This PhillipDaigle Guy. I just don't know.

I know there are a lot of the devs, beta testers and fans on the forums willing to help out. And they deserve a round of applause for being so dedicated. But PhillipDaigle just seems to be every where at once, trying to sort out problems and help get everything working properly for anyone who needs it. I see him in nearly every thread I go to. It's inspiring really.
With out naming names, there are a few providers, who not only ignore their customers, but flat out tell them they wont even try to help them. So seeing him work this hard to fix whatever problem arises restores my faith in game companies in general.
I did search for a few hours to see if there was another thread out there about this, but I couldn't find one. Maybe it's there, but even if it is it can't be overstated. People like @PhillipDaigle are the reason forums like this are supposed to exist. To help people with their problems, and it's sad that it's sunken so low mostly, that I cant stand other game sites anymore. To the point where if I cant find a fix for whatever my problem in a game is, I just stop playing the game.
So I'll say again, everybody on this site deserves a round of applause, but I wanted to take some time out to specifically thank PhillipDaigle for his work.
P.S. I just bought ten copies of the game on my work account, to send out as christmas presents. I wanted to support the developers as much as possible.
With out naming names, there are a few providers, who not only ignore their customers, but flat out tell them they wont even try to help them. So seeing him work this hard to fix whatever problem arises restores my faith in game companies in general.
I did search for a few hours to see if there was another thread out there about this, but I couldn't find one. Maybe it's there, but even if it is it can't be overstated. People like @PhillipDaigle are the reason forums like this are supposed to exist. To help people with their problems, and it's sad that it's sunken so low mostly, that I cant stand other game sites anymore. To the point where if I cant find a fix for whatever my problem in a game is, I just stop playing the game.
So I'll say again, everybody on this site deserves a round of applause, but I wanted to take some time out to specifically thank PhillipDaigle for his work.
P.S. I just bought ten copies of the game on my work account, to send out as christmas presents. I wanted to support the developers as much as possible.
Let's not even forget the registration. Don't encourage him too much, only just enough that he doesn't burn himself out.
EDIT: If all else fails then, all the copies you bought will go towards his petrol. Unless he's a hybrid car.
Lolz @ my analogy.
Also I find it really amusing that he seems to be almost incapable of posting a completely serious comment, even on threads like the pre-order FAQ. I mean, this is pretty much as close as beamdog has come to "official" communication, and yet the guy mixes in a near constant stream of jokes. I love it.
Yes, now you can see all of Phillip Daigle's best bits on TV (lols), from his beginnings as a coder to his rise to fame as a dev. Now you can share in the greatest moments of his life with this 30 hour compilation of his favourite quotes.
Each one has been painstakingly rerecorded in his own voice, after carefully studying the context of them to say them with the right pizaz.
Why buy this dev-initely awesome wonderful DVD? BECAUSE, it comes with a FREE SHIRT.
It's fun for the whole family. It's great as a coaster for granny, a beer coaster for dad, a bottle coaster for mama, a bowl coaster for Mr. Pugs Woofington, a goblet full of blood coaster for your summoning demon rituals. Basically any other sort of coaster.
And when you're done using it as a coaster, watch it, enjoy and LAUGH YOUR PANTS OFF AND THEN RIGHT BACK ON AGAIN! Only fifteen easy payments of $49.99, without the delivery.
However, friends this great offer will not last forever. ORDER NOW.
Order in the next fifteen minutes and we'll throw in a signed picture of Trent Oster and Phillip Daigle shaking hands and grinning while holding two 'I hate mondays' beer mugs.
Phil Daigle is definitely a very interesting character.
All money from the DVD set goes straight to Phillip Daigle's next gaming project: (insert next gaming project here).
No one besides !! No one above !!
The Team is Beamdog....
Respect them, although they are a weird bunch
Great debates raged about why such and such character was "nerfed," or what WotC actually meant when they changed a rule between editions, or when were cloaks or horses coming, among other things.
I raise my mug to the folks who have reincarnated my favorite game.
No "You should have searched for it before making a thread, idiot." or "Can't you read, stupid? It's already been answered." Or any of the flame and garbage I expected to see. It's pretty damn awesome.
Its because in here, we dont care if the same question appears in 100 threads..We just summon @Tanthalas !!
Actually, I probably would have taken it as a joke anyway, since you quoted me, and then quoted my quotes. But there is probably a better than decent chance that someone else would have not seen the joke and been upset. Not for me, I'm just a random new person, but in general.
Which is another point. Most people I see will see a joke like that, and take it as a joke. And even the guys who want to troll or flame, just kind of get ignored by the rest of the thread. Which makes reading through what ever thread in particular a lot more enjoyable.
*edit: I expect a mwoehaha reply, but Daigle always surprises.
Bad Son_of_Imoen, keeping Philip off his work on this day.