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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    BCaesar wrote: »
    4. I'll probably donate to temples to get my my reputation higher and then bring Mazzy to Spellhold and get Imoen because there was one complaint/bug reported ages ago with her if you don't romance Mazzy (but she is being friendly with Imoen) and I'm pretty sure we fixed it already but I want to make sure.

    Out of curiosity, what was the reported bug? I plan to recruit Mazzy on my next BG2 game, not romance her but give my blessings to the Imoen-Mazzy relationship, and am now a bit worried that there may be a problem. Thanks!
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 6
    BCaesar wrote: »
    4. I'll probably donate to temples to get my my reputation higher and then bring Mazzy to Spellhold and get Imoen because there was one complaint/bug reported ages ago with her if you don't romance Mazzy (but she is being friendly with Imoen) and I'm pretty sure we fixed it already but I want to make sure.

    Out of curiosity, what was the reported bug? I plan to recruit Mazzy on my next BG2 game, not romance her but give my blessings to the Imoen-Mazzy relationship, and am now a bit worried that there may be a problem. Thanks!

    No problem really. They said that if Imoen was trying for Mazzy, but you weren't, Mazzy still started one dialogue as if you (Player 1) and her were together. The reason I wanted to test that was because I never remember fixing that exact bug.

    However this was ages ago, and it's quite possible they were playing a version before we did our Mazzy re-write (where we went through every Mazzy line and re-wrote things to our satisfaction), because when we were coding that re-write we fixed a lot of bugs too that we noticed.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    OK , thanks for the explanation! That sounds pretty minor indeed.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    OK , thanks for the explanation! That sounds pretty minor indeed.

    So you'd think. But instead of thinking of it as a bug they thought that Mazzy was insisting on a threesome even though they weren't interested and it was the final straw which ruined their game. They uninstalled the mod and never played it again.

    I've found that many people take their modded fan-fiction for 20+ year old children's games extremely seriously. It's why my current project is a book not set in anyone else's universe :).
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 7
    I found and fixed another bug. It was the "sometimes bug" which strikes occasionally (but not always or even most of the time) if you code setting a global as the last command before an "EXIT".

    In this case I decided to try dumping Hexxat from my party and killing her to raise Clara. That worked fine. Then, because I sided with Bodhi and was against the Shadow Thieves I decided to boot her from my party to trigger "Sleeps with Clara". That didn't work. Turns out we had coded:
    DO ~JoinParty() SetGlobal("_bSleepsWithClara","GLOBAL",1)~
    Which worked the dozens of times we tested it, but on my game, this time, it didn't. Clara would join my party, and then the EXIT would trigger to fast for the global to set. And the beauty of the "sometimes bug" is that if it strikes it seems to strike 100% of the time no matter how much you load and retry. We coded much of the mod before finding out about it, then recoded every instance we could find, but not in this case.

    So I changed the code to:
    DO ~SetGlobal("_bSleepsWithClara","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~
    And that works. The Global has to be set before she joins, and the EXIT won't trigger until she does. At least every time I tried it.
    So that's fixed. Updated mod is attached. I'll get on testing the rest of it as soon as I can. Once I've tested it all Ratatoskr will update the mod on the first page.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Another day, more bugs. Somewhat annoying.

    I found that there was something that set a global for Mazzy to attack even when she wasn't in your party, so as soon as I got Mazzy she attacked me, even though I had given money to a temple to erase all my bloody deeds. I have no idea which particular horrible thing Mazzy was mad about since I've done so, so, so many bad things this playthrough. So instead of picking through code for days, I coded a change where if Mazzy's not in your party it resets the Mazzy-Hostile back to 0. So now she'll mostly only care about evil things you do while she's with you. This was in the "ForTheGood" section. Most of Mazzy trying to kill you is part of "ForTheGood".

    And then once I fixed that I had to uninstall "ForTheGood" anyway because otherwise Mazzy and Hexxat conflict after the first rest and I wanted to keep both. They'll fight anyway in the game, but it's on a banter timer, so it could be years. So for the moment Hexxat and Mazzy are getting along just fine. And I'll get to test if any bugs come if with the whole mod installed except for "ForTheGood". There shouldn't be any problems, but that doesn't mean there won't be.

    Also there was a line in one of our Mazzy friendship talks that referenced killing the Shade Lord even if you hadn't done so. So I fixed that. It'll be in the mod when I finish testing and Ratatoskr posts the new version.

    As to my current playthrough:
    I've wiped out the whole Shadow Thief Hideout except Aran Linvale, though Hexxat just got her first quest so I'll take a minute and do that (Hexxat is the one EE character that I've never played through all their quests). And then I'll hop on Bodhi's ship and be off to see the wizard.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 12
    Made another change. Now in ForTheGood between Hexxat and Mazzy:
    If you side with Mazzy, then Hexxat will fight you and if you kill her you can get Clara back. I wanted to do this originally, but I never could figure out how to kill Hexxat. And then after we did, I never went back and changed it.

    I changed one line too. Ratatoskr, I sent you the changes.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Made another change. Now in ForTheGood between Hexxat and Mazzy:
    If you side with Mazzy, then Hexxat will fight you and if you kill her you can get Clara back. I wanted to do this originally, but I never could figure out how to kill Hexxat. And then after we did, I never went back and changed it.

    I changed one line too. Ratatoskr, I sent you the changes.

    Sounds promising! When might you able to post the updated version?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    I'm not going to update the master file until he's done checking things so I can just do it all at once. Updating the GitHub over and over is a pain.

    If you want it now, @BCaesar may be willing to post his newest WIP version again. Though now that now that he's changed an actual line of dialogue, the Russian translation won't be entirely accurate.

    So @p_zombie325 it sounds like we'll have at least one change for you. Though he's also talking about maybe adding some dialogue as well. Probably best to wait until he's done 😄
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Mothor wrote: »
    Sounds promising! When might you able to post the updated version?

    Attached is the latest version. The changes have not all been tested yet, but I'm working on it.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Mothor wrote: »
    Sounds promising! When might you able to post the updated version?

    Attached is the latest version. The changes have not all been tested yet, but I'm working on it.

    Nice, thanks you! :)
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Got another bug, now fixed. Imoen-Mazzy's first dialogue was repeating endlessly. Now, obviously, this can't have been triggering for anyone or even most people since it's game breaking if you have both Imoen and Mazzy in your party and we tested through it many times.

    But for whatever reason my game is always rushing the end of dialogues too fast so it cuts off any globals that are set in the last line (the "sometimes bug" I referred to above. Called as such because things coded that way sometimes fail. Not always, not even usually, just once in a while). So every "sometimes bug" is triggering for me. Which I suppose is useful since then I get to re-code things properly and fix them all.

    So this probably affects almost no one, but I've found and fixed it in the current update that I'm testing and @Ratatoskr I sent you the file name and location for when you have to do Github.

    As for my game:
    I'm below Spellhold right now, doing Bodhi's maze. Then I'm going to pop into the portal to the Underdark and test my fixes to the Viconia-Ust Natha bugs.
    I haven't had much time to play, but I'm trying to get it in when I can.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    When you chose the evil option with the Dryads it locks you out of the dialogue option to get the flask for the djinn..
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    eamon wrote: »
    When you chose the evil option with the Dryads it locks you out of the dialogue option to get the flask for the djinn..
    What's their dialogue line when you talk to them?

    Are they saying "We have done as you ask, will you free us now?"

    If so then just agree to free them and then it should go back to the main dialogue tree next time.

    If they're saying, "Begone! We will not speak with your further." then there's no way to get that back. They're too angry and won't help you anymore.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    thx for reply!

    They said exactly that:
    "We have done as you ask, will you free us now?"

    I could either tell them ill help them later or opt for another round. when i said "ill help you later" that ended the conversation and when i initiated a new one i was just at back at "we have done as you ask, will you free us now?"

    wasnt really bad anyway since i wasnt really that evil and just went for a safescum test that but in theory theres a way which locks you out of being able to get the flask w/o killing them.

    other question: in the description it says "Another romance talk if CN was romancing Viconia" at some point. what is CN?

  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 21
    eamon wrote: »
    thx for reply!

    They said exactly that:
    "We have done as you ask, will you free us now?"

    I could either tell them ill help them later or opt for another round. when i said "ill help you later" that ended the conversation and when i initiated a new one i was just at back at "we have done as you ask, will you free us now?"

    wasnt really bad anyway since i wasnt really that evil and just went for a safescum test that but in theory theres a way which locks you out of being able to get the flask w/o killing them.

    Oh, that's no good. It would be better if it forwarded back to the main dialogue in some way or I added a line to get the flask. I'll look at it. It shouldn't be hard to fix and I have a save already there to test it. I'll fix it by the next posting.
    other question: in the description it says "Another romance talk if CN was romancing Viconia" at some point. what is CN?
    Oh sorry, CN is "Charname" which is what the BG2 code calls Player 1 (the main character).

  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33

    is there a way to search, just in this thread? i dont find it.. im wondering in what way "banters with clara improve her" and if i need every single npc to get the most out of it. would look for it if i could search specifically for it but mb you can give quicker answer?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 21
    eamon wrote: »
    is there a way to search, just in this thread? i dont find it.. im wondering in what way "banters with clara improve her" and if i need every single npc to get the most out of it. would look for it if i could search specifically for it but mb you can give quicker answer?

    Basically, every single NPC has a multiple banters with Clara and usually (starting with the 2nd banter) each one gives Clara a bonus of some kind. You really need a banter accelerator to see them all. But we've never written out of a list of exactly what every NPC banter gives her. You're not the first person to ask. I don't think it's ever been posted in this thread.

    Also, just to post it again here because it's not intuitive, the way to change Clara's subclass is to dismiss her from your party. And then when she asks if you want her to go you say, "No, I just want to change what kind of thief you want to be."
    It was the easiest way to do player-initiated dialogue, since BG2 doesn't really have it.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    edited January 21
    even wilson? :D

    well anyways, thank you!

    edit: wait one thing you can tell me: do some of these boni include permanent attribute boni? wondering if i can dual her to a mage, fighter or cleric at some point.

    and actually one more thing: does "viconias peace" require me to romance her or redeem her? i kinda wann do an evil playthrough and i think mazzy romance is a bit to far already that viconia would start but i wanna do that quest later..
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    eamon wrote: »
    even wilson? :D

    well anyways, thank you!

    She has 3 banters with Wilson.
    His 2nd and 3rd banters with Clara give her
    +1 CON each time
    I'm quite fond of all three.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 21
    eamon wrote: »
    edit: wait one thing you can tell me: do some of these boni include permanent attribute boni? wondering if i can dual her to a mage, fighter or cleric at some point.

    Yes, though I don't know if she can be duel-classed. I've never tried.
    and actually one more thing: does "viconias peace" require me to romance her or redeem her? i kinda wann do an evil playthrough and i think mazzy romance is a bit to far already that viconia would start but i wanna do that quest later..

    Viconia's peace only requires a couple of the Viconia-Clara banters to have happened. No other requirements. And then it triggers after you go outside after Bodhi in Chapter 6. It is a bit evil though. Though it took a lot of effort to code, so I fully encourage seeing it.

    There's also a related scene in the copper coronet too that you can get after
    Viconia teaches Clara how to make poison. That one you can get before Chapter 6.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Yeah, I doubt we'll ever write any sort of complete walkthrough for our mod, or even a list with all the Clara bonuses and how to get them. Too much effort and I kind of like things being a surprise.

    Though as with most other things with this mod, we wouldn't stop someone else from doing it either :wink:
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Okay I think I've got the dryad talk fixed. I tested it a number of different ways and it seems to work each time. It'll be included in the next post. Thanks, it's always good to find and fix stuff.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    wow you are really active :D amazing

    sorry if im being annoying but i got another question which has probably been asked somewhere already: im looking for claras friend in the bridge district and cant find her. or was it just the short talk with rose boquet? i thought it would lead to a quest..
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    eamon wrote: »
    wow you are really active :D amazing

    sorry if im being annoying but i got another question which has probably been asked somewhere already: im looking for claras friend in the bridge district and cant find her. or was it just the short talk with rose boquet? i thought it would lead to a quest..

    Rose Boquet is the friend. At some time after the talk she'll send Clara a letter through a messenger; the ever hard-working man named Terl who can find you wherever you are.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 21
    eamon wrote: »
    wow you are really active :D amazing

    sorry if im being annoying but i got another question which has probably been asked somewhere already: im looking for claras friend in the bridge district and cant find her. or was it just the short talk with rose boquet? i thought it would lead to a quest..

    I had completely forgotten about this quest. Now I remember this thing is insane. Yes, Rose sends you a letter to start the quest but only after
    Aran Linvale, the Shadowmaster is dead.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 21
    @earnon Ratatoskr gets full credit for Clara's quests with Rose, if I remember. I had completely forgotten about them until I read through the files just now. Beautiful insanity.

    And yeah, it pings us whenever anyone posts on this thread, and I just happened to have my computer open and a few minutes of free time.
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    edited January 21
    she started the poison thing but after 2nd talk nothing comes anymore.. does it need a certain level or event in the game?

    sooo after a while it resolved.. funny thing: clara was wearing a periapt of protect vs poison. i know thats really rare and not really something you need to keep in mind but would be fun to have her poison resistance show there :D
    Post edited by eamon on
  • eamoneamon Member Posts: 33
    something about the ability is wrong tho
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Does it actually create Arrows when you use it? I know I tested all Clara 's abilities but I'm not sure I knew that you could see the description in game. So I may have forgotten to change it.

    Also I don't think there's anymore Clara and Viconia content until chapter 6. Our mod is designed to be played across the entire game so there's plenty of things that don't trigger until certain chapters.
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