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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited July 2019
    @Celeriok We will hopefully have the next version of the mod up within a couple weeks since we're in the middle of testing at the moment. We've also made some changes to existing dialogue in our mod so I would probably wait until I post the next version to start.

    For how to start, you will need to download the mod and go into the translations folder. That's where you'll find our English folder with the English tra files. Essentially what you need to do is make a Spanish folder and then make spanish translations of every tra file. Don't change the file name, the file type or the code, just translate everything between the ~~ signs. Once you do that, you can send me the folder and I'll code in the language option.

    I can give you more detailed instructions once you start.
    Post edited by Ratatoskr on
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Hi! How goes things?

    Pretty good. We've been updating and testing the mod internally. Some of the latest stuff Ratatoskr coded was really complicated and we've had trouble getting it to work right, but once it is tested as complete she'll post the next version.

    Much of the romance stuff is written (though of course we're endlessly editing), as is Mazzy joining the Order. We'll make those our next priorities for coding so the mod actually lives up to its name.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @BCaesar Nice! I'm looking forward to it. I'm curious about Mazzy joining the order, though. Her ToB epilogue has her finally being accepted into a paladin order. It seems kind of redundant to have her be recognised as the first halfling to join a paladin order... twice?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    mabey it will be the order considering her for the order to lead into her epilogue.
  • vonVincevonVince Member Posts: 18
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    Playable Clara and All Things Mazzy: Friendship, romance, NPC conversations and more.

    Written, edited, & coded by BCaesar and Ratatoskr.
    First version posted on these forums: 1.027, posted on March 27, 2017.
    Latest update: Version 1.039. January 24, 2019.
    Download location: This thread! (The mod is attached to this post).

    Welcome to AllThingsMazzy. This mod is primarily an expansion for Mazzy Fentan, which will someday include new interjections, NPC banters, expanded quest options, a friendship, and a romance among other things. It also includes a playable Clara option that splits off from the Hexxat quest.

    We are releasing the mod in parts rather than trying to write and edit everything before coding so that there will be something playable if we ever disappear (instead of a grand idea ending up in the mod graveyard with so many others). And if we ever go AWOL for more than a year, this is up for grabs. Take it and run with it. Additionally, if you want to use part of this mod just ask us, the answer is probably yes.

    AllThingsMazzy is still incomplete but the next update should an expanded getting Clara quest, a series of Korgan/Hexxat and Sarevok/Viconia banters, and hopefully parts of the friendship coded in.

    **Update version 1.039 also now has a Russian translation courtesy of p_zombie325.

    Mod Sections:

    1. All Things Mazzy: The main portion of the mod. Contains both SoA and ToB content.
    -Playable Clara - she's a human shadowdancer and can join your party if you kill Hexxat during her intro quest. She's also summonable in TOB whether you rescue her or not.
    -Additional conversations between Mazzy and Edwin, Jaheira, Keldorn, Jan, Korgan, and Viconia.
    -Additional interjections and expanded quest dialogues for Mazzy
    -Mini bonus quest in the docks

    See the mod Readme for details and the complete changelog.

    2. For the Good:
    -An optional addition to the main mod that may annoy an evil player. Currently contains Mazzy's more disruptive interjections and a hostile scene that will trigger if your reputation gets too low.

    3. Rest Check Tool:
    -Do NOT install this unless you want to test the mod. This is a coding tool to prevent the rest scenes in this mod from triggering on the same rest as any other (that we've coded for) and for 2 minutes of real time after. The code for preventing your mods from triggering with another rest scene is available for anyone to use in their own mod here.

    Compatibility & Installation:

    This mod should be generally compatible with all other mods, EET and hopefully other forms of BG2 as well. We have tried (and will continue to try) to make it fully compatible with BG2:EE, regular BG2, and most other mods. We've also tried to account for the following mods (meaning that our rest scenes don't trigger on the same rest, and we use their triggers for additional options. e.g. Imoen might have different reactions depending on whether she and player 1 are in an active romance):

    Friendships/Banters: Mazzy Friendship, Viconia Friendship, the IEP Banter Project (as of March 25th, 2017)
    NPC Romances: De'Arnise Romance, Edwin Romance, Haer'Dalis Romance, Imoen Romance, Keldorn Romance, Sarevok Romance, and the Yoshimo Romance.
    Miscellaneous Mods: Alternatives

    When you install this mod, you shouldn't need to restart your game. The triggers are structured to work whenever the mod is installed and check for existing situations (rather than adding unique triggers to in-game events). You should be able to do some conversations, kick Mazzy out of your party, delete the mod, play half the game, get Mazzy back in your party, reinstall the mod, and have it pick up right where it left off.

    However, when reinstalling a newer version you should still uninstall the older version, delete the folder, and then put in the folder containing the later version of All Things Mazzy.

    This thread is primarily for questions, bug-reporting, and for telling us that we're horrible people who have ruined Baldur's Gate II and thus your life. We also welcome dialogue suggestions (either changes, additions or typos).

    Thank you.

    Hey! I'm very interested in the Clara module of this mod: have you considered the possibility of cooperating with this this mod's maker? He was working on an extensive Clara mod himself, but due to various issues had to put it on-hold - but he has stated that he'd be open for other people helping him with the mod (he had written dialogue and banter, but needed help with coding).

    Please think about this if you haven't already - I'd be very interested in seeing more of Clara. :)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @vonVince Always glad to see interest in Clara. But to be honest, I barely have time to code this mod at the moment so adding another one really isn't feasible.

    I suppose it might work if he was willing to incorporate that mod into ours since then at least I wouldn't be trying to code two separate mods concurrently. But that would still be a someday kind of thing and it would only work if our visions for the character were similar.

    That's probably more of a @BCaesar kind of question since he's doing most of the writing at the moment. We do plan to add to our Clara over time but we promised these folks a Mazzy romance and that has to be our first priority. After this next update, getting the basics of the friendship/romance coded will be the top of my list.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2019
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @BCaesar Nice! I'm looking forward to it. I'm curious about Mazzy joining the order, though. Her ToB epilogue has her finally being accepted into a paladin order. It seems kind of redundant to have her be recognised as the first halfling to join a paladin order... twice?


    The only ToB epilogue I know is this one:

    And I don't see anything in there that would be incompatible.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    vonVince wrote: »

    Hey! I'm very interested in the Clara module of this mod: have you considered the possibility of cooperating with this this mod's maker? He was working on an extensive Clara mod himself, but due to various issues had to put it on-hold - but he has stated that he'd be open for other people helping him with the mod (he had written dialogue and banter, but needed help with coding).

    Please think about this if you haven't already - I'd be very interested in seeing more of Clara. :)

    Thanks, but we probably won't. I saw that one before but it doesn't seem to really be compatible with the direction we took her in our writing (and we made her a Shadowdancer already). We've got some banters and other things written for her already, so it's all really just waiting on how fast Ratatoskr can code it (since I don't have coding time right now). So Clara being expanded comes after we finish up Mazzy.
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    Keep Clara eh?

    Does she keep that annoying "I'm under a spell" voice where she sounds like a robot, or did you give her another soundset?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @BCaesar Oh, maybe Ascension changes her epilogue? I recall an epilogue where she is accepted into the Radiant Heart.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited July 2019
    Ascension does expand or change alot of the epilogues so that may have been the case.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    Baptor wrote: »
    Keep Clara eh?

    Does she keep that annoying "I'm under a spell" voice where she sounds like a robot, or did you give her another soundset?

    im pretty sure a new sound set is a given. she is gonna be freed when she rejoins so her having the old one makes no sense.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Actually, we haven't done anything with her soundset yet. It's on the someday list since we have to find sounds we actually like and then learn how to code them.

    However, that said, I think the default sounds should stop triggering because our Clara isn't technically the same creature. We've been giving her her own statements for selections, battle, etc. They just don't currently have sounds attached.
  • Timbo0o0o0Timbo0o0o0 Member Posts: 63
    Maybe you want to look there:

    Its an audio bazar, hopefully you find a good fit.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    or you can do what most modders do when they can't make their own voice set and just take one from iwd.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. Sounds for Clara is on the someday list and I don't actually have iwd, but @BCaesar might. Other the audio bazaar seems like a good place to look.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Just wanted to let you guys know that we're hoping to have the next version up soon.

    It just depends how long it takes us to fix a few bizarre Clara bugs that have popped up recently.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Ratatoskr Any chance at getting a little sneak peak at what is added for the new version?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @ThacoBell Sure thing :-). It's honestly pretty random because we hadn't quite finalized a lot of the friendship dialogue yet so I've just been coding whatever bits are done. So unfortunately the friendship will probably be the post after.

    But I do have a lot of bug fixes. Honestly like half of this is probably just fixes and adjustments. i.e. we corrected some issues with hostile Mazzy & other romance PID scripts breaking everything. We added an option to get Mazzy back if not doing Edwin's quest and made the Talos lightning less instantly deadly :-). Plus Clara's waiting timer should actually work properly now.

    Then there's an additional Hexxat/Mazzy conflict and expansion to her intro scene with For the good. We added a complicated Clara scene if you remove her from your party while at war with the thieves, which most people will probably never see and tried to make getting her more obvious. I've also added a for the evil section, which includes banter series for Korgan/Hexxat and Sarevok/Viconia. That's most of it, I think, though I may be forgetting something.

    Next up is friendship talks and hopefully the romance once BCaesar plays far enough that we can actually test it. Plus way too many other dialogues.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited August 2019
    Timbo0o0o0 wrote: »
    Maybe you want to look there:

    Its an audio bazar, hopefully you find a good fit.

    Oooh, sexy. I'll have a look.
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @BCaesar Oh, maybe Ascension changes her epilogue? I recall an epilogue where she is accepted into the Radiant Heart.

    That's probably true, but I can't find Mazzy's epilogue for Ascension on Youtube (lots of other people are there but can't find Mazzy).
    megamike15 wrote: »
    or you can do what most modders do when they can't make their own voice set and just take one from iwd.

    If only I had IWD. I have BG1 and PST and looked through both of those but didn't see anything that I thought fit. I could look again.
    Baptor wrote: »
    Keep Clara eh?

    Does she keep that annoying "I'm under a spell" voice where she sounds like a robot, or did you give her another soundset?

    Completely new character file (_BCLARA.CRE instead of OHHFAK.CRE) so the old scripts and sounds for her don't apply, though we kept the picture. We did add a few new interjections for possessed Clara though.

    Supposedly Clara is a character in Siege of Dragonspear, and was originally going to be fleshed out but they never got to it. I wonder if they recorded sounds for her. I don't have SoD though and it seems silly to buy it just on the off-chance there's a bunch of unused Clara sounds sitting in a file folder.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Ratatoskr Interesting, thanks!

    @BCaesar She's technically a character in SoD. She just cameos at one point. I don't even think you can talk to her.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Random question. I'm about to start a BG2 playhtrough, when you say you are close to pushing another update. Would you tentatively say that your looking at weeks or months for a release?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
  • GnollGnoll Member Posts: 24
    Fantastic! I've just stumbled on this one, I love Mazzy.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Gnoll This mod's obviously still a work in progress, but I highly recommend it. Even like, three versions ago, there was quite a bit of content.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Okay, as promised next version is UP. We did a whole let of testing so hopefully this doesn't destroy anyone's game, but as usual let us know if you find any bugs. Some bugs require certain other mods to show up or just take awhile.

    If you want to know the changes, see below:
    A. Main Mod:
    1. Additions to Hexxat's introduction that make the Clara choice more obvious.
    Many, many, many fixes for typos, bugs, and minor coding errors, including the endlessly repeating Keldorn dialogue from having his romance installed
    Adjusted "getting Clara" to remove the selection glitch. She will now reappear alive instead of dead.
    Some adjustments to the Maevar temple quest to make it less instantly deadly.
    Additional code to help this install on non-TOB versions and to keep you from installing ForTheGood/ForTheEvil without the main mod.
    An additional scene/dialogue options if you kick Clara out of your party while at war with the Shadow Thieves (includes dialogue for every romance)
    Minor fix in the Underdark so the drow bands won't attack while you're disguised.

    B.For the Good:
    1. Your good party members will no longer blithely welcome a vampire into your party, greatly expanding the Hexxat introduction. She's a lot harder to get with a good-aligned party.
    2. A Hexxat-Mazzy conflict (SOA & TOB). If the conversation ends with Mazzy taking a couple people vampire hunting, try letting things play out.

    C. For the Evil: Things get a little dark.
    1. A Korgan-Hexxat friendship that will trigger if you do not romance her. About 7 conversations.
    2. A series of Sarevok-Viconia talks.

    Hopefully, the next version won't take us seven months. But I make no promises.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited August 2019
    @Celeriok Here's the English translation folder. To make a Spanish translation, rename this folder "Spanish" and then open each file and translate the text between the ~~ . Don't change the file names or anything outside of the ~~. I can do the coding portion when you're done :) And feel free to ask if you any questions.

    I'll be leaving the Russian version up for now until we have new translations and @p_zombie325 , I'm going to apologize in advance for how many of the existing files we edited. You honestly might just have to go through everything to be sure. We may still add to existing files in the future, but we will try not to make any major edits to the text that we already have. Sorry again and thanks for whatever you do :)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Yoink. Gonna mod my install as soon as the kiddo is in bed.
  • p_zombie325p_zombie325 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the new version! Translation started.
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