game; they're in the DoD hak paks. CEP already includes the placeables from the free version of DoD, so if you want them, you build with CEP, and anyone who wants to play your module, must also have the CEP haks.

    The tileset DoD uses is an old version of what became Castle Exterior, Rural released with NWN 1.69, so you already have that tileset and a much more upgraded version in the base game. No haks are required to enjoy this tileset.
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 340

    The DoD placeable assets are not added to the base game; they're in the DoD hak paks. CEP already includes the placeables from the free version of DoD, so if you want them, you build with CEP, and anyone who wants to play your module, must also have the CEP haks.

    The tileset DoD uses is an old version of what became Castle Exterior, Rural released with NWN 1.69, so you already have that tileset and a much more upgraded version in the base game. No haks are required to enjoy this tileset.

    I figured as much. I just thought something new came up when @JuliusBorisov pointed to this thread from the other.
  • Chokra_BroodslayerChokra_Broodslayer Member Posts: 5
    note: The module file isn't a .mod file, it's a .nwm file. I have been told you can just copy it over to the modules folder and rename it to .mod but when I do that it crashes on load up, crashes the whole toolset.

    Also, are the world maps also in CEP? Because that's the part I wanted to pull from the DoD module and related content, (scripts, map files, etc.) so I could implement that for my persistent world.
  • ZwerkulesZwerkules Member Posts: 112

    Ossian released the world map system as a separate download. No need to try to get it from the module.
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