Darkness over Daggerford: What's going on here?

I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but I have a bone to pick with Ossian studios.
I'm going to start this off by saying I enjoy everything Beamdog has to offer, and I'm all for supporting studios like Ossian. I think they did excellent work on completing Darkness over Daggerford... when it was a free expansion to download.
The biggest problem I'm seeing here is that I'm failing to see what here warrants a price tag of $10. People, perhaps, may argue that a $10 price tag isn't expensive. That's true, but what here am I getting for the price?
I don't know if this is a miscommunication issue or something, but reading from the Steam website: "12 new music tracks. New character portraits (12, to be exact). Some voice-over work, and over 500 bug fixes/gameplay improvements."
What do you classify as a "gameplay" improvement?
Again, I'm all for supporting studios. However, let me put this into a better perspective. NWN:EE is a game that was built so that the install of a free module could inherently be updated with ALL the new graphical features/fixes flawless integrated. Simply put, you can install a mod and still receive the benefits.
Why does it seem like I'm paying $10 for a glorified patch to the game? The kicker is, I'm an avid supporter of everything Beamdog does. So I'm going to end up buying this anyway.
However, what's to stop me from just downloading the free version? What are these "gameplay" improvements? Clarify a bit more, whoever is in control of that!
I can use the free version, and still receive the graphical updates, and still have a nice, working experience with the game. Voice acting, I can live without. The soundtrack is an okay addition, but why not just bundle that as a soundtrack/mod that essentially just attaches to the free Darkness over Daggerford, applying new songs to the game? You could price it at $5, and you might even make more money that way.
My biggest question, what's going on here? I DON'T want to see a $10 price point for the Aielund saga, or any other big modules. I DON'T want to see a $10 price point for the Prophet series of modules! I want the modders to update their content for the EE edition of NWN, and I don't want to feel I'm given a cheap experience of having to pay for a patch so that the content would be updated for EE.
Price the portraits as $5. Price the soundtrack + a mod that allows you to add it into the game as $5. Give me the gameplay improvements for free. That model sounds more appropriate to me.
I'm going to start this off by saying I enjoy everything Beamdog has to offer, and I'm all for supporting studios like Ossian. I think they did excellent work on completing Darkness over Daggerford... when it was a free expansion to download.
The biggest problem I'm seeing here is that I'm failing to see what here warrants a price tag of $10. People, perhaps, may argue that a $10 price tag isn't expensive. That's true, but what here am I getting for the price?
I don't know if this is a miscommunication issue or something, but reading from the Steam website: "12 new music tracks. New character portraits (12, to be exact). Some voice-over work, and over 500 bug fixes/gameplay improvements."
What do you classify as a "gameplay" improvement?
Again, I'm all for supporting studios. However, let me put this into a better perspective. NWN:EE is a game that was built so that the install of a free module could inherently be updated with ALL the new graphical features/fixes flawless integrated. Simply put, you can install a mod and still receive the benefits.
Why does it seem like I'm paying $10 for a glorified patch to the game? The kicker is, I'm an avid supporter of everything Beamdog does. So I'm going to end up buying this anyway.
However, what's to stop me from just downloading the free version? What are these "gameplay" improvements? Clarify a bit more, whoever is in control of that!
I can use the free version, and still receive the graphical updates, and still have a nice, working experience with the game. Voice acting, I can live without. The soundtrack is an okay addition, but why not just bundle that as a soundtrack/mod that essentially just attaches to the free Darkness over Daggerford, applying new songs to the game? You could price it at $5, and you might even make more money that way.
My biggest question, what's going on here? I DON'T want to see a $10 price point for the Aielund saga, or any other big modules. I DON'T want to see a $10 price point for the Prophet series of modules! I want the modders to update their content for the EE edition of NWN, and I don't want to feel I'm given a cheap experience of having to pay for a patch so that the content would be updated for EE.
Price the portraits as $5. Price the soundtrack + a mod that allows you to add it into the game as $5. Give me the gameplay improvements for free. That model sounds more appropriate to me.
This discussion has been closed.
> I DON'T want to see ....
I want a pony.
The change log is here - http://www.ossianstudios.com/downloads/DoD_Enhanced_v2.0_Change_Log.txt
If you buy it, you are getting fixes to the module, not graphical fixes inherent in EE. Broken plot advancement, bug fixes, scripting fixes, dialogue fixes, that sort of thing. Additionally, they've added the stuff you mentioned.
Sure, you could create voice over yourself and attach it to the module. In fact, you could do everything Ossian did to the module! All of it.
But, you could have done that for the last ten years I guess. Hmm. Seems nobody did . . .
Well, the creators of the formerly Premium Module did, anyway. And now they are selling the once again Premium Module. It's an optional purchase.
For me, adding and fixing all that stuff, while totally possible for someone to do . . . well, it's worth just paying the $10.
Try adding some things, fixing some things . . . small things . . . to your favorite free module. See how much work it is. Then you'll have a better perspective on the value of the Premium Module Darkness over Daggerford.
Just my two copper thumbs.
You can check out the changelog befory buying - a link can be found at https://www.beamdog.com/products/neverwinter-nights-enhanced-edition-darkness-over-daggerford (the same link Phantasma put above).
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness Over Daggerford is a special case, we’re not interested in selling other modder created content.
The old version of DoD will stay free on the Vault, but the enhanced version is a much better game and experience.
You demand free patches and fixes for something you never paid for?
That is pretty entitled.
No one's ever willing to point the crap out, and that's why the gaming industry is becoming more and more corporate.
Where's your concrete evidence I'm acting entitled? Look at my profile and how I've supported Beamdog. I'm not allowed to apply some criticism? Sorry, but I'm not a gamer who is a mindless drone. I didn't buy Battlefront II; I thought Call of Duty Black Ops 4 was a cop-out when they removed the single-player campaign; microtransactions are one of the worst things to happen to the gaming industry in the last, entire decade.
You're willing to pay for a patch? That's fine. Do what you want to do, but don't act like I'm entitled because I should appreciate that it's part of the selling-point to Darkness over Daggerford.
They re-released the mod with some fixes, a new soundtrack, and some voice-over. The latter two of which could have been priced separately. Ossian studios could have released the patch for free, and I bet you MORE people would be open to actually supporting them - WANTING to support them. When did this stop being a business tactic? Why does everything have to be priced nowadays?
I don't know in what way Beamdog is affiliated with Ossian studios, but they can do better.
The story behind DoD is that it was originally meant to be an official module sold by BioWare as part of their Premium Module program. Unfortunately for Ossian, the program was cancelled by Atari before the module was done.
"Back in August of 2006, when we released Darkness over Daggerford for free to the Neverwinter community, it was with a certain level of bittersweet satisfaction. We had managed to create a great 25+ hour premium module for BioWare with a classic-style D&D story that took inspiration from the Baldur’s Gate games, including world map exploration, beautiful areas, colourful characters, and an abundance of very original and intriguing sidequests. We took great pride in what we’d created, but when the premium mod program unexpectedly cancelled, Daggerford was never able to achieve the official game status it was intended to have." - Alan Miranda in 2018
"The second attraction was, of course, that we wanted to develop and release a commercial product, and BioWare had set up their Premium Module program, whereby they sold NWN modules from their online store. It seemed a perfect fit for Ossian." - Alan back in 2007
I'm not down on you or anyone who decides not to buy it, and prefers to keep playing the free version. That's why Ossian left the free version there, I guess.
I don't see it as anything to be upset about, though. It's a business decision that takes exactly nothing away from you, since you've decided not to buy the Premium Module.
No way ... and i'm sad to hear that no other premium module be made for Neverwinter Nights:EE.
Best regards
I smash doors on enterable areas to save time later opening them. Ther problem? Doing his on the dock outside doors and oops, there is no blue portal thing that indicates a transition point.
Am unsure if this is a bug, but when I enter the werewolf farmer's house and have to escape the labyrinth, my two minders, the halfling rogue from the prelude and overture and the taciturn ice maiden fighter from the Inn disappear.
I thought they'd reappear outside but no. At least I now earn more XP (but not huge amounts given Xorina is Champion of Torm Epic Level). It's slightly disappointing as I upgraded much of their stuff with top of the line equipment which was dear.
But DoD, as Beamdog has said, is a special case.
In the case where it was causing problems in my module, setting the door to plot would not work, since players are supposed to be able to bash down the door as an alternative to picking the lock, for those lacking that skill. In any case tracking down all the doors where it would potentially be an issue would be impractical, to put it mildly.