Palemaster Caster Progression

Has there been any discussion or suggestions about treating Palemasters as some kind of caster and actually allowing them to advance at a 1/2 spell caster level progression? Currently the system was never truly conceived properly and at best they gain spells at a 1/2 caster level (but not so much if you are a sorcerer), when they should also be receiving a 1/2 progression as an actual caster (Palemaster20 should count as 10 Caster for duration and Spell Penetration, etc).
Has there been any discussion or suggestions about treating Palemasters as some kind of caster and actually allowing them to advance at a 1/2 spell caster level progression? Currently the system was never truly conceived properly and at best they gain spells at a 1/2 caster level (but not so much if you are a sorcerer), when they should also be receiving a 1/2 progression as an actual caster (Palemaster20 should count as 10 Caster for duration and Spell Penetration, etc).
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