Hey, maybe some of the issues I'm having is lack of NWN updating; is there an update to install?
Or does the Beamdog client automatically install any NWN updates?
Or does the Beamdog client automatically install any NWN updates?
The Beamdog Client doesn't automatically install updates, you choose it yourself.
I think I've found the "reddit" site to upload crash reports, but where do we announce problems verbally, because we can't reproduce them?
Not cool. They lost a lot of my good will with those tactics.
Due to lack of inactivity....we're closing your bug report. - this message only appears if a user doesn't reply to questions from our QA in the bug report. I.e. "inactivity" can come only from the bug reporter, not from us.
Which your reports were "disqualified"? Can you provide links, please?
Sure, Julius, I'd be happy to. Let's see if this link works: GDL's Dirty Laundry
If not, here's a screen shot. I submitted others using my son's account because he was having hard crash ad nauseum with his laptop. It was GUI related:
If it would help, I'd like to give you a quick run-down on where those decisions primarily came from.
The reasoning for closing a bug as "Stale" bug is based off of two primary factors:
1) Last interaction with the person filing the bug.
2) The period of time since the last interaction
The short and simple rule of this is "If it's over 30 days, and we were the last ones to respond, asking for more information, it's likely stale, but try to use best judgement".
A large percentage of the bugs we get are "fire and forget", wherein a bug will be filed and that user then never returns to said bug ever again. In some cases, we can submit the bug to our internal tracker for assessment and triage, which effectively closes it from the public's point of view.
However, many of those bugs require additional context or information in order for us to figure out exactly what's wrong. Very much in the fashion of "We see the symptom, but what's the cause?", knowing that something's going wrong is immensely helpful, but without the appropriate data it can be difficult or near impossible to reproduce the exact circumstances which manifest the issue, and thus trace it to it's root source.
The difficulty in such a task is then multiplied when you take into account that the experience of players varies radically based on their platform, the distribution method, their hardware, the software, or even the player's actions. Finding the commonalities between all of these is what helps us paint a picture of what's going wrong, why it's going wrong, and how we might be able to fix it. (Not taking into account subjective feedback of course, which is a whole other kettle of fish).
Being that a large number of bugs are never returned to, we aligned our bug "stale" policy around a period of inactivity. More specifically, a period of 30 days in which we ask for more information, but no response arrives. At that point, the information is considered "stale", as it's not likely we'll be able to glean any additional data from it, and we move it to "Closed - Not an Issue" .
(I'd like to make a note that 'not an issue' in many cases is just the convenient bug flow, it's easier to use specific closed categories that already exist than adding a new one to the entire system, as such it's not necessarily 'not an issue' as we may have used said information to help round out our knowledge of the issue as a whole).
In the same measure, if a bug is left as "new" it can mean that we've pulled information from it, and neglected to respond (my apologies again), or it can mean that we haven't had a chance to look over the bug in question. That's where the question of resources come in, as we can be quite busy, we try to get to as many bugs as possible.
We definitely are cognizant of a lot of the concerns both in term of bugs and communications when it comes to the game and our bug systems. I'd like to reassure you that we are definitely paying attention, and even when we miss out on something, @JuliusBorisov does a great job of going through community feedback, and letting us know if there are particular pressure points that we should try to address.
I hope that this post helps in some way.