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Need Help

I’m new to modding and am trying to create an item. The item is an equippable fist for monks so that they can dual weild their fists. The item is able to be summoned by the console and looks exactly like it should, but when I try to equip it it says cannot use item. I made sure I am playing a monk, I have usability set to all alignments, all races, and monks only but it still does not work. I fiddled around with item type and proficiency but to no avail. Can anyone help me figure out what is wrong.


  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @MrCheddar00, could you post the item (in a zip file) and we could have a look at it.

  • MrCheddar00MrCheddar00 Member Posts: 2
    Well after looking around a bit more I changed the item type to small sword from hand to hand, and made sure baseclass was checked on the usable by and that fixed it, although now I’m making a bow that I want to only be usable by the archer subclass but if i check only archer, all alignments and all races it makes it unusable, but adding ranger makes it usable by the archer but as far as I know not exclusively by archer because the description includes rangers and archers. I haven’t tried putting it on a pure ranger yet so maybe it is only usable by archers even if it says it isn’t.
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