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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Hey, guys. This seemed like a good time to post another update since we finished a bunch more scenes and they even seem to work.

    Changelog for this update:

    A. Main Mod: Mazzy
    1. Edwin breakup talk if you pick Mazzy over him
    2. TOB Mazzy-Imoen talks if you missed/didn't finish them in SOA
    3. Gorion Wraith Scene & associated talks
    4. 2 additional recurring talks for SOA/TOB, 4 additional talks after the wraith scene
    5. Additional Mazzy interjections

    B: Main Mod: Misc
    1. Additional Clara and Darkside Anomen interjections
    2. Hexxat-Clara talk in TOB
    3. 1 more Aerie-Viconia Talk
    4. 1 Edwin-Aerie sequence

    C. For the Evil: Things get a little dark.
    1. Bodhi Banters w/ Clara & Korgan
    2. 2 Bodhi-Hexxat talks

    D. For the Good:
    1. Fixed an error with Darkside Anomen in the opening Hexxat talk
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2020
    A few notes:
    Mazzy- All the Mazzy talks we added (including the wraith scene) are friendship talks. Romance isn't required. They're also compatible with the wraith talks if you're romancing anyone else (you'll see both); it's even compatible with the different cutscene you get from the Imoen Romance.

    Main Mod: If you start a new game of ToB it is possible to have both Hexxat and Clara. In SoA it is not. Not sure what'll happen if you go from SoA to ToB. We like it as it is, so whatever happens happens. I need Hexxat so I can take her cloak and give it to Bodhi anyways :D .

    The additional Edwin and Viconia talks with Aerie are part of our Flying Aerie mod. That's probably all we'll do on it until we finish up Mazzy, so there's no way to give Aerie wings permanently just yet (but if you play through either Edwin or Viconia's talks with Aerie you'll get to see the wings). Ratatoskr coded all the cut scenes for both these and the wraith so props go to her; up until this point I worked really hard to avoid coding a single one so these are the first ones of the mod.

    Bodhi- Bodhi's just in ToB right now. I'll add her as a playable NPC to SoA once we finish all the more important stuff. At the moment she doesn't have any of her party conflicts, but when she's done you won't be able to have her and any good person or druid in the same party. On the plus side she's an unstoppable killing machine; on the downside she can't be in the sun (we added that) and her claws have a tendency to disintegrate her opponents (that's from the game, we didn't add that) so you lose all the non quest items carried by the enemies she rips to shreds. These days I only bring her out if I'm finding combat in ToB frustrating.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    how can the wraith scene be a friendship talk when it is designed too be a romance exclusive scene?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    megamike15 wrote: »
    how can the wraith scene be a friendship talk when it is designed too be a romance exclusive scene?

    Well Gorion and the wraiths show up and talk to you no matter what. The romance part is just one scene that only happens if you're romancing someone (two dead people talk instead of just Gorion). So we just made and inserted our own dead person and dialogue and made it require the friendship.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Ummm I am little bit confused and amused at the same time regarding Anomen-Clara relationship:
    Anomen went the "righteous" path in his quest i.e. didn't kill Saerk and after few talks Clara visit Anomens father Cor and marry him :astonished:
    Since rejoining the party Anomen and Clara didn't talk to each other. So is this it regarding their interaction on good Anomen or I need to wait more time and things evolve further?

    Regarding other parts of this mod I experienced so far - the Mazzy-Viconia friendship is simply amazing! I really love this. Thanks a lot for this! :+1:
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited July 2020
    @Caszidy Yup, that is what's supposed to happen. Clara and Anomen should have one more banter but that's all we've written so far. We may write a few more talks if inspiration hits but we're trying to finish Mazzy first right now.

    And I'm glad you're enjoying the mod. The Viconia-Mazzy friendship is 99% @BCaesar so I'll pass that on. All I really did for them was code it and complain about commas ?.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Hi again and sorry for maybe dumb question but how can I prevent regular game conflict + fight between Keldorn and Viconia?
    I was of the notion, that with All Thing Mazzy installed - now when Mazzy and Vicy are kind of "besties" :smiley: Mazzy will interrupt the regular game conflict banters between Keldorn and Viconia and persuade Keldorn, that Viccy is not that bad, but nothing like that happend and after a few harsh banters Keldorn challenges Viconia to duel and killed her (so I reload and so far this fight didn't occured yet, but I am expecting that it will happen again).
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Caszidy wrote: »
    Hi again and sorry for maybe dumb question but how can I prevent regular game conflict + fight between Keldorn and Viconia?
    I was of the notion, that with All Thing Mazzy installed - now when Mazzy and Vicy are kind of "besties" :smiley: Mazzy will interrupt the regular game conflict banters between Keldorn and Viconia and persuade Keldorn, that Viccy is not that bad, but nothing like that happend and after a few harsh banters Keldorn challenges Viconia to duel and killed her (so I reload and so far this fight didn't occured yet, but I am expecting that it will happen again).

    I'll check, Mazzy should object no matter what so that could be a bug.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2020
    Caszidy wrote: »
    Hi again and sorry for maybe dumb question but how can I prevent regular game conflict + fight between Keldorn and Viconia?
    I was of the notion, that with All Thing Mazzy installed - now when Mazzy and Vicy are kind of "besties" :smiley: Mazzy will interrupt the regular game conflict banters between Keldorn and Viconia and persuade Keldorn, that Viccy is not that bad, but nothing like that happend and after a few harsh banters Keldorn challenges Viconia to duel and killed her (so I reload and so far this fight didn't occured yet, but I am expecting that it will happen again).

    Ok, that is not a dumb question, that's a bug, so thanks! We coded it wrong and attached our interjection to Viconia's inparty talk file rather than her banter file. It'll be fixed next post (which will be very soon). Until then just try to keep them apart :) . Once coded properly Mazzy will step in right before they come to blows in the final Keldorn-Viconia banter.

    I believe one of the banter mods also adds an option where you can keep them from killing each other.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it's iep banter that does that. i just use npcs don't fight from the tweak pack to prevent it.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Allow me to sum up my experince with this mod so far, mild spoilers:
    Viconia! Stop killing your fellow party members! I don't CARE that you can immiediately raise them, you're gonna give me a heart attack!

    Seriously though, the Mazzy/Viconia stuff has been great, and even Clara ended up a full time party member this run completely un-planned. Its not often that a relationship mod can keep me on my toes like this
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Hi, again - I need to report little bug regarding Aerie - Viconia banters about regenerating Aeries wings.
    The banter which starts with Aerie saying: "Charname, Do you think, she can really do it? - Do what?..." is keep repeating over and over again.

    Please, which variable should I edit in EEkeeper to go further?

    Also regarding this topic - do I need Edwin in party to progress this story about regenerating Aeries wings?
    Thanks for answers :blush:
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2020
    Caszidy wrote: »
    Hi, again - I need to report little bug regarding Aerie - Viconia banters about regenerating Aeries wings.
    The banter which starts with Aerie saying: "Charname, Do you think, she can really do it? - Do what?..." is keep repeating over and over again.

    Please, which variable should I edit in EEkeeper to go further?

    Also regarding this topic - do I need Edwin in party to progress this story about regenerating Aeries wings?
    Thanks for answers :blush:

    You'll need to SetGlobal("_bAerieRefuseVic","GLOBAL",4) to stop that. The bug's already fixed on our end, we just hadn't made a new post yet since fixing it.

    To answer your question, there's stuff to see if you do have Edwin and Aerie, but the Flying Aerie mod will only progress so far because we haven't finished it yet. There is currently no way to actually get Aerie wings permanently (but there will be, when we're done). All there is so far are teasers.

    The later conversations where she will be able to eventually get them are ToB only though (and haven't been coded yet).
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    When does Mazzy's romance start? I'm out of the underdark and currently in the graveyard district, about to take out Bodhi.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @ThacoBell I believe it should have triggered by then. Two questions first, did you take Mazzy to the Underdark? Second, did you switch mod versions partway through the Underdark section of the game?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    We did change the trigger requirements slightly between different versions, so if you had perfect timing, you could have missed the required trigger.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2020
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    When does Mazzy's romance start? I'm out of the underdark and currently in the graveyard district, about to take out Bodhi.

    The dialogue to start it should've triggered when she first enters a city after exiting the Underdark.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2020
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    When does Mazzy's romance start? I'm out of the underdark and currently in the graveyard district, about to take out Bodhi.

    Ok update, there's a bug with the Chapter code. Originally we tested it just using Global("Chapter","GLOBAL",6) but some other mods (like EET) break that global so we tried using another version that was supposed to work but we hadn't thought to test it again. And of course it didn't work.

    So as long as you're still in chapter 6 and either Aran, Bodhi, or Mae'Var are still alive, it should trigger as soon as we update it and you're in a city. We've completely finished and tested the AllThingsMazzy stuff for both SoA and ToB now. As soon as we fix this chapter global we'll post it (it'll happen this weekend).

    If you don't feel like waiting just do SetGlobal("_BMazzyCourt","GLOBAL",1) and that'll start the romance dialogue.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    I probably typed something in wrong as usual. Sigh....
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2020
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    I probably typed something in wrong as usual. Sigh....

    Hah, don't feel so bad, I don't think I've ever coded anything ever that was error free on the first test. As a general rule everything created or edited in any way is broken until tested and fixed.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    this is why i don't use eet. not only is it time consuming and annoying to set up it tends to break mods.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    edited July 2020
    I've used the same version for the whole run and I don't use EET. So I guess it must be an issue with the global. I never update mods mid run, always breaks something. Thanks for code guys.


    Uh, the game says SetGlobal is a nil value.

    *edit edit* WTC? Nearinfinity can't load my save now? I think something might have gone wrong.
    Post edited by ThacoBell on
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2020
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    I've used the same version for the whole run and I don't use EET. So I guess it must be an issue with the global. I never update mods mid run, always breaks something. Thanks for code guys.


    Uh, the game says SetGlobal is a nil value.

    *edit edit* WTC? Nearinfinity can't load my save now? I think something might have gone wrong.

    No, we edited the mod to try to make it compatible with EET, and in the process broke something. So it's broken even if you don't have EET. We last tested it before we made that edit, so on our last test it worked, but I tested it just now and clearly it was us trying to edit the Chapter requirement to make it work with EET that broke it (since I changed it back to the way we originally coded it and it worked fine). But I have faith in Ratatoskr; she'll figure it out.

    If you want the dialogue to trigger before we fix it hold Ctrl and Space to open up the command prompt then type in C:SetGlobal("_BMazzyCourt","GLOBAL",1) and hit enter. Then the opening dialogue for the romance will trigger provided you're outside and in a city.

    It's good we caught this since it probably means every Chapter requirement in our mod is broken and won't trigger, so we'll have to fix all of them. Luckily I don't think we had more than a few.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    *facepalm* Right "C:" I'm a moron. Thanks.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    edited July 2020
    I hate to be that guy, but the
    Switch to open that door is a little unclear that it works. In the previous visit, that switch just triggers a flametrap spell when pressed.

    That's a heck of a first date, haha. Also, MINSC IS TEACHING CLARA TO TALK TO BOO. Best.Mod.Ever.
    Post edited by ThacoBell on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @ThacoBell I'll look at that. Maybe I can put Bodhi's person back in or throw a line on the wizard to make that a bit clearer.

    But first, I have to figure out what the heck is wrong with my chapter globals. As far as I can tell, my code is exactly the same as everyone else's, but it's just not working.

    So.... anyone using the current version, some things aren't gonna trigger properly right now.... I'm working on it.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    I hate to be that guy, but the
    Switch to open that door is a little unclear that it works. In the previous visit, that switch just triggers a flametrap spell when pressed.

    That's a heck of a first date, haha. Also, MINSC IS TEACHING CLARA TO TALK TO BOO. Best.Mod.Ever.

    Thanks. We aim to please so I suppose we can add something. Ratatoskr thinks she has just figured out the EE chapter globals so I just have to finish powering my new character through to the Mae'var quest to check out a game-breaking bug in my old save (that I'm pretty sure was caused by me uninstalling the Quest-pack mod half way through doing Mae'Var, but I want to make sure), and she has to create one new ability for a Clara-Imoen banter, and then we'll post the new mod with All Things Mazzy completely finished.

    Assuming no more bugs we'll have it finished tomorrow (Sunday). Given that we tested just about every single part of this mod at least once before posting I'm hoping we can avoid too many more bugs.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    I think you mean "finished." Mazzy may be nearly done, but there's still plenty left in my "to code" pile :)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited July 2020
    @Caszidy Can you tell me which version of the mod you had installed that was getting the Aerie-Viconia bug? I just downloaded the current 1.090 post to add the Russian translation and it looks correct there. If it's just not setting properly, I may need to move some code.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    @Ratatoskr Hi, I have previous version so = 1.081. So if it is already fixed, than I am sorry, thats my bad :blush:
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