@Caszidy No problem. I just wanted to double check since sometimes the game moves too fast and doesn't set the globals right. I usually try to change them towards the beginning of a conversation to avoid that, but it's not always possible. But I think we should be okay in this case.
Okay, folks. Just posted the new version. @BCaesar and I consider the Mazzy portion of All Things Mazzy now complete, though we will still be adding other content. So bring on the bug reports
I also updated a new Russian version courtesy of @p_zombie325 . It doesn't have quite as much content as version 2.0 but I think I got the bug fixes copied over.
A. Main Mod: Mazzy
1. Additional interjections
2. 1 more Imoen talk (SOA & TOB)
3. Three more Mazzy TOB talks
4. Three more Mazzy TOB friendship talks.
5. 3 more TOB Viconia-Mazzy talks continuing Mazzy's quest to redeem Viconia
6. Fixed issue with Mazzy stopping Viconia & Keldorn from fighting
7. 4 Mazzy-Valygar talks (2 TOB only)
8. New friendship only Mazzy epilogue
9. Hopefully fixed chapter globals for real this time.
B: Main Mod: Misc
1. Additional Mazzy/Clara/Bodhi interjections
2. Additional Clara banters with Rasaad, Imoen, and Dorn
C. For the Evil: Things get a little dark.
1. Additional Bodhi banters with Korgan and Edwin.
D. For the Good:
1. Additional Mazzy interjections in Dorn's quest
Not currently, if only because I always seem to do Rasaad's quests before Neera's and have never actually managed to get him ? Though that would be... interesting to write.
I think you mean "finished." Mazzy may be nearly done, but there's still plenty left in my "to code" pile
Well I think of this as multiple mods in one combined installation.
So the mod All Things Mazzy: Mazzy Romance and Friendship is complete.
The other stuff on the todo list is all for other mods (Clara "Human Hexxat" NPC, Darskide Anomen, Flying Aerie, etc.) that just happen to be part of this multi-mod installation package.
Not currently, if only because I always seem to do Rasaad's quests before Neera's and have never actually managed to get him ? Though that would be... interesting to write.
There's a lot of great stuff you can do with one sided conversations.
Just posted an updated version of the mod with the Russian translation. Only one version up now since the Russian has caught up. No other changes except some minor tra fixes.
Oh @ThacoBell , we did try to make the key thing a little clearer. Not sure how well we succeeded, but hopefully the hint will help anyone who's having trouble.
You know, it just hit me. I don't know if this is because I was using version with the bugged global that stopped some talks from triggering, but Mazzy never once mentioned Patrick. You'd think that she would need to work through his death a bit and talk about it with someone.
He is mentioned in some of our recurring romance talks once you get that far. Otherwise I think she does talk about him a few times before that but you need to have the right NPCs or you won't see it.
The other Mazzy friendship talks about Patrick a fair amount with CN so I think we may have unconsciously avoided doing the same. @BCaesar may have more thoughts about that. He's more of the Mazzy voice than I am.
You know, it just hit me. I don't know if this is because I was using version with the bugged global that stopped some talks from triggering, but Mazzy never once mentioned Patrick. You'd think that she would need to work through his death a bit and talk about it with someone.
I believe she talks about it with Jaheira and Viconia some, a little bit in the recurring talks, and she mentions it some in the existing in-game talks. Mostly she deals by focusing on other things, especially in SoA. Part of the issue is that she doesn't have anyone she really knows well and trusts to talk to. In Jaheira's case Khalid is someone who's a longtime companion and friend of the main character, Minsc, and Imoen. You all traveled together. Patrick is someone known only to Mazzy and everyone in your party is new to her, so she's more guarded emotionally. I'm sure she writes long letters to her mother and sister and talks to them when she's home, but as the main character you'll never see that.
She remains guarded throughout most of the game; one could argue she doesn't really talk about anything that makes her emotionally vulnerable until part way through ToB.
Just letting you all know we're working our way through more Clara NPC banters. We've written banters with Jaheira, Neera, Bodhi, and one more with Viconia (along with some follow-up ones between Neera and other wizards) which will mean Clara will soon have at least two banters with every NPC, and 4 banters with many of them.
Also Flying Aerie is mostly written and is being edited. By the next mod version the Edwin path to get Aerie wings for good should be finished (not just annoying teasers like we have now). The more satisfying way of Aerie regenerating her own (which is the main part of that mod) will follow.
Once again any slowness in the main projects is my fault; I managed to distract Ratatoskr with a Neera-Minsc-Boo romance which she of course liked and then needed to edit and code. She's also been taking a well-deserved break (I took a break too, but only because my kids broke my computer).
Do you plan to add more extensive quest content for Clara in future versions of your mod? After all, Hexxat has its own quest chain and its own storyline, and if you kill it and save Clara, this content will be unavailable and should be replaced with the equivalent content only from Clara's side. Thank you.
Do you plan to add more extensive quest content for Clara in future versions of your mod? After all, Hexxat has its own quest chain and its own storyline, and if you kill it and save Clara, this content will be unavailable and should be replaced with the equivalent content only from Clara's side. Thank you.
No we have no plans for it; it'd be really time consuming and we have other priorities. You're more than welcome to choose Hexxat over Clara (we even have content if you do); Clara just started because we were coding Mazzy's Romance and Friendship and when we played through Hexxat the first time we were unhappy with the lack of options in Hexxat's quest. So we made another option, one that Mazzy wouldn't disagree with.
And then, like most things, Clara took on a life of her own and went from minor bit character who you can rescue to actual NPC.
she is revived during the final battle so this may cause a conflict.
I have the same doubt. Will start a new playthrough with this mod but I don't want the mess it up on the end.
Bodhi in our mod is a completely different character file and script than Bodhi in any other mod (like Ascension) so I can't think of any possible way they'd conflict. Essentially each mod creates a character named "Bodhi" from scratch and puts it in the game, but in the code they'll have different script names (thanks to mod prefixes) so the game would recognize them as two different NPC's, as different as any other two mod-created NPC's.
So there should be no conflict in that whatsoever. Whether any of the rest of the mod works with Ascension you'll just have to play and let us know. Neither of us have had it installed during a play-through.
It is a pity, cause Clara is very interesting and original NPC and I hope that in the future there will be a single mod for her, with quests, encounters and other similar content.
It is a pity, cause Clara is very interesting and original NPC and I hope that in the future there will be a single mod for her, with quests, encounters and other similar content.
Thanks! Always glad to hear someone likes something we did.
Never say never about the quests, but probably not anytime in the reasonable future just given the amount of stuff in the to-do pipeline. We're going to consider her "done" for the near-future when she has multiple banters with every other NPC, along of course with the Clara-Anomen romance (which is finished), which of course ties into the Darkside Anomen stuff too if he fails his test (Darkside Anomen is also finished, but needs some solid testing with evil-Anomen to make sure all his reactions are in character throughout the game).
Whatever we do will just keep being added to this single mega-mod install though. We like it as a single install rather than many little ones. It makes everything way easier.
Thanks! Always glad to hear someone likes something we did.
It was because of Clara that I was first of all interested in your mod (and not only me, but also other BG fans from Russia). And it will definitely only be better if you continue to develop Clara and everything associated with her in the future! Maybe you will start with mini-quests for her, who knows Thank you once again!
@BCaesar "We're going to consider her "done" for the near-future when she has multiple banters with every other NPC,"
Don't forget Wilson!
Haha, ok. When I get my computer fixed (hopefully no more than a week) I'll be starting an evil shaman game to test some things, and I want to get Neera anyways, so I will get Wilson too and write some Clara-Wilson dialogues.
@Endarire "In a minimal spoiler fashion, how can Mazzy become the Paladin she so desires?"
That's not really her arc. For all intents and purposes, she already IS a Paladin. Being s knight in the name of her god and with spell like abilities (that match the Truesword of Arvoreen kit, btw.) Mazzy is a critique of the draconian race rules of 2e D&D. In both actions, philosophy, and class abilities, she is a Paladin. But because she is a halfling, no church will recognize her as such.
@Endarire Thacobell is correct about the paladin thing and said it much better than I could have. But if you want her to get some of the recognition she so rightly deserves, the short answer is to have Keldorn in your party. The rest will follow from there. ?
Also, we don't currently have any plans to banter with mod NPCs, other than our own Bodhi. Neither of us have played through enough NPC mods to know them well and there are so many options that we'd likely be coding for a small fraction of our players. There are already several parts of this mod that no one will probably ever see. So never say never with this mod of ours, but it's unlikely.
Thanks! Always glad to hear someone likes something we did.
It was because of Clara that I was first of all interested in your mod (and not only me, but also other BG fans from Russia). And it will definitely only be better if you continue to develop Clara and everything associated with her in the future! Maybe you will start with mini-quests for her, who knows Thank you once again!
You inspired me, there's now an (evil) Clara quest in development, but no promises on when we'll finish it. I really want to finish Flying Aerie first (luckily that's mostly written and half coded and won't take long; Flying Aerie is a small production compared with either Mazzy or Clara).
I'm getting a consistent crash with one of Mazzy's talks. She asks the party about Imoen, and eventually laments that she is not cheerful enough to raise the party's spirits. There are 3 replies here, all of which cause a crash immiediately when selected.
If in the future, there will be a separate story for Clara with quests and a complete Clara romance with the main character, it will be just delightful! For earlier, thank you so much.
@ThacoBell Is this the line that leads to crashing? "Someone who can lighten a party's mood is invaluable, <CHARNAME>, especially during hard times. I regret that I am rarely that person."
I don't see any obvious reasons for that to crash, but I will look at the code again.
Edit - nevermind. I found the issue. I forgot to actually exit the conversation. I will get it fixed for the next post. For now, just don't say that Imoen is your best friend or that you're just in this for revenge. The other responses should be okay.
I also updated a new Russian version courtesy of @p_zombie325 . It doesn't have quite as much content as version 2.0 but I think I got the bug fixes copied over.
A. Main Mod: Mazzy
1. Additional interjections
2. 1 more Imoen talk (SOA & TOB)
3. Three more Mazzy TOB talks
4. Three more Mazzy TOB friendship talks.
5. 3 more TOB Viconia-Mazzy talks continuing Mazzy's quest to redeem Viconia
6. Fixed issue with Mazzy stopping Viconia & Keldorn from fighting
7. 4 Mazzy-Valygar talks (2 TOB only)
8. New friendship only Mazzy epilogue
9. Hopefully fixed chapter globals for real this time.
B: Main Mod: Misc
1. Additional Mazzy/Clara/Bodhi interjections
2. Additional Clara banters with Rasaad, Imoen, and Dorn
C. For the Evil: Things get a little dark.
1. Additional Bodhi banters with Korgan and Edwin.
D. For the Good:
1. Additional Mazzy interjections in Dorn's quest
Not currently, if only because I always seem to do Rasaad's quests before Neera's and have never actually managed to get him ? Though that would be... interesting to write.
Well I think of this as multiple mods in one combined installation.
So the mod All Things Mazzy: Mazzy Romance and Friendship is complete.
The other stuff on the todo list is all for other mods (Clara "Human Hexxat" NPC, Darskide Anomen, Flying Aerie, etc.) that just happen to be part of this multi-mod installation package.
There's a lot of great stuff you can do with one sided conversations.
Oh @ThacoBell , we did try to make the key thing a little clearer. Not sure how well we succeeded, but hopefully the hint will help anyone who's having trouble.
The other Mazzy friendship talks about Patrick a fair amount with CN so I think we may have unconsciously avoided doing the same. @BCaesar may have more thoughts about that. He's more of the Mazzy voice than I am.
I believe she talks about it with Jaheira and Viconia some, a little bit in the recurring talks, and she mentions it some in the existing in-game talks. Mostly she deals by focusing on other things, especially in SoA. Part of the issue is that she doesn't have anyone she really knows well and trusts to talk to. In Jaheira's case Khalid is someone who's a longtime companion and friend of the main character, Minsc, and Imoen. You all traveled together. Patrick is someone known only to Mazzy and everyone in your party is new to her, so she's more guarded emotionally. I'm sure she writes long letters to her mother and sister and talks to them when she's home, but as the main character you'll never see that.
She remains guarded throughout most of the game; one could argue she doesn't really talk about anything that makes her emotionally vulnerable until part way through ToB.
Also Flying Aerie is mostly written and is being edited. By the next mod version the Edwin path to get Aerie wings for good should be finished (not just annoying teasers like we have now). The more satisfying way of Aerie regenerating her own (which is the main part of that mod) will follow.
Once again any slowness in the main projects is my fault; I managed to distract Ratatoskr with a Neera-Minsc-Boo romance which she of course liked and then needed to edit and code. She's also been taking a well-deserved break (I took a break too, but only because my kids broke my computer).
she is revived during the final battle so this may cause a conflict.
No we have no plans for it; it'd be really time consuming and we have other priorities. You're more than welcome to choose Hexxat over Clara (we even have content if you do); Clara just started because we were coding Mazzy's Romance and Friendship and when we played through Hexxat the first time we were unhappy with the lack of options in Hexxat's quest. So we made another option, one that Mazzy wouldn't disagree with.
And then, like most things, Clara took on a life of her own and went from minor bit character who you can rescue to actual NPC.
Bodhi in our mod is a completely different character file and script than Bodhi in any other mod (like Ascension) so I can't think of any possible way they'd conflict. Essentially each mod creates a character named "Bodhi" from scratch and puts it in the game, but in the code they'll have different script names (thanks to mod prefixes) so the game would recognize them as two different NPC's, as different as any other two mod-created NPC's.
So there should be no conflict in that whatsoever. Whether any of the rest of the mod works with Ascension you'll just have to play and let us know. Neither of us have had it installed during a play-through.
It is a pity, cause Clara is very interesting and original NPC and I hope that in the future there will be a single mod for her, with quests, encounters and other similar content.
Thanks! Always glad to hear someone likes something we did.
Never say never about the quests, but probably not anytime in the reasonable future just given the amount of stuff in the to-do pipeline. We're going to consider her "done" for the near-future when she has multiple banters with every other NPC, along of course with the Clara-Anomen romance (which is finished), which of course ties into the Darkside Anomen stuff too if he fails his test (Darkside Anomen is also finished, but needs some solid testing with evil-Anomen to make sure all his reactions are in character throughout the game).
Whatever we do will just keep being added to this single mega-mod install though. We like it as a single install rather than many little ones. It makes everything way easier.
Don't forget Wilson!
Haha, ok. When I get my computer fixed (hopefully no more than a week) I'll be starting an evil shaman game to test some things, and I want to get Neera anyways, so I will get Wilson too and write some Clara-Wilson dialogues.
Does your banter goal include modded in NPCs? If so, which?
In a minimal spoiler fashion, how can Mazzy become the Paladin she so desires?
That's not really her arc. For all intents and purposes, she already IS a Paladin. Being s knight in the name of her god and with spell like abilities (that match the Truesword of Arvoreen kit, btw.) Mazzy is a critique of the draconian race rules of 2e D&D. In both actions, philosophy, and class abilities, she is a Paladin. But because she is a halfling, no church will recognize her as such.
Also, we don't currently have any plans to banter with mod NPCs, other than our own Bodhi. Neither of us have played through enough NPC mods to know them well and there are so many options that we'd likely be coding for a small fraction of our players. There are already several parts of this mod that no one will probably ever see. So never say never with this mod of ours, but it's unlikely.
You inspired me, there's now an (evil) Clara quest in development, but no promises on when we'll finish it. I really want to finish Flying Aerie first (luckily that's mostly written and half coded and won't take long; Flying Aerie is a small production compared with either Mazzy or Clara).
Clara should not be robbed.
If in the future, there will be a separate story for Clara with quests and a complete Clara romance with the main character, it will be just delightful! For earlier, thank you so much.
I don't see any obvious reasons for that to crash, but I will look at the code again.
Edit - nevermind. I found the issue. I forgot to actually exit the conversation. I will get it fixed for the next post. For now, just don't say that Imoen is your best friend or that you're just in this for revenge. The other responses should be okay.