Modfile for BGEE Beta (Android)

in BG:EE Mods
@Barachiel, I have moved your request to here because the discussion it was placed in was for BG2EE, it is just located in the wrong area (my fault)...
For those just looking or want to give it a go themselves, the request itself is in the spoliers....
@Gusinda Hey there. I have my own modding request for BGEE 2.5 Beta.
Here's my list. I'm trying to keep it a little more restrained, and am going with order of priority rather than install, in case compromises have to be made. If you need an easier referernce, most of my selections within the mods are made using BWS, "Recommended" settings.
-BG1 NPC Project - is this a surprise? If I can have no other mod, it must be this.
-All options. Specific sub options include using 1 Hour Between talks, opening the first Cloakwood area only, moving Alora to the Hall of Wonders, moving Eldoth to the Coast Way, moving Quayle to the Carnival, moving Tiax to Beregrost, and using SixOfSpades expanded Sarevok Diary. Pick BG2 portraits over BG1. (can drop Starting Location Changes and Send NPCs to Wait at Inn if SCS is used).
-BG1 NPC Project Music Pack - Install All.
-BG1 Unfinished Business - everything but the Kagain's Quest, Kivan & Tazok, Branwen & Tranzig, Nim Furling encounter and Chapter 6 Dialogue changes.
-BG Mini-Quests & Encounters - All but the last 5.
-BG Romantic Encounters - Install All, "Descriptive"
-Lure of the Sirine's call - core part only, no extended area.
-NPCs for Everyone - this one is going to get a bit involved, since I can't use EE Keeper once i start.
-Khalid > Ranger; Minsc > Fighter, Coran > Thief, Xvar > Necromancer-Cleric, Montaron > Thief, Xan > Fighter/Mage, Neera > Sorcerer (Wild Mage), and "Add Kit change innate" for single and multi class characters. That'll let me change their kits in-game.
-Ajantis BG1 Expansion - Core only.
-Coran's Extended Friendship talks
-Neera Expansion - Core, 1 hour between talks.
-Neera Banters - First Option (Banters + Interjections)
-Xan's Friendship
-Rogue Rebalance
-Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
I'd like the aTweaks, Tweaks Anthology and SCS mods, but the sheer amount of options would turn this into a twenty page document. Again, all I can say is, I usually use "Recommended" in BWS, with a few tweaks, or we can talk it out in PM. The main one being "no XP nerfs" and "keep BGEE cinematics".
I was able to put nearly everthing into the modfile except SCS. For those things where the decision was left to me, I followed the thoughts below:
Tweaks Anthology - Never used BWS so unsure what the recommended would be. I just took what I though would be good for what I think you may be aiming at. For some, like stacking, I went the max as the part I dislike the most is inventory management, so if this is not the way you would play, let me know as it is easy to fix. You can see exactlt what was installed in the WeiDU.log.txt. Hopefully by XP nerf, you didn't mean the removal of the cap...
aTweaks - I just did what I would do (which was pretty much anything PnP).
SCS? - Have only installed SCS in a 1.3.x environement and never actually used it apart from testing the install. I know there are problems with installing SCS in BG 2.x so I left that out for the moment. Will see if I can install on a PC platform first to see what happens. This probably means waiting for the 2.5 release for PC (my BGEE on PC is from GOG so no Beta).
If any of this is not to liking, let me know as I still have the install setup and it would be easy to change (except SCS).
To Install:
- Delete/rename any current override folder to get rid of any conflicts that might arise.
- Copy 'BG1EE Beta_Modfile_Barachiel' to '/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/'. You can place it anywhere as long as the file manager you are using will allow you to copy and paste from .zip files.
- Unpack 'BG1EE' in the folder keeping paths.
- Delete 'BG1EE' or move to another folder. Leaving it there will create a conflict with and the game will crash on start.
You should now have the following in the folder 'android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/':
override (folder)
save (folder)
baldur.lua (file) (file)
as well as any others you may have put in like portraits and characters.
You can now test the game to see if it starts. If it doesn't double check to make sure 'BG1EE' isn't in the same folder as and it was moved not copied (common error)...
I have also included the WeiDU.log, so you can see exactly what was installed.
To Uninstall:
- Delete override folder
- Delete
You are now back to running a vanilla version of BG1EE Beta.
Be aware that this will most likely be only valid for Beta and may not work with any further beta releases or the official 2.5 patch...
If you have a PC, we can work on the process so you aren't reliant on me to make changes.
Hope all goes well
For those just looking or want to give it a go themselves, the request itself is in the spoliers....
@Gusinda Hey there. I have my own modding request for BGEE 2.5 Beta.
Here's my list. I'm trying to keep it a little more restrained, and am going with order of priority rather than install, in case compromises have to be made. If you need an easier referernce, most of my selections within the mods are made using BWS, "Recommended" settings.
-BG1 NPC Project - is this a surprise? If I can have no other mod, it must be this.
-All options. Specific sub options include using 1 Hour Between talks, opening the first Cloakwood area only, moving Alora to the Hall of Wonders, moving Eldoth to the Coast Way, moving Quayle to the Carnival, moving Tiax to Beregrost, and using SixOfSpades expanded Sarevok Diary. Pick BG2 portraits over BG1. (can drop Starting Location Changes and Send NPCs to Wait at Inn if SCS is used).
-BG1 NPC Project Music Pack - Install All.
-BG1 Unfinished Business - everything but the Kagain's Quest, Kivan & Tazok, Branwen & Tranzig, Nim Furling encounter and Chapter 6 Dialogue changes.
-BG Mini-Quests & Encounters - All but the last 5.
-BG Romantic Encounters - Install All, "Descriptive"
-Lure of the Sirine's call - core part only, no extended area.
-NPCs for Everyone - this one is going to get a bit involved, since I can't use EE Keeper once i start.
-Khalid > Ranger; Minsc > Fighter, Coran > Thief, Xvar > Necromancer-Cleric, Montaron > Thief, Xan > Fighter/Mage, Neera > Sorcerer (Wild Mage), and "Add Kit change innate" for single and multi class characters. That'll let me change their kits in-game.
-Ajantis BG1 Expansion - Core only.
-Coran's Extended Friendship talks
-Neera Expansion - Core, 1 hour between talks.
-Neera Banters - First Option (Banters + Interjections)
-Xan's Friendship
-Rogue Rebalance
-Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
I'd like the aTweaks, Tweaks Anthology and SCS mods, but the sheer amount of options would turn this into a twenty page document. Again, all I can say is, I usually use "Recommended" in BWS, with a few tweaks, or we can talk it out in PM. The main one being "no XP nerfs" and "keep BGEE cinematics".
I was able to put nearly everthing into the modfile except SCS. For those things where the decision was left to me, I followed the thoughts below:
Tweaks Anthology - Never used BWS so unsure what the recommended would be. I just took what I though would be good for what I think you may be aiming at. For some, like stacking, I went the max as the part I dislike the most is inventory management, so if this is not the way you would play, let me know as it is easy to fix. You can see exactlt what was installed in the WeiDU.log.txt. Hopefully by XP nerf, you didn't mean the removal of the cap...
aTweaks - I just did what I would do (which was pretty much anything PnP).
SCS? - Have only installed SCS in a 1.3.x environement and never actually used it apart from testing the install. I know there are problems with installing SCS in BG 2.x so I left that out for the moment. Will see if I can install on a PC platform first to see what happens. This probably means waiting for the 2.5 release for PC (my BGEE on PC is from GOG so no Beta).
If any of this is not to liking, let me know as I still have the install setup and it would be easy to change (except SCS).
To Install:
- Delete/rename any current override folder to get rid of any conflicts that might arise.
- Copy 'BG1EE Beta_Modfile_Barachiel' to '/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/'. You can place it anywhere as long as the file manager you are using will allow you to copy and paste from .zip files.
- Unpack 'BG1EE' in the folder keeping paths.
- Delete 'BG1EE' or move to another folder. Leaving it there will create a conflict with and the game will crash on start.
You should now have the following in the folder 'android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/':
override (folder)
save (folder)
baldur.lua (file) (file)
as well as any others you may have put in like portraits and characters.
You can now test the game to see if it starts. If it doesn't double check to make sure 'BG1EE' isn't in the same folder as and it was moved not copied (common error)...
I have also included the WeiDU.log, so you can see exactly what was installed.
To Uninstall:
- Delete override folder
- Delete
You are now back to running a vanilla version of BG1EE Beta.
Be aware that this will most likely be only valid for Beta and may not work with any further beta releases or the official 2.5 patch...
If you have a PC, we can work on the process so you aren't reliant on me to make changes.
Hope all goes well
I'll give these a try tomorrow, and let you know how they work. I'll have to opt back in to the Beta and re-download.
EDIT: Been reading over the WeiDU log. You made some selections I don't usually take on the two big tweak packs (inevitable). I'm going over the readmes and will sleep on it, see if I want to make any changes, and will message you in the morning. Thanks again, this is great! Have no idea what I'm doing wrong on my own.
Edit: SCS Discussion
I'm... curious. Does EET run on Android yet? I've played with it for so long, I'm nervous about going back. *laughs*
P.S. Still composing my Atweaks/Anthology customization post.
-Remove "Breakable Armor & Shields". Nothing frustrates me more than having Full Plate Mail break 5 minutes after buying it. And yes, that's happened every time I've played with this feature.
-Add "Reveal City Maps."
-Altered Bard Spell table should conflict with Rogue Rebalance, I thought.
-Add "Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-Class Clerics."
-Add "Change Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-Class Druids."
-Remove "Rest Anywhere."
EDIT: Also, your files didn't work. It crashed on a String error before it could even show me the intro videos.
I haven't seen EET running on Android, and the way the folder structure is, I am guessing that we never would...
For the Altered Bard Spell table, I will remove it from Tweaks Anthology (thinking that is what you are after?) and make the adjustments above.
I found the issue. Even though it *tells* me I've unzipped that archive on the tablet itself, it never actually does. I've unzipped and am trying to move the files over normally, but that's taking... a while.
EDIT: Okay, that took only 2 hours. And while the game will *load* now, it's still got invalid strings all over the dialog. I've checked the file structure twice and rebooted to be sure I wasn't being hit with some caching issue. Everything looks right.
Under files, its "", "baldur.lua", override, and save.
EDIT2: Problem may be with the zip file. I'm uncompressing it straight from the device now and every manager I try reports an exception failure, about being unable to create the file structure at about 75% done. Either that, or the Pixel C simply refuses to let me alter those directories.
What file managers you are using in Android? I used 'ES File Explorer' in the past which did an excellent job with compressed files but I then found out it called home (China) a couple of times a day so switched to 'FX File Explorer'. Does a reasonable job: just open the file, copy the contents and then paste in the BG.EE..\Files folder. I have used 'My Files' as well but prefer the others. Maybe the default File Manager for the Pixel can't handle the qty of files (over 5000) in the compressed package. BTW, the file was compressed with WinRAR into a .zip format on normal compression.
So far as the time goes, that is why I always unpack on the device. Copying thousands of files to a mobile device is just a pain!
I suppose the other thing to check is the version number of the game. It should be Anything different is likely create problems.
Hope this one works better. If this one does the same, try copying it onto your PC, uncompressing then zipping it up using Windows Explorer or similar. I wouldn't expect a change but who knows...
Version is
I have no idea. This file does the exact same thing but at 50-ish% when trying to write "KROATA.CRE." I switched to WinZip on Android and it just "unzips" infinitely, never finishing. I give up. I'd get a damn refund from Play if their refund window wasn't so pathetically tiny.
I have downloaded the file from here and installed no probs onto my phone. Do you have any virus checkers on your device?
It shouldn't make any difference, but I have redone the modfile using the rar format. I need to add the .txt extension at the end to upload. Just remove the .txt and try unpacking the .rar
I'll give it a try tomorrow. I'm taking a break from this for a day, let my blood pressure cool. Maybe I'll even try a reset on my tablet.
Okay. One last test. Can you give me a file with JUST BG1NPC, UB, and RE? Nothing else. No tweaks, no NPC expansions, no nothing. If i can't even get those three simple core mods to work then this just isn't worth it.
I'm going to reset my tablet while I wait on a reply. Maybe it needs cleaning or something.
Full Reset didn't help. In fact, twice now I've gotten errors from Google Play about failing to install apps. Why do I have the nagging feeling my tablet's memory storage is dying?
So I downloaded some zip files from elsewhere and they all unzipped fine. So I repackaged yours, and tried again. The first time, it failed yet again, but I noticed it got a *lot* farther than it had previously. So, on a whim, I deleted the failed attempt and unzipped again. This time, it actually finished!
So, I load up the game. The normal NPCs are fine, but the modded NPCs continue to give Invalid Line errors. *bangs head into desk*
If you want to do it the long hand method, have a read of this, which I know works. If you need any further insight, let me know and I can give you a hand.
Hopefully the desk is still in an upright position!
I hope something gets sorted soon. I'll read up on this other way in a bit.
Any news about this issue? Anyone succedd to mod BGEE v2.5 properly?