How could the developers forget this?!

Why you can wear just 2 rings, when you have 10 fingers on your hands???!!!
I thought this terrible bug will be addressed in the enhanced edition.
I thought this terrible bug will be addressed in the enhanced edition.
You could get angry and Skyrim, Morrowind, Oblivion, Geneforge, Avernum, Avadon, etc, and plenty of other games for this reason. Some games even only have one ring slot.
I think this might be a troll post but anyways, yeah it is unrealistic but from a gameplay point of view I think they couldn't have gone better this route than somehow fitting 10 rings lots. And while we are at it, why not 10 amulet slots, surely you can use more than one? Or how about an extra 20 ring slots, for everyone knows that we can put more than 1 ring on each finger; 2 armour slots: one for robes, one for armour...? The list goes on.
Basically, if you could equip a ring on all ten fingers characters would get too powerful.
Then it is clear, we need immediately delay the game so the developers can add 100+ rings into the game. Or you can wear those fancy rings without any boosts
All I've got is my ****!
For example, it wiuld easily be possible to wear a bunch of magical necklaces at the same time. However, you need to nominate the one you are choosing to draw power from at any one time.
now i need to see that idea implemented in the game.
"I nominate red and white stripey! +2 charisma!"
And there is my RP reason for a CHA score of 3
The first time I saw the inventory screen, I was amazed of all the options that I had never seen in other RPGs like cloak AND armor and girdle (word that I had to look up at that time xD)
Yes, I'm going slightly mad (while waiting for the release).