New character soundsets

Have just been listening to some of the new character soundsets (in C:\Program Files (x86)\BeamDog\Games\00766\lang\en_US\sounds) I love the set for Female4, posh and stroppy, with a British accent :-)
I'm British, though, so have a soft spot for these ones for CHARNAME
...Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766 and in here I only have "Data", "Manuals", "music", and "script" :S No other directories in there...
You should see a "Lang" folder besides the ones you mentioned...
All renamed so that they can be imported easily.
If you have all the files that you suppose to have then your ./Data folder should be 1.77GB with 928 files and 56 folders in it (checked in properties). And in here ...Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766, you sould have these: data, lang, Manuals, movies, music, scripts plus a decrypt.dll file.
So if you don't have these, and the launcher doesn't do anything for you, I would suggest a re-install.
EDIT: Just for clarification, adding sound sets to the game is really simple. There should even be a text file in the Sounds folder that tells you how to do it.
EDIT2: Looking at BG1, all of the soundsets that were there are in BG:EE.
Or are people talking about the voices from BG2 (which would logically not be included in BG1 because it gives you something to look forward to when you play BG2)?
That one isn't in BGEE because its a BG2 soundset.
Reminds me of dick van dyke in mary poppins.
The rest are very good though.
They've got higher standards than Females 1-3 and males 1-3. I'm sorry I had to say it.