Okay I found and fixed the drow item bug. Certain people being in your party would reset the global destroying the items from 1 back to 0 (none of them must have been in my party during previous tests). And one of them is Imoen (whom I have this test run) so I got to experience the bug too.
But if you set the global to 999 then that fixes that. I also did some more testing in Ust-Natha and with exiting and talking to the elves, but didn't find any bugs during that. My previous fixes are working as intended so far. I did find a typo though and fixed that.
I'll try to figure out the Anomen-Terl thing another day.
so the jysstev thing worked out in the end, its just that the butler and lady jysstev both did not acknowledge that i had something to do there and i was worried they would call the guards.
but i could just walk behind them and talk to lord jysstev.
basically it was just a standard "multiple messenger" bug and a bit of missing dialogue (maybe it wasnt even missing and its supposed to be that way)
basically it was just a standard "multiple messenger" bug and a bit of missing dialogue (maybe it wasnt even missing and its supposed to be that way)
I can't figure out why Terl appeared more than once. The code says he's only supposed to show up if he doesn't already exist. It's the same code the game itself uses.
I suppose we could put a global in to make sure it only happens once, but then if you go to a different map or it bugs out then he'll just be gone and won't show up again. So I think it's better to risk having him show up multiple times than risk having him not show up at all.
after that, when i go to meet qar jysstev, the butler still just tells me to go off and i cant say something like "i have a letter with me, lord jysstev has asked to meet"
I'll look at it when I'm back on the surface. It should be easy enough to add a line to the Butler and Lady Jysstev in this case if you talk to them.
I mean, she is an evil vampire who's been trying to kill you. I don't remember if we made people protest in that conversation, but I don't feel like them hating her should be that be a surprise 😉
I mean, she is an evil vampire who's been trying to kill you. I don't remember if we made people protest in that conversation, but I don't feel like them hating her should be that be a surprise 😉
Oh we definitely did. Because...
you're not just having her join your party to spare her life. You're also thus letting her keep Imoen's soul. And if you have anyone helping you (Shadow Thieves, Order of the Radiant Heart, and/or Drizzt and his party) then you're betraying them as well. So it's a pretty evil turn. But on the other hand she's an unstoppable killing machine. She has a tendency to explode people and destroy all their items, but supposedly there's a setting to turn off people exploding on death in the game settings. I liked her exploding people though; seemed fitting.
you're not just having her join your party to spare her life. You're also thus letting her keep Imoen's soul. And if you have anyone helping you (Shadow Thieves, Order of the Radiant Heart, and/or Drizzt and his party) then you're betraying them as well. So it's a pretty evil turn. But on the other hand she's an unstoppable killing machine. She has a tendency to explode people and destroy all their items, but supposedly there's a setting to turn off people exploding on death in the game settings. I liked her exploding people though; seemed fitting.
exploding can be avoided by turning of "gore" setting, theres still the chance that you level drain kill them and that should still remove dropped equipment.
i didnt keep her since im playing with imoen atm, does she get normal fighter hlas? and can you tell me if she has more than 1 banter with clara? only got 1 to trigger before i decided ill save that up for a "real" evil run
i didnt keep her since im playing with imoen atm, does she get normal fighter hlas? and can you tell me if she has more than 1 banter with clara? only got 1 to trigger before i decided ill save that up for a "real" evil run
I don't remember if Bodhi gets the normal fighter extra abilities at higher levels. Probably. Imoen has four banters with Clara. Bodhi has three with Clara.
@eamon to clarify for the Terl issue. Did he show up, give you the entire conversation, leave and then show up to do again? Or did he show up multiple times at once?
i dont really remember. there were a lot of characters at that moment and the demon + 12 drows so i didnt even notice him at all until dialogue. then i got 3 dialogues, 1 letter for anomen and twice the same letter for clara (or the other way around)
i noticed some weird clara behaviour. if you give her enough intelligence to dual class to mage (dont know for priest or fighter, but you need some stats through lum the mad or such), she retains all her proficiencies. like not when you get your old class back, right out the gate lvl 1 mage she has 2 pips katana shortbow and shortsword, so everywhere where she got extra pips through banters. not really gamebreaking but if its easy to fix than feel free because there will be nerds to dual anyone because its hella fun
otherwise you could argue that she got those pips from training with those certain companions so theres no reason she should lose them just because shes all wizard and stuff now
I'd be inclined to let Clara keep anything she got through banters. It's meant to be a bonus after all.
The Terl one is interesting. It sounds like you may have qualified for a few talks that then all happened right at once. But you still shouldn't get the same talk more than once unless a global didn't update properly 🤔
I'm inclined not to worry about Terl for the moment, mostly because
A) All the letters were successfully delivered. Everything progressed. So everything worked, even if it was weird.
B ) I don't have Clara and Anomen so I can't test it right now, and something this complicated will require testing; I sometimes make mistakes even with simple coding fixes.
Unrelated to that, I found that Mazzy-Imoen dialogue that someone had complained about ages ago. I think for them it somehow triggered after the Mazzy-Player 1 romance talk and so was wierd(er). However, neither Ratatoskr nor I like this particular Mazzy-Imoen talk so I just turned it off. @Ratatoskr , I gave you the file names and updated the read me.
imoen keeps removing my drow equipment.. can you tell me if there is a console command i can enter to stop that for my current playthrough?
Just install the latest test version of the mod below and it should keep the drow items from disappearing. Uninstall the version of this mod that you have, delete the old folder, paste in the new folder, and reinstall it. It shouldn't break anything.
Or if you want to change a global you need to:
That should stop them from vanishing.
and is there a way to change exp reward for claras chapter 6 bridge district "quest"?
i really like the idea but 10 k per first "item" seems a lot, i got 400 k exp in 2 mins
Nope. Depends how many different books you horde and are willing to go fetch for her. It's chapter 6 already, and everyone is pretty high level. Not much to do before the end of the game.
Oh and the latest mod is attached here. Still testing Ust'Natha. Added in one dialogue for if Solufein is dead. I'm not getting through this particularly quickly, but I'm trying to a little bit every day that I have time. So far there are no unfixed bugs that I've found, but I've got a few more possible options to test.
I'd actually forgotten the rewards for Clara's quest were that high 😆. I think we tended to assume that everyone already has a zillion XP in chapter 6, especially with modded games.
But I'm generally okay with rewarding people for keeping/finding all that stuff. I suppose if you really wanted to, you could edit the file to reduce the reward before installing, but that seems like a lot of work.
But I'm generally okay with rewarding people for keeping/finding all that stuff.
Yeah, I mean to get 400,000kp you have to
have and turn in 40 different books. That's a lot of books. I guess if you have a habit of saving them all in a scroll case then that's one thing, but most people just leave them because they aren't worth anything. Unless they have a scroll case and really want the 1gp per book to sell them.
Oh and @eamon there's another Clara quest with her and Rose that'll show up in a bit (in addition to the normal library). You've gotta track someone down. I forget what the requirement is for it to happen. Might just be on a timer.
Thanks for your dedication to maintaining this excellent mod! I'm looking forward to using it soon.
Thanks! Once I decide Ust'Natha's been thoroughly tested, the only other reported bugs I need to check my fixes for are Dorn if he's lost his patron and talks to the temple of Talos, and fighting the Prelate of the Order of the Radiant Heart both with and without Bodhi.
Okay, I've done just about every possible option I can think of, finding and fixing bugs along the way. I've been trying to do the various story options in ways that might break things, and then fixing them so they don't. I think it's pretty solid now, so I'm going to do one last run through the city, start to finish, with the story options I want long-term, and then I'll call Ust Natha good and move on to the last things.
Okay Ust Natha is done and tested as fully as I could figure out how to test it. No bugs left that I could find. There was one time when a mid-conversation setting of a global failed to happen, which was worrying as those are supposed to be guaranteed to work and I've never had one of those fail before, but I don't know how to code it any better than I did. It only happened one time, and while it ended the demon-scene before the absolute end, it didn't break the game. And every other time I tested that same conversation it worked fine. So I'm going to write that one down to a weird rare fluke glitch.
So anyway Viconia in Ust Natha is as rock-solid as I know how to make it, so I'm going to call it good (until the next inevitable bug report). The last two things to test are fighting the Order (with and without Bodhi) and then Dorn gaining a new patron after I finish his quests. And then every bug fix will have been tested and this mod will be officially updateable.
Okay, it's done and tested. I attached it here, and Ratatoskr will post it on the main page.
I added in a fix where Dorn will regain his Paladinhood if it glitches and doesn't work for some reason (which was happening with me. It always worked before, no idea why it wasn't now. I think BG2 is just glitchier over time).
I also added in a fix where if you're fighting the order and you make peace, it allows you do keep that peace even if you end up doing damage again (like because my wizards always cast Melf's Acid Arrow)
Okay, the main post and the 7zip Github are updated with the newest version. I haven't done the normal GitHub yet because that one is frankly a pain to update. I'll get to it when I can.
The 3.15 attached should be the right one. But if you're seeing the old number in the ReadMe, let me know. Sometimes Beamdog gets a little weird about updating the attachments properly.
Okay, the main post and the 7zip Github are updated with the newest version. I haven't done the normal GitHub yet because that one is frankly a pain to update. I'll get to it when I can.
The 3.15 attached should be the right one. But if you're seeing the old number in the ReadMe, let me know. Sometimes Beamdog gets a little weird about updating the attachments properly.
Okay I found and fixed the drow item bug. Certain people being in your party would reset the global destroying the items from 1 back to 0 (none of them must have been in my party during previous tests). And one of them is Imoen (whom I have this test run) so I got to experience the bug too.
But if you set the global to 999 then that fixes that. I also did some more testing in Ust-Natha and with exiting and talking to the elves, but didn't find any bugs during that. My previous fixes are working as intended so far. I did find a typo though and fixed that.
I'll try to figure out the Anomen-Terl thing another day.
The latest test version is attached.
but i could just walk behind them and talk to lord jysstev.
basically it was just a standard "multiple messenger" bug and a bit of missing dialogue (maybe it wasnt even missing and its supposed to be that way)
I can't figure out why Terl appeared more than once. The code says he's only supposed to show up if he doesn't already exist. It's the same code the game itself uses.
I suppose we could put a global in to make sure it only happens once, but then if you go to a different map or it bugs out then he'll just be gone and won't show up again. So I think it's better to risk having him show up multiple times than risk having him not show up at all.
I'll look at it when I'm back on the surface. It should be easy enough to add a line to the Butler and Lady Jysstev in this case if you talk to them.
Oh yeah. A lot of the other NPC's really don't like her.
Oh we definitely did. Because...
exploding can be avoided by turning of "gore" setting, theres still the chance that you level drain kill them and that should still remove dropped equipment.
i didnt keep her since im playing with imoen atm, does she get normal fighter hlas? and can you tell me if she has more than 1 banter with clara? only got 1 to trigger before i decided ill save that up for a "real" evil run
I don't remember if Bodhi gets the normal fighter extra abilities at higher levels. Probably. Imoen has four banters with Clara. Bodhi has three with Clara.
i noticed some weird clara behaviour. if you give her enough intelligence to dual class to mage (dont know for priest or fighter, but you need some stats through lum the mad or such), she retains all her proficiencies. like not when you get your old class back, right out the gate lvl 1 mage she has 2 pips katana shortbow and shortsword, so everywhere where she got extra pips through banters. not really gamebreaking but if its easy to fix than feel free because there will be nerds to dual anyone because its hella fun
otherwise you could argue that she got those pips from training with those certain companions so theres no reason she should lose them just because shes all wizard and stuff now
The Terl one is interesting. It sounds like you may have qualified for a few talks that then all happened right at once. But you still shouldn't get the same talk more than once unless a global didn't update properly 🤔
A) All the letters were successfully delivered. Everything progressed. So everything worked, even if it was weird.
B ) I don't have Clara and Anomen so I can't test it right now, and something this complicated will require testing; I sometimes make mistakes even with simple coding fixes.
Unrelated to that, I found that Mazzy-Imoen dialogue that someone had complained about ages ago. I think for them it somehow triggered after the Mazzy-Player 1 romance talk and so was wierd(er). However, neither Ratatoskr nor I like this particular Mazzy-Imoen talk so I just turned it off. @Ratatoskr , I gave you the file names and updated the read me.
and is there a way to change exp reward for claras chapter 6 bridge district "quest"?
i really like the idea but 10 k per first "item" seems a lot, i got 400 k exp in 2 mins
Just install the latest test version of the mod below and it should keep the drow items from disappearing. Uninstall the version of this mod that you have, delete the old folder, paste in the new folder, and reinstall it. It shouldn't break anything.
Or if you want to change a global you need to:
That should stop them from vanishing.
Nope. Depends how many different books you horde and are willing to go fetch for her. It's chapter 6 already, and everyone is pretty high level. Not much to do before the end of the game.
But I'm generally okay with rewarding people for keeping/finding all that stuff. I suppose if you really wanted to, you could edit the file to reduce the reward before installing, but that seems like a lot of work.
Yeah, I mean to get 400,000kp you have to
Oh and @eamon there's another Clara quest with her and Rose that'll show up in a bit (in addition to the normal library). You've gotta track someone down. I forget what the requirement is for it to happen. Might just be on a timer.
Thanks! Once I decide Ust'Natha's been thoroughly tested, the only other reported bugs I need to check my fixes for are Dorn if he's lost his patron and talks to the temple of Talos, and fighting the Prelate of the Order of the Radiant Heart both with and without Bodhi.
And then we'll make the update official.
So anyway Viconia in Ust Natha is as rock-solid as I know how to make it, so I'm going to call it good (until the next inevitable bug report). The last two things to test are fighting the Order (with and without Bodhi) and then Dorn gaining a new patron after I finish his quests. And then every bug fix will have been tested and this mod will be officially updateable.
Latest version is attached.
I added in a fix where Dorn will regain his Paladinhood if it glitches and doesn't work for some reason (which was happening with me. It always worked before, no idea why it wasn't now. I think BG2 is just glitchier over time).
I also added in a fix where if you're fighting the order and you make peace, it allows you do keep that peace even if you end up doing damage again (like because my wizards always cast Melf's Acid Arrow)
The 3.15 attached should be the right one. But if you're seeing the old number in the ReadMe, let me know. Sometimes Beamdog gets a little weird about updating the attachments properly.
It looks good to me.