@aleks922 Okay, the current version w/ Russian still installs for me on both language choices, so I don't think it's the code. First check box, both the setup Weidu file and the AllThingsMazzy folder are in the same folder as your chitin.key, correct? Can you also tell us what the first error says or send over your debug file?
I bet I know what happened. If you just extract the zipped file into your BG2 folder it won't work because what you'll end up with is a folder that says "All Things Mazzy 2.33+russian" in your BG2 folder.
What you need to do is open that folder and you'll see two things:
1) A folder that says "AllThingsMazzy"
2) A program that says "Setup-AllThingsMazzy"
Put both of those things into your BG2 EE folder. Then run the setup and it should work.
Thank you for replying!
Here is my installation folder:
Here's the error log (partial, you can see the rest in the attached .txt file):
WeiDU v 24600 Log
D:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\Setup-AllThingsMazzy.exe
[.\chitin.key] loaded, 847192 bytes
[.\chitin.key] 186 BIFFs, 60118 resources
[./goglog.ini] loaded, 1098 bytes
[.\weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes
[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] loaded, 11831833 bytes
[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] 105013 string entries
Choose your language:
0 [English]
1 [Russian]
Using Language [English]
[English] has 1 top-level TRA files
[AllThingsMazzy/translations/english/setup-AllThingsMazzy.tra] has 151 translation strings
Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk
Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o
Install Component [All Things Mazzy]?
[I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
Installing [All Things Mazzy] [Version 2.33]
Appending to files ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF]
[.\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF] 2820780 bytes, 507 files, 0 tilesets
Not appending [0x80101FEF CD_STATE_NOTVALID...] to [STATE.IDS] because it DOES contains [CD_STATE_NOTVALID]
Wilson detected - Wilson interdia.2da append - set Wilsons's banter file (BWILSON & BWILSO25)
Appending to files ...
Appending [WILSON BWILSON BWILSO25...] to [interdia.2da] because it does NOT contain [WILSON]
Appended text to [interdia.2da]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [pdialog.2da] to [override/pdialog.2da]
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding BWILSON to internal list of available DLGs
[BWILSON.DLG] saved 0 states, 0 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding BWILSO25 to internal list of available DLGs
[BWILSO25.DLG] saved 0 states, 0 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding WILSO25J to internal list of available DLGs
[WILSO25J.DLG] saved 0 states, 0 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
Wilson has no ToB override script? That must be changed!
Compiling 1 script ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\CREATURE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\CREATURE.BIF]
[.\DATA\CREATURE.BIF] 4505472 bytes, 3205 files, 0 tilesets
Copied [Wilson13.cre] to [override/Wilson13.cre]
Clara not detected. Clara is hiding. Casting True Sight and adding Clara's content.
Copying 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BBKSTB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BBKSTB.SPL] to [override/_BBKSTB.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bcask2.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bcask2.ITM] to [override/_bcask2.ITM]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BFTRAP.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BFTRAP.SPL] to [override/_BFTRAP.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BHIDE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BHIDE.SPL] to [override/_BHIDE.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BKATA.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BKATA.SPL] to [override/_BKATA.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bLITCLA.BMP] loaded, 135184 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bLITCLA.BMP] to [override/_bLITCLA.BMP]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BLOCKS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BLOCKS.SPL] to [override/_BLOCKS.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BLONG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BLONG.SPL] to [override/_BLONG.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BMOVE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BMOVE.SPL] to [override/_BMOVE.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BNOND.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BNOND.SPL] to [override/_BNOND.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BPICKP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BPICKP.SPL] to [override/_BPICKP.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSBOW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSBOW.SPL] to [override/_BSBOW.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bSDO.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bSDO.SPL] to [override/_bSDO.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSSP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSSP.SPL] to [override/_BSSP.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSTRAP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSTRAP.SPL] to [override/_BSTRAP.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BTRAP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BTRAP.SPL] to [override/_BTRAP.SPL]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/_bclara.cre] loaded, 1868 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/_bclara.cre] to [override/_bclara.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/_bcla25.cre] loaded, 1948 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/_bcla25.cre] to [override/_bcla25.cre]
Adding new items and spells.
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BSCOPE.itm] loaded, 650 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BSCOPE.itm] to [override/_BSCOPE.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BPoisA.spl] loaded, 250 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BPoisA.spl] to [override/_BPoisA.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BFIRE.spl] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BFIRE.spl] to [override/_BFIRE.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BGlove.itm] loaded, 210 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BGlove.itm] to [override/_BGlove.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BKatana.itm] loaded, 458 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BKatana.itm] to [override/_BKatana.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BRING45.itm] loaded, 402 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BRING45.itm] to [override/_BRING45.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BBELTC.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BBELTC.itm] to [override/_BBELTC.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BBELTE.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BBELTE.itm] to [override/_BBELTE.itm]
Setting up Jan Jansen's Ball of Superdark Darkness.
Error: Insufficient darkness found...
Searching for additional darkness...
Excess darkness found in Viconia's soul.
Harvesting darkness...
Transferring darkness...
Second attempt: Setting up Jan Jansen's Ball of Superdark Darkness.
Ball setup successful.
Appending to files ...
[./override/PDIALOG.2DA] loaded, 4146 bytes
Appending [_bClara _bclarap _bclaraj _bclarad _bcla25p _bcla25j _bcla25d _bclar25...] to [pdialog.2da] because it does NOT contain [_bClara]
Appended text to [pdialog.2da]
Appending to files ...
[./override/INTERDIA.2DA] loaded, 675 bytes
Appending [_bClara b_bclara b_bcla25...] to [interdia.2da] because it does NOT contain [_bClara]
Appended text to [interdia.2da]
Compiling 15 dialogue files ...
[AllThingsMazzy/translations/english/b_bcla25.TRA] has 771 translation strings
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] loaded, 100784 bytes
[action list near line 150, column 128 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] PARSE WARNING at line 150 column 1-122
Near Text: )
[ChangeStat] not found in ACTION.IDS
WARNING: cannot verify action ~GiveItemCreate("_BBELTE","Edwin",0,0,0) SetGlobal("_BBCLARAEDWINBELT","GLOBAL",1) ChangeStat("_bClara",SAVEVSSPELL,-1,ADD)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 270, column 108 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] PARSE WARNING at line 270 column 1-71
Near Text: )
[ChangeStat] not found in ACTION.IDS
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("_BBCLARAANOMTOB","GLOBAL",1) ChangeStat("_bClara",WIS,1,ADD) ChangeStat("Anomen",WIS,1,ADD)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 304, column 77 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] PARSE WARNING at line 304 column 1-71
Near Text: )
[ChangeStat] not found in ACTION.IDS
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("_BBCLARACORBURN","GLOBAL",1) ChangeStat("_bClara",CHR,1,ADD)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 478, column 141 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] PARSE WARNING at line 478 column 1-69
Near Text: )
@aleks922 Okay, the current version w/ Russian still installs for me on both language choices, so I don't think it's the code. First check box, both the setup Weidu file and the AllThingsMazzy folder are in the same folder as your chitin.key, correct? Can you also tell us what the first error says or send over your debug file?
I bet I know what happened. If you just extract the zipped file into your BG2 folder it won't work because what you'll end up with is a folder that says "All Things Mazzy 2.33+russian" in your BG2 folder.
What you need to do is open that folder and you'll see two things:
1) A folder that says "AllThingsMazzy"
2) A program that says "Setup-AllThingsMazzy"
Put both of those things into your BG2 EE folder. Then run the setup and it should work.
Thank you for replying!
Here is my installation folder:
Here's the error log (partial, you can see the rest in the attached .txt file):
WeiDU v 24600 Log
D:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\Setup-AllThingsMazzy.exe
[.\chitin.key] loaded, 847192 bytes
[.\chitin.key] 186 BIFFs, 60118 resources
[./goglog.ini] loaded, 1098 bytes
[.\weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes
[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] loaded, 11831833 bytes
[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] 105013 string entries
Choose your language:
0 [English]
1 [Russian]
Using Language [English]
[English] has 1 top-level TRA files
[AllThingsMazzy/translations/english/setup-AllThingsMazzy.tra] has 151 translation strings
Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk
Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o
Install Component [All Things Mazzy]?
[I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
Installing [All Things Mazzy] [Version 2.33]
Appending to files ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF]
[.\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF] 2820780 bytes, 507 files, 0 tilesets
Not appending [0x80101FEF CD_STATE_NOTVALID...] to [STATE.IDS] because it DOES contains [CD_STATE_NOTVALID]
Wilson detected - Wilson interdia.2da append - set Wilsons's banter file (BWILSON & BWILSO25)
Appending to files ...
Appending [WILSON BWILSON BWILSO25...] to [interdia.2da] because it does NOT contain [WILSON]
Appended text to [interdia.2da]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [pdialog.2da] to [override/pdialog.2da]
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding BWILSON to internal list of available DLGs
[BWILSON.DLG] saved 0 states, 0 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding BWILSO25 to internal list of available DLGs
[BWILSO25.DLG] saved 0 states, 0 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding WILSO25J to internal list of available DLGs
[WILSO25J.DLG] saved 0 states, 0 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
Wilson has no ToB override script? That must be changed!
Compiling 1 script ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\CREATURE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\CREATURE.BIF]
[.\DATA\CREATURE.BIF] 4505472 bytes, 3205 files, 0 tilesets
Copied [Wilson13.cre] to [override/Wilson13.cre]
Clara not detected. Clara is hiding. Casting True Sight and adding Clara's content.
Copying 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BBKSTB.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BBKSTB.SPL] to [override/_BBKSTB.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bcask2.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bcask2.ITM] to [override/_bcask2.ITM]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BFTRAP.SPL] loaded, 1834 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BFTRAP.SPL] to [override/_BFTRAP.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BHIDE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BHIDE.SPL] to [override/_BHIDE.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BKATA.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BKATA.SPL] to [override/_BKATA.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bLITCLA.BMP] loaded, 135184 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bLITCLA.BMP] to [override/_bLITCLA.BMP]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BLOCKS.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BLOCKS.SPL] to [override/_BLOCKS.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BLONG.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BLONG.SPL] to [override/_BLONG.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BMOVE.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BMOVE.SPL] to [override/_BMOVE.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BNOND.SPL] loaded, 442 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BNOND.SPL] to [override/_BNOND.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BPICKP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BPICKP.SPL] to [override/_BPICKP.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSBOW.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSBOW.SPL] to [override/_BSBOW.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bSDO.SPL] loaded, 394 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_bSDO.SPL] to [override/_bSDO.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSSP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSSP.SPL] to [override/_BSSP.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSTRAP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BSTRAP.SPL] to [override/_BSTRAP.SPL]
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BTRAP.SPL] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/copy/_BTRAP.SPL] to [override/_BTRAP.SPL]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/_bclara.cre] loaded, 1868 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/_bclara.cre] to [override/_bclara.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/_bcla25.cre] loaded, 1948 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/_bcla25.cre] to [override/_bcla25.cre]
Adding new items and spells.
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BSCOPE.itm] loaded, 650 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BSCOPE.itm] to [override/_BSCOPE.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BPoisA.spl] loaded, 250 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BPoisA.spl] to [override/_BPoisA.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BFIRE.spl] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BFIRE.spl] to [override/_BFIRE.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BGlove.itm] loaded, 210 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BGlove.itm] to [override/_BGlove.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BKatana.itm] loaded, 458 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BKatana.itm] to [override/_BKatana.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BRING45.itm] loaded, 402 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BRING45.itm] to [override/_BRING45.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BBELTC.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BBELTC.itm] to [override/_BBELTC.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BBELTE.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [AllThingsMazzy/Clara/new-stuff/_BBELTE.itm] to [override/_BBELTE.itm]
Setting up Jan Jansen's Ball of Superdark Darkness.
Error: Insufficient darkness found...
Searching for additional darkness...
Excess darkness found in Viconia's soul.
Harvesting darkness...
Transferring darkness...
Second attempt: Setting up Jan Jansen's Ball of Superdark Darkness.
Ball setup successful.
Appending to files ...
[./override/PDIALOG.2DA] loaded, 4146 bytes
Appending [_bClara _bclarap _bclaraj _bclarad _bcla25p _bcla25j _bcla25d _bclar25...] to [pdialog.2da] because it does NOT contain [_bClara]
Appended text to [pdialog.2da]
Appending to files ...
[./override/INTERDIA.2DA] loaded, 675 bytes
Appending [_bClara b_bclara b_bcla25...] to [interdia.2da] because it does NOT contain [_bClara]
Appended text to [interdia.2da]
Compiling 15 dialogue files ...
[AllThingsMazzy/translations/english/b_bcla25.TRA] has 771 translation strings
[AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] loaded, 100784 bytes
[action list near line 150, column 128 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] PARSE WARNING at line 150 column 1-122
Near Text: )
[ChangeStat] not found in ACTION.IDS
WARNING: cannot verify action ~GiveItemCreate("_BBELTE","Edwin",0,0,0) SetGlobal("_BBCLARAEDWINBELT","GLOBAL",1) ChangeStat("_bClara",SAVEVSSPELL,-1,ADD)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 270, column 108 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] PARSE WARNING at line 270 column 1-71
Near Text: )
[ChangeStat] not found in ACTION.IDS
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("_BBCLARAANOMTOB","GLOBAL",1) ChangeStat("_bClara",WIS,1,ADD) ChangeStat("Anomen",WIS,1,ADD)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 304, column 77 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] PARSE WARNING at line 304 column 1-71
Near Text: )
[ChangeStat] not found in ACTION.IDS
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("_BBCLARACORBURN","GLOBAL",1) ChangeStat("_bClara",CHR,1,ADD)~: Parsing.Parse_error
[action list near line 478, column 141 of tb#_compile_eval_buffer/AllThingsMazzy/Clara/dialogues/b_bcla25.d] PARSE WARNING at line 478 column 1-69
Near Text: )
The folder looks good.
Weird. I don't know why CHANGESTAT is not found in ACTION.IDS.
Do you have the latest version of BG2:EE?
Also do you have any other mods installed?
I've finally recruited Clara. I thought you could have both Hexxat and Clara, though I'd have Clara over Hexxat. I think this was a missed opportunity on Beamdog's part, that you could have both as party members. Hexxat could have turned Clara into a vampire or choose to kill Hexxat to retain Clara's human form. I'll try to recommend your work whenever and however I can, thanks for your gifts to the BG community.
edit: uhm, after peeking at the dialogue files, I have some spoilery questions:
Are you still able to recruit Hexxat and who should Clara interact with to gain some stat boosts?
edit 2: Could you dual class Clara? I gave her some books to read to increase her Wisdom, but still she couldn't change to Cleric.
edit 3: nvm, it seems I also need to give her gym books to buff her Strength as a Shadow Dancer before going to Cleric.
If you get Clara you can't get Hexxat in SoA; they are mutually exclusive. If you start a new ToB game I know you can recruit both. Not sure about if you play your SoA game into ToB.
Also, Ratatoskr is a woman .
Lastly, Clara interacts with every BG2:EE NPC even including Wilson and our Bodhi. If you want her to go nuts on boosts just install a banter accelerator and then rotate party members. I can't remember which NPC's give her STR (maybe Korgan does).
Oh I see, I thought NPCs meant random world NPCs, it actually meant party members.
I tried a work around and so far it kinda works. I used cheat codes to summon Hexxat on her tomb immediately after you "staked her heart" and saved Clara. Hexxat then talked to my party as if nothing happened (no hard feelings).
I may have to donate 50,000 gold now to the temples for this fate twist and also for that Bag of Holding I """"found"""" in Irenicus' dungeon.
Story wise, I was able to disable Hexxat before she could absorb Clara's essence, and then later I removed the stake in her heart. She still badly needs life essence, so I would give up some of mine in exchange for letting Clara go (game wise, I'd manually reduce my Constitution by 1 just like when a familiar dies).
Sir BCasesar and Dame Ratatoskr, again thanks for the help and your contribution to the community.
Can I just say that this is my favorite example of feature creep I've ever seen?
"Mazzy interjections and romance!" "You know, Mazzy wouldn't allow Hexxat to leave the tomb alive" "You know, if your romance can be revived, why not CLara?" "You know, Clara is a career thief and the game needs a pure thief with Hexxat dead. Party member it is!"
Just, the sheer amount of fully justified snowballing is AMAZING.
And that was the problem.
For some reason I had a slightly earlier version installed.
As soon as I updated the game, mod installed flawlessly.
Thank you!
Awesome. Beamdog must have edited the modding tools between updates (wouldn't matter if the mod was old and the game was new, but when the mod was new and the game was old it broke because we tried to use a tool that didn't exist in your game).
Can I just say that this is my favorite example of feature creep I've ever seen?
"Mazzy interjections and romance!" "You know, Mazzy wouldn't allow Hexxat to leave the tomb alive" "You know, if your romance can be revived, why not CLara?" "You know, Clara is a career thief and the game needs a pure thief with Hexxat dead. Party member it is!"
Just, the sheer amount of fully justified snowballing is AMAZING.
Haha, that's pretty much how it went. Clara started as just Mazzy demanding that you finish your quest and rescue her from this evil vampire. And then I thought, "Clara is already an NPC in the game, how hard could it be to make her join your party?"
And then I'd always wanted to give Anomen an evil arc that didn't end in his redemption, and wanted a way to play that if you weren't romancing Anomen (since neither of us ever wanted to romance Anomen), which is how the Clara-Anomen romance came about.
And then I'd always thought it silly that Aerie couldn't regenerate her wings. Also the game was disappointing in the fact that the "good" and "evil" path merge when you get to Spellhold and are just one track after that. So I decided to see what I could do with that. Mod Update
I've just about finished coding Viconia in Ust Natha.
There's a bunch of new dialogue and you get some quest XP whether you're good or evil. However, if you want to you can have Viconia give the dragon's eggs to the drow Demon and have it as your ally for the rest of the time in the Underdark, fighting the dragon, and then leading to you slaughtering the elves on the surface if you want to (haven't figured out how to merge that back in to chapter 7 yet). The coding's basically up to the point where you reach the surface though I haven't done the outside part yet.
Then I'll wander over and add Bodhi NPC to SoA
(when you defeat her you can choose to have her join you and keep Imoen's soul)
. Luckily most of that's done already since she's in ToB already.
We'll also be able to add Clara's quest. It involves Rose Bouquet, since we liked the dialogue we did earlier between Clara and Rose and decided to run with it, and also Terl (the messenger who always finds Anomen and gives him horrible news) since we've grown fond of him.
And that's the Valygar romance right? I can't think of anything that should cause game breaking issues, but that romance is newer so we didn't account for it like all the others. That just means there aren't any romance conflicts, some of our scenes may play on the same rests, and some dialogue might read a little strange if you also romance Mazzy. Though heavy modders are generally used to stuff like that ?
Corthala Romantique is the Valygar Romance by Beyshaliban, Caetlyn, and Domi. It was released in December 2005 and recoded for the EE games in December 2018.
Oh, I didn't realize they used that. I haven't kept track of EE mods posted after we started this.
But in that case, our rest scenes shouldn't play at the same time, which will make things a bit more compatible. It won't stop some scenes from reading a bit strange if you try to romance Mazzy and Valygar, but that should be the only issue.
Corthala Romantique is the Valygar Romance by Beyshaliban, Caetlyn, and Domi. It was released in December 2005 and recoded for the EE games in December 2018.
Anything finished for EE after we started making this mod in 2017 is "new" .
Much like any business that's opened in my hometown in my lifetime is "new".
I was wondering if it means that it's more compatible with your mega-mod...
Yup, assuming all my restcheck code is working correctly it should mean their scenes that play on rest won't play at the same time as our scenes that play on rest and vice-versa. Hopefully it doesn't break anything .
I'm pleased to say all the coding of my Viconia in Ust Natha project is done as is most of the testing. I'm going to play test a game from the beginning of Ust Natha to the end, and Ratatoskr is going to do one more edit of the dialogue, and once that's done we'll post this next version.
@BCaesar, looking forward to an updated version before the Christmas holidays
Finished it. Sent it off to Ratatoskr today so she should post it within a few days.
The Viconia in Ust Natha project was the most ambitious thing I've coded to date so it took a lot of testing to catch all the bugs and errors (and probably I didn't get them all even though I tried every possible combination of NPC's and choices that I could think of that would matter.
Okay, new version posted. Let us know when you find the inevitable glitches.
Version 2.34
A. Main Mod: Misc.
1. Added an interjection to Viconia's massage sequence by Anomen if he failed his test (previously he only commented if he passed or had not taken his test).
B. For the Evil:
1. Added a series of dialogues and a couple of quests involving Viconia in Ust'Natha, which if taken to their most evil conclusion will involve you at the head of a small army of drow with a demon at your side.
2. Added dialogues causing all the good party members to object to Bodhi being in your party.
3. If you kill the Silver Dragon in the Underdark you can now get Cromwell to make her scales into armor (the scales and armor already existed in ToB:EE).
4. You now have a couple of options to fight the elves outside the Underdark in Chapter six if you choose the most hostile dialogue options.
C. For the Good:
1. Hostile Mazzy will now trigger if you attack the temple of Helm or Lathander in the Temple District, or the Radiant Heart.
Siding with Ust'Natha against the Elves sounds very ambitious! Have you accounted for that in Suldanesselar dialogues as well? Can't wait to give it a try.
1) I left the underdark, and the demon now occupied his place. But I didn't get any note out of Elhan, nor any new by Viconia. How am I supposed to know that I should find the lanthorn?
2) Also, nor bodhi nor the vampires appear in the graveyard, even if I had the meeting with Drizzt.
3) Okay, via cheats I was able to understand better what's supposed to happen. Elhan is supposed to flee and Viconia to leave. Then you are supposed to go to the cemetery, but in my game it was empty.
I teleported myself to the cemetery version with Bodhi, and I found that out of the building where bodhi is that you're supposed to talk with Elhan. Over 10 times I tried:
8 times I got always 4-5 soldiers with him saying "speak with General Solidavas or Elhan". Then I got the correct response by Elhan. But the spawned soldiers get in place of Elhan in the elves camp. Basically Elhan doesn't spawn in the elven camp, only the soldiers do if you get the soldiers in the first place.
Only 2 times I got him with an escort, and it worked well: the dialogue by Elhan started as soon as I met him.
Anyway, when I go to him, he opens Suldanesselar but I think this ain't supposed to happen. Shouldn't I go with the drows there?
So you sided with the drow and the demon and fought the elves both inside and outside the underdark? Or did you leave the demon and drow inside the underdark and go talk to the elves outside?
What other mods do you have installed? I could try installing the ones most likely to be messing with this and see what's happening.
Siding with Ust'Natha against the Elves sounds very ambitious! Have you accounted for that in Suldanesselar dialogues as well? Can't wait to give it a try.
Everything's all accounted for. It's only a chapter six thing though, it merges back together before chapter 7.
1) I left the underdark, and the demon now occupied his place. But I didn't get any note out of Elhan, nor any new by Viconia. How am I supposed to know that I should find the lanthorn?
2) Also, nor bodhi nor the vampires appear in the graveyard, even if I had the meeting with Drizzt.
3) Okay, via cheats I was able to understand better what's supposed to happen. Elhan is supposed to flee and Viconia to leave. Then you are supposed to go to the cemetery, but in my game it was empty.
I teleported myself to the cemetery version with Bodhi, and I found that out of the building where bodhi is that you're supposed to talk with Elhan. Over 10 times I tried:
8 times I got always 4-5 soldiers with him saying "speak with General Solidavas or Elhan". Then I got the correct response by Elhan. But the spawned soldiers get in place of Elhan in the elves camp. Basically Elhan doesn't spawn in the elven camp, only the soldiers do if you get the soldiers in the first place.
Only 2 times I got him with an escort, and it worked well: the dialogue by Elhan started as soon as I met him.
Anyway, when I go to him, he opens Suldanesselar but I think this ain't supposed to happen. Shouldn't I go with the drows there?
If you did go outside with the drow and the demon to fight the elves then here's what happens in my game, but in my game I don't have any other mods installed.
1. You go outside and all the elves right outside the door attack you. The demon and drow help you fight them.
2. Then the demon walks to the center of the elf temple and talks.
3. Elhan and all of the other elves near his tent should be hostile as well.
4. Elhan is invincible as is one of his war sages. If you get them to low life they'll flee to the graveyard in Athkatla and stand outside of Bodhi's place. Elhan will talk to you when you get close which is where you get more information. The normal dialogue with Bodhi should still happen the first time you go into the graveyard, there's no code in our mod that affects that.
5. If you chose dialogue options for Viconia leaving then she'll do it either when all the elves outside are dead, or when you leave the Elven Temple area and go somewhere else (once you're not in combat and there are no other dialogues going on).
PS: One thing I did want to request after my last playthrough was to make Mazzy's quest to take on the Shadow Thieves available for the friendship track, too.
1) how are you supposed to know that you should go to Bodhi, if no one gives you the hint?
2) And also, having allied with the dark elves has no effect on what happens later in Suldanesselar? Can't you kill Elhan anyway?
Noticed now the double post. Anyway, my mod order is slim. Maybe it is an oddity of my game.
~SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS/SETUP-SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS.TP2~ #0 #101 // Deal with skipped NPCs -> Vanilla NPCs only: 3.0
~ALLTHINGSMAZZY/SETUP-ALLTHINGSMAZZY.TP2~ #0 #0 // All Things Mazzy: Version 2.34
~ALLTHINGSMAZZY/SETUP-ALLTHINGSMAZZY.TP2~ #0 #1 // For the Evil: Additional content that might disturb a truly good player.: Version 2.34
Hmm, I've never downloaded Skip Chateau Irenicus, but nothing in that should've had any effect on your game in chapter 6. I'd recommend trying to do the whole thing starting from Ust Natha with no cheats and see what happens. It's made to go chronologically and within normal game rules, so if you skip parts it might break things.
Also if you do go to war with the Elves you have to win the battle with their leaders (Elhan and friends) before you can progress with the story.
Your answers:
1. You don't. I suppose I could write it in somewhere, but we're figuring at some point you'll wander by the graveyard at which point Bodhi will show up and confront you. Though Elhan doesn't actually tell you it's Bodhi either. You just sort of come up with that information on your own, that you should perhaps head over to her lair and see if she's there.
2. At the moment you can't kill Elhan since the game makes him invincible. I could change that with the right code, but then I'd have to completely re-write chapter 7 and that was more work than I wanted to do.
1) how are you supposed to know that you should go to Bodhi, if no one gives you the hint?
2) And also, having allied with the dark elves has no effect on what happens later in Suldanesselar? Can't you kill Elhan anyway?
Noticed now the double post. Anyway, my mod order is slim. Maybe it is an oddity of my game.
~SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS/SETUP-SKIPCHATEAUIRENICUS.TP2~ #0 #101 // Deal with skipped NPCs -> Vanilla NPCs only: 3.0
~ALLTHINGSMAZZY/SETUP-ALLTHINGSMAZZY.TP2~ #0 #0 // All Things Mazzy: Version 2.34
~ALLTHINGSMAZZY/SETUP-ALLTHINGSMAZZY.TP2~ #0 #1 // For the Evil: Additional content that might disturb a truly good player.: Version 2.34
Hmm, I've never downloaded Skip Chateau Irenicus, but nothing in that should've had any effect on your game in chapter 6. I'd recommend trying to do the whole thing starting from Ust Natha with no cheats and see what happens. It's made to go chronologically and within normal game rules, so if you skip parts it might break things.
Also if you do go to war with the Elves you have to win the battle with their leaders (Elhan and friends) before you can progress with the story.
Your answers:
1. You don't. I suppose I could write it in somewhere, but we're figuring at some point you'll wander by the graveyard at which point Bodhi will show up and confront you. Though Elhan doesn't actually tell you it's Bodhi either. You just sort of come up with that information on your own, that you should perhaps head over to her lair and see if she's there.
2. At the moment you can't kill Elhan since the game makes him invincible. I could change that with the right code, but then I'd have to completely re-write chapter 7 and that was more work than I wanted to do.
I checked Bodhi's summoning script for chapter 6, and as long as you walk in normally and you're in chapter 6 she should show up. There's no other triggers that matter. Perhaps you teleported in so you missed her? She's expecting you to walk in the front door.
PS: One thing I did want to request after my last playthrough was to make Mazzy's quest to take on the Shadow Thieves available for the friendship track, too.
That should be totally doable.
Tell you what. I'm currently coding adding Bodhi (as an NPC) to Shadows of Amn. Ratatoskr is working on coding a Dorn-Haer'Dalis Romance and adding in Clara's quest that we promised ages ago.
Once I've got Bodhi all working correctly and have added in her chapter 6 and 7 interjections and so forth I wouldn't mind tackling Mazzy's quest (unless Ratatoskr gets done with her projects first and wants to).
PS: One thing I did want to request after my last playthrough was to make Mazzy's quest to take on the Shadow Thieves available for the friendship track, too.
That should be totally doable.
Tell you what. I'm currently coding adding Bodhi (as an NPC) to Shadows of Amn. Ratatoskr is working on coding a Dorn-Haer'Dalis Romance and adding in Clara's quest that we promised ages ago.
Once I've got Bodhi all working correctly and have added in her chapter 6 and 7 interjections and so forth I wouldn't mind tackling Mazzy's quest (unless Ratatoskr gets done with her projects first and wants to).
Coding a what? Dorn and Haer'dalis?
I can't even romance him a dude (Haer I mean lol) ;_; Dorn damn you my male Bhaalspawn loves you but he hates you too.
I can't even romance him a dude (Haer I mean lol) ;_; Dorn damn you my male Bhaalspawn loves you but he hates you too.
Haha. That's because we didn't write the HD romance mod (though we appreciate it for what it is, in all its bodice-ripping glory).
Update: I now have a fully working and tested SoA Bodhi NPC (including the scene and dialogue where she can join you in Chapter 6). Still a lot of stuff to add, but it's a good start. You only have the option of accepting her surrender if you worked for her in chapter 3 though.
PS: One thing I did want to request after my last playthrough was to make Mazzy's quest to take on the Shadow Thieves available for the friendship track, too.
That should be totally doable.
Tell you what. I'm currently coding adding Bodhi (as an NPC) to Shadows of Amn. Ratatoskr is working on coding a Dorn-Haer'Dalis Romance and adding in Clara's quest that we promised ages ago.
Once I've got Bodhi all working correctly and have added in her chapter 6 and 7 interjections and so forth I wouldn't mind tackling Mazzy's quest (unless Ratatoskr gets done with her projects first and wants to).
Coding a what? Dorn and Haer'dalis?
I can't even romance him a dude (Haer I mean lol) ;_; Dorn damn you my male Bhaalspawn loves you but he hates you too.
it was confirmed by bioware that haer'dalis is bi.
Thank you for replying!
Here is my installation folder:
Here's the error log (partial, you can see the rest in the attached .txt file):
The folder looks good.
Weird. I don't know why CHANGESTAT is not found in ACTION.IDS.
Do you have the latest version of BG2:EE?
Also do you have any other mods installed?
If you get Clara you can't get Hexxat in SoA; they are mutually exclusive. If you start a new ToB game I know you can recruit both. Not sure about if you play your SoA game into ToB.
Also, Ratatoskr is a woman
Lastly, Clara interacts with every BG2:EE NPC even including Wilson and our Bodhi. If you want her to go nuts on boosts just install a banter accelerator and then rotate party members. I can't remember which NPC's give her STR (maybe Korgan does).
I tried a work around and so far it kinda works. I used cheat codes to summon Hexxat on her tomb immediately after you "staked her heart" and saved Clara. Hexxat then talked to my party as if nothing happened (no hard feelings).
I may have to donate 50,000 gold now to the temples for this fate twist and also for that Bag of Holding I """"found"""" in Irenicus' dungeon.
Story wise, I was able to disable Hexxat before she could absorb Clara's essence, and then later I removed the stake in her heart. She still badly needs life essence, so I would give up some of mine in exchange for letting Clara go (game wise, I'd manually reduce my Constitution by 1 just like when a familiar dies).
Sir BCasesar and Dame Ratatoskr, again thanks for the help and your contribution to the community.
And that was the problem.
For some reason I had a slightly earlier version installed.
As soon as I updated the game, mod installed flawlessly.
Thank you!
"Mazzy interjections and romance!" "You know, Mazzy wouldn't allow Hexxat to leave the tomb alive" "You know, if your romance can be revived, why not CLara?" "You know, Clara is a career thief and the game needs a pure thief with Hexxat dead. Party member it is!"
Just, the sheer amount of fully justified snowballing is AMAZING.
Awesome. Beamdog must have edited the modding tools between updates (wouldn't matter if the mod was old and the game was new, but when the mod was new and the game was old it broke because we tried to use a tool that didn't exist in your game).
Haha, that's pretty much how it went. Clara started as just Mazzy demanding that you finish your quest and rescue her from this evil vampire. And then I thought, "Clara is already an NPC in the game, how hard could it be to make her join your party?"
And then I'd always wanted to give Anomen an evil arc that didn't end in his redemption, and wanted a way to play that if you weren't romancing Anomen (since neither of us ever wanted to romance Anomen), which is how the Clara-Anomen romance came about.
And then I'd always thought it silly that Aerie couldn't regenerate her wings. Also the game was disappointing in the fact that the "good" and "evil" path merge when you get to Spellhold and are just one track after that. So I decided to see what I could do with that.
Mod Update
I've just about finished coding Viconia in Ust Natha.
Then I'll wander over and add Bodhi NPC to SoA
We'll also be able to add Clara's quest. It involves Rose Bouquet, since we liked the dialogue we did earlier between Clara and Rose and decided to run with it, and also Terl (the messenger who always finds Anomen and gives him horrible news) since we've grown fond of him.
Thanks for your hard work on this multi mod !
I can't wait to test it
Makes me speed BG1 & SOD ^^
Just a little question : is it compatible with Corthala Romantique ?
And that's the Valygar romance right? I can't think of anything that should cause game breaking issues, but that romance is newer so we didn't account for it like all the others. That just means there aren't any romance conflicts, some of our scenes may play on the same rests, and some dialogue might read a little strange if you also romance Mazzy. Though heavy modders are generally used to stuff like that ?
I was asking because I read this :
In the mod first post : https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/69969/corthala-romantique-valygar-romance-mod/p1
I was wondering if it means that it's more compatible with your mega-mod...
But in that case, our rest scenes shouldn't play at the same time, which will make things a bit more compatible. It won't stop some scenes from reading a bit strange if you try to romance Mazzy and Valygar, but that should be the only issue.
Anything finished for EE after we started making this mod in 2017 is "new"
Much like any business that's opened in my hometown in my lifetime is "new".
Yup, assuming all my restcheck code is working correctly it should mean their scenes that play on rest won't play at the same time as our scenes that play on rest and vice-versa. Hopefully it doesn't break anything
I'm pleased to say all the coding of my Viconia in Ust Natha project is done as is most of the testing. I'm going to play test a game from the beginning of Ust Natha to the end, and Ratatoskr is going to do one more edit of the dialogue, and once that's done we'll post this next version.
Finished it. Sent it off to Ratatoskr today so she should post it within a few days.
The Viconia in Ust Natha project was the most ambitious thing I've coded to date so it took a lot of testing to catch all the bugs and errors (and probably I didn't get them all even though I tried every possible combination of NPC's and choices that I could think of that would matter.
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
A. Main Mod: Misc.
1. Added an interjection to Viconia's massage sequence by Anomen if he failed his test (previously he only commented if he passed or had not taken his test).
B. For the Evil:
1. Added a series of dialogues and a couple of quests involving Viconia in Ust'Natha, which if taken to their most evil conclusion will involve you at the head of a small army of drow with a demon at your side.
2. Added dialogues causing all the good party members to object to Bodhi being in your party.
3. If you kill the Silver Dragon in the Underdark you can now get Cromwell to make her scales into armor (the scales and armor already existed in ToB:EE).
4. You now have a couple of options to fight the elves outside the Underdark in Chapter six if you choose the most hostile dialogue options.
C. For the Good:
1. Hostile Mazzy will now trigger if you attack the temple of Helm or Lathander in the Temple District, or the Radiant Heart.
So you sided with the drow and the demon and fought the elves both inside and outside the underdark? Or did you leave the demon and drow inside the underdark and go talk to the elves outside?
What other mods do you have installed? I could try installing the ones most likely to be messing with this and see what's happening.
Everything's all accounted for. It's only a chapter six thing though, it merges back together before chapter 7.
If you did go outside with the drow and the demon to fight the elves then here's what happens in my game, but in my game I don't have any other mods installed.
2. Then the demon walks to the center of the elf temple and talks.
3. Elhan and all of the other elves near his tent should be hostile as well.
4. Elhan is invincible as is one of his war sages. If you get them to low life they'll flee to the graveyard in Athkatla and stand outside of Bodhi's place. Elhan will talk to you when you get close which is where you get more information. The normal dialogue with Bodhi should still happen the first time you go into the graveyard, there's no code in our mod that affects that.
5. If you chose dialogue options for Viconia leaving then she'll do it either when all the elves outside are dead, or when you leave the Elven Temple area and go somewhere else (once you're not in combat and there are no other dialogues going on).
Hmm, I've never downloaded Skip Chateau Irenicus, but nothing in that should've had any effect on your game in chapter 6. I'd recommend trying to do the whole thing starting from Ust Natha with no cheats and see what happens. It's made to go chronologically and within normal game rules, so if you skip parts it might break things.
Also if you do go to war with the Elves you have to win the battle with their leaders (Elhan and friends) before you can progress with the story.
Your answers:
2. At the moment you can't kill Elhan since the game makes him invincible. I could change that with the right code, but then I'd have to completely re-write chapter 7 and that was more work than I wanted to do.
I checked Bodhi's summoning script for chapter 6, and as long as you walk in normally and you're in chapter 6 she should show up. There's no other triggers that matter. Perhaps you teleported in so you missed her? She's expecting you to walk in the front door.
That should be totally doable.
Tell you what. I'm currently coding adding Bodhi (as an NPC) to Shadows of Amn. Ratatoskr is working on coding a Dorn-Haer'Dalis Romance and adding in Clara's quest that we promised ages ago.
Once I've got Bodhi all working correctly and have added in her chapter 6 and 7 interjections and so forth I wouldn't mind tackling Mazzy's quest (unless Ratatoskr gets done with her projects first and wants to).
Coding a what? Dorn and Haer'dalis?
I can't even romance him a dude (Haer I mean lol) ;_; Dorn damn you my male Bhaalspawn loves you but he hates you too.
Haha. That's because we didn't write the HD romance mod (though we appreciate it for what it is, in all its bodice-ripping glory).
Update: I now have a fully working and tested SoA Bodhi NPC (including the scene and dialogue where she can join you in Chapter 6). Still a lot of stuff to add, but it's a good start. You only have the option of accepting her surrender if you worked for her in chapter 3 though.
it was confirmed by bioware that haer'dalis is bi.