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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • MephistoSatanDevilMephistoSatanDevil Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2024
    I'd like to ask, Can the part of Clara in this mod be separated and released as an independent mod? Or, can the content of different NPCs in this mod be split up and released as separate mods?
    For example: The parts of Clara, Anomen, and Bodhi could be released as the same mod.

    After all, the mod is named "All things Mazzy," but it has now become "some things Mazzy, Clara, Anomen & many others."
    At least, it might be better to split it into different components?
    Post edited by MephistoSatanDevil on
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    I think it may not have to be a separate mod; there are add-ons that allow the user to pick xyz, such as the tweak mods. May be a little bit cumbersome (I haven't found out yet whether we can use a text-file to automatically answer all such questions, such as in the tweak mod, or not) but it may be simpler than to maintain separate mods. Best would be to really fine-tune all components without depending on upstream code. There was at the least one mod that makes it possible to install and manage mods, but it did not work well for me, and I consistently also have had horrible results with weidu re-installing everything (even if that problem lies with flawed mods, I always end up having had horrible issues doing so, so I stopped allowing weidu doing any re-installation of any mod, ever).
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    I'd like to ask, Can the part of Clara in this mod be separated and released as an independent mod? Or, can the content of different NPCs in this mod be split up and released as separate mods?
    For example: The parts of Clara, Anomen, and Bodhi could be released as the same mod.

    After all, the mod is named "All things Mazzy," but it has now become "some things Mazzy, Clara, Anomen & many others."
    At least, it might be better to split it into different components?

    It would be possible, but it would take a lot of work. The mod started out as a Mazzy mod, and then when we wanted to add in other projects we had to decide how we were going to do that. The reason we decided to make everything as one installable mod (with different parts that can be turned off in in-game dialogues) is that it saved us hours upon hours during the coding and testing phases, and made it much easier to reduce and eliminate bugs.

    I think it'd be easier for testing purposes to make separate mods then it would be to make one mod with a bunch of different installed components. But we're not going to do either one because we're both working on other projects.

    However, if someone else who knows the basics of coding wanted to go in and pull out everything related to Clara or Bodhi or whatever and make it it's own mod, that'd be fine. We can even upload it here so people can download it. We just don't have the time on inclination to do that.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited September 2024
    Yeah, if someone pulled out the relevant parts of our code to create separate mods, I'd be happy to add those to the first page. However, it's not realistically something we're ever going to do ourselves.

    Also, if anyone does decide to do that, be aware that it won't be as easy as simply pulling out the Clara folder and Clara section of the setup file. You'd need to grab every piece of Clara related code in the other script files/dialogue/etc as well and make sure all of that gets copied/installed. Because we knew she'd always be installed, we didn't separate that out when we coded everything.
  • Could we possibly use this mod as a base to remove adult content and create a general audience or teen-friendly mod?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited September 2024
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    Yeah, if someone pulled out the relevant parts of our code to create separate mods, I'd be happy to add those to the first page. However, it's not realistically something we're ever going to do ourselves.

    Also, if anyone does decide to do that, be aware that it won't be as easy as simply pulling out the Clara folder and Clara section of the setup file. You'd need to grab every piece of Clara related code in the other script files/dialogue/etc as well and make sure all of that gets copied/installed. Because we knew she'd always be installed, we didn't separate that out when we coded everything.
    But on the upside, we labeled everything really, really well. So this is probably one of the easiest mods out there in and muck around with (and I say this having poked through a lot of mods' files while trying to learn how to code). So feel free to go nuts. As Ratatoskr said though, you will need to at least skim probably every file to find everything.

    But you don't need Clara's dialogue if it's just interjections into other mod dialogue that you're not copying over from the mod.
    Could we possibly use this mod as a base to remove adult content and create a general audience or teen-friendly mod?
    We're talking about the same teens who look at porn videos whenever their parents aren't around? Seems somewhat pointless to edit the sex out of written work for them, but if you want to, go for it.

    Seriously though, yes, mods are fan fiction, and while we're happy with the final result we're not particularly attached to it. If you want to make any variation of this mod go right ahead. We'll be happy to post it.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    If anything, we probably obsessively over-labeled everything in this mod 😅

    But yeah, I'll post a PG version here too if someone makes one. It's pretty much all fine with us.
  • We try.

    Thank you.
  • astralliteastrallite Member Posts: 10
    How does the Keepable Clara quest work exactly? I installed it, and went into Dragomir's Tomb. Hexxat kills Clara as normal, and I picked up her sack after killing Hexxat. And then I left the tomb and...what? Is that it for SoA, and I have to wait for ToB to resurrect her?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    astrallite wrote: »
    How does the Keepable Clara quest work exactly? I installed it, and went into Dragomir's Tomb. Hexxat kills Clara as normal, and I picked up her sack after killing Hexxat. And then I left the tomb and...what? Is that it for SoA, and I have to wait for ToB to resurrect her?

    It's been a while since I did it, but I believe if it's working right it says when you pick up the sack that Hexxat is there and you need a stake to kill her (it might be in your journal too). In which case go buy a stake from one of the temples and once you have one then you'll kill Hexxat and you can then get Clara.
  • EdMagicEdMagic Member Posts: 6
    I want to save Clara. However, after I installed the mod, Heat still instant kills Clara once Clara triggers the animation. I can't find anything to trigger the option that can save her instead of Hexxat. What should I do to save Clara?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    EdMagic wrote: »
    I want to save Clara. However, after I installed the mod, Heat still instant kills Clara once Clara triggers the animation. I can't find anything to trigger the option that can save her instead of Hexxat. What should I do to save Clara?

    After Clara dies, kill Hexxat and find a stake. Once you have a stake you'll stake Hexxat and Clara will come back.
  • EdMagicEdMagic Member Posts: 6
    BCaesar wrote: »
    EdMagic wrote: »
    I want to save Clara. However, after I installed the mod, Heat still instant kills Clara once Clara triggers the animation. I can't find anything to trigger the option that can save her instead of Hexxat. What should I do to save Clara?

    After Clara dies, kill Hexxat and find a stake. Once you have a stake you'll stake Hexxat and Clara will come back.

    Oh thanks, now i am able to get Clara back, but there is another issue, i can no longer quicksave... it said there is no free space, i check that the dialog 103050 is used for korgan dialog, idk is this relevant, cause the autosave still work, but the savename has changed to some random korgan dialog as well.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    EdMagic wrote: »

    Oh thanks, now i am able to get Clara back, but there is another issue, i can no longer quicksave... it said there is no free space, i check that the dialog 103050 is used for korgan dialog, idk is this relevant, cause the autosave still work, but the savename has changed to some random korgan dialog as well.

    Weird. There's nothing in our mod that affects quicksaves. I don't even know how any mod could affect quicksaves even if it tried to; that's just a function of the basic game. It should be completely independent from modding.
  • MyceniusMycenius Member Posts: 55
    There have been a couple of people posting recently who have had issues with the 'no disk space' error for quick saves and such - I remember this was a big problem many years ago (I myself had it about 18 months ago) and it was usually related to antivirus, or you had to back up your save folder, nuke and reinstall your game, then restore your saves to fix it....
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750

    Though the thing about save files sounds like something that can happen if you install and uninstall mods too much. The text strings on existing saves get mixed up and start showing random text in some places.
  • MyceniusMycenius Member Posts: 55
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    Though the thing about save files sounds like something that can happen if you install and uninstall mods too much. The text strings on existing saves get mixed up and start showing random text in some places.

    Yes absolutely - could be that too. Although I'd expect that to usually result in error or crash when trying to load a save, or make a save, rather than a no space type error (which implies the game can't access the disk where the save path points to)...
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2024
    Ratatoskr wrote: »

    Though the thing about save files sounds like something that can happen if you install and uninstall mods too much. The text strings on existing saves get mixed up and start showing random text in some places.

    Yeah, though I have some old save where all the names are messed up, because I had it for years and installed and uninstalled numerous mods, loaded various saves to test parts, and then installed or uninstalled more stuff. There're characters in the game that don't do anything because they were created by mods that are no longer installed, and all kinds of weird things. But the game itself still always worked. I used all those saves for playtesting up until the end.

    I haven't tried it lately though.
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    I did a Clara run with Anomen awhile back, kept Anomen honorable + LG and obviously her “romance” with him ends with her hooking up with Cor. My question is, I want to do a second run with Clara + Anomen where he fails the test and goes CN—does the romance play out differently or ultimately have the same result?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited December 2024
    @fataljasmine To answer your question,
    The first part of the romance would be the same, but things go quite differently after Anomen kills Saerk. Especially if Clara was there at the time. There's also 2-3 different ways that the confrontation with Anomen's father can play out in that version, depending on what you choose to do.

    I believe there's a bunch of TOB content that you can only get if you take the CN path in SOA as well. Overall, the CN option is actually a significantly longer route.

    So in my opinion, definitely worth it :smile:
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Yeah, the Clara-CN Anomen romance is definitely worth the ride. B)
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2024
    @fataljasmine @Ratatoskr

    Ratatoskr is indeed correct.

    Darkside Anomen was originally written as a continuation of the Player 1 & Anomen romance if you choose the most evil paths with Anomen. But then because we felt that making people romance Anomen was cruel (he's below either of our dating standards), we also made the same Darkside Anomen romance with Clara taking the place of Player 1 (so you can do it either way).

    And then we added lightside content for Clara romancing Anomen as well in case you have a good Anomen, but there's definitely less of it.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Yeah, the Clara-CN Anomen romance is definitely worth the ride. B)

    Glad you liked it.
  • EdMagicEdMagic Member Posts: 6
    Sorry it's me again, i am playing with Dorn in my party, but after i do what mistress ada asked, when i return to her, nth special happened, noted that no dialog appear also when dorn go to temple of lathander, nor after he completed what he is asked for. is there anything i am missing?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2024
    EdMagic wrote: »
    Sorry it's me again, i am playing with Dorn in my party, but after i do what mistress ada asked, when i return to her, nth special happened, noted that no dialog appear also when dorn go to temple of lathander, nor after he completed what he is asked for. is there anything i am missing?

    So Mistress Ada already gave you the quest to:
    kill everyone in the temple of Lathander? There's three named people in the temple that have to die. And then what she should say once you're done is: "Chaos prevail! Do you require the services of Talos?" and you should have the dialogue option: "The Temple of Lathander is no more." and that will start the next part.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    @EdMagic For reference, the three people you need to kill to finish the quest are:
    Dawnbringer Alvanna, Dawnbringer Sain, and Dawnmaster Kreel. And Dorn has to be in the same place as Mistress Ada and able to talk to her.
  • EdMagicEdMagic Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2024
    BCaesar wrote: »
    @EdMagic For reference, the three people you need to kill to finish the quest are:
    Dawnbringer Alvanna, Dawnbringer Sain, and Dawnmaster Kreel. And Dorn has to be in the same place as Mistress Ada and able to talk to her.

    Not sure what to do now,
    i went through the whole district, even the sewer, can't find any missing Dawnbringer, should i summon them via console so that i can kill them one more time?
  • EdMagicEdMagic Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2024
    I summon them and kill them all once again, it works.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Glad to hear you got it working.

    If you have a lot of mods, it's possible that one of them did something with those people that messed up our triggers somehow. If they somehow got removed without counting as killed, that would have stopped the quest from working.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2024

    I poked through some game code and I think I figured it out. Dawnbringer Alvanna is outside. Dawnmaster Kreel is inside. But Dawnbringer Sain only shows up to give you his quests. You either have to be good (and the right class) to get one of the Lathander quest, or you have to have completed the Helm quest to get the other Lathander quest. So if you haven't done those then he's not there.

    I had always done the Helm quest already when I coded this so he was always there. So we should change the coding to remove him as one of the required kills. I'll edit the file and get it to Ratatoskr so she can post a new version.
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