Do you assume folks posting in these forums are running modded games, unless they say otherwise?

I often get the feeling when I am posting that I am the odd one out not running mods, and almost have to apologize and explain I play vanilla - but this could just be me projecting the same feelings I have about being a lifetime teetotaler, the implicit NOT doing the thing actually makes you wrong (but in fact, no-one really cares). Hence my poll - does everyone around here assume everyone *else* is running mods?
- Do you assume folks posting in these forums are running modded games, unless they say otherwise?32 votes
- Sure, mods make the game better in many ways, who would not run them?18.75%
- Not sure - how can I make an assumption without more information about that gamer?31.25%
- No - these forums support the games as published, if you are modding you should say so.50.00%
By the way, wouldn't a better poll be to simply ask if you use mods?
It certainly doesn't matter though, if you feel like you have to apologise at any point, something has def gone wrong somewhere in the communication.
If anyone is really reluctant to try any mods, Id at least give the npc banter mods a try...for bg1 and iwd. Huge effort has gone into those to make the game more like bg2 and for bg1 it helps hugely with the new Beamdog npcs, without which they stand out as the most talkative.
What I have seen however are posts where the OP doesn't mention that they've got SCS installed because they seem to assume that everyone does.