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How could the developers forget this?!



  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Of course if an NPC was wearing 25 rings, 12 amulets, two sets of armor, three shields on each arm, five helmets on top of each other, a Boot of the North on one foot and a Boot of Grounding on the other, plus a bunch of cloaks covering it all, they would hardly be able to move because of all the equipment weighing them down and hindering their every move.

    It should however give a 75% chance that any hostile creature would kill itself laughing at the sight. :D
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2012
    Is anyone else a little tired of these generic, leading titles? I'm half expecting the next new thread to be "The one thing I think the game should have is..." (without actually saying what)

    Baldur's Gate had this when it was launched, and every D&D game I've played (so BG, BG2, NWN, NWN2, IWD, IWD2, and PT - though I might be mistake on this last one) so far has had this limitation. Big woop.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Ascerion said:

    Mathuzzz said:

    Or how about an extra 20 ring slots, for everyone knows that we can put more than 1 ring on each finger

    I thought that you can actually wear the other 10 on you feet, but that is also good idea.

    Only for the guys.

    Like these?


    What about the guy strap?
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    I want patches of skin with magical tatoos on 'em.
  • RavenXRavenX Member Posts: 86
    Ok, I might have to dig out my rule books or players guide, but I seem to remember the rules saying you could only use 2 rings. The reason *I think* had something to do with magics interacting with one another or something. Still, pretty sure the official rules stated you could only use 2 effectively.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    edited November 2012
    It's true, in D&D you only have two ring slots. This is for balance reasons, I think the in-world explanation is that you don't generally want magical items that close together because their auras interact, it would be like rubbing a magnet over your hard drive, or storing your plastic explosives next to a nuclear reactor.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    I can wear 6 helmets and 4 armors if I wanted to, but alas, there are some restrictions :p
  • ImperatorImperator Member Posts: 154
    Let's not forget tattoos, Planescape had them. And what's the deal with having to put Ioun Stones on your head? Put them in your pocket! Lots of pockets! Filled with stones, pebbles and magic-sleepy sand!
  • leyshjonoeleyshjonoe Member Posts: 59
    Could probably ingest some magic items too.

    Digestive tract bonuses.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    magical rings that are too close to each other result in a collision of magical energies that would tear the wearer apart, which is why adventurers only wear one on each hand and never ever applaud each other, no matter how epic the kill
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    PS:T had an eyeball slot. I want an eyeball slot.
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    edited November 2012
    mjs said:

    magical rings that are too close to each other result in a collision of magical energies that would tear the wearer apart, which is why adventurers only wear one on each hand and never ever applaud each other, no matter how epic the kill

    That´s why there are only intelligent mages. All others accidentally killed themselves.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    WAIT YOU GUYS. What about rings on necklaces?!

    10 necklaces with 100 rings each equals a THOUSAND RINGS!!!!!!¡
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    Mathuzzz said:

    mjs said:

    magical rings that are too close to each other result in a collision of magical energies that would tear the wearer apart, which is why adventurers only wear one on each hand and never ever applaud each other, no matter how epic the kill

    That´s why there are only intelligent mages. All others accidentally killed themselves.
    *nods sagely*

    and it's a little known fact that mages, when witnessing impressive and awesome magic by fellow mages, will show their appreciation, not by clapping, but slapping their bottoms to applaud

    it's true.
  • leyshjonoeleyshjonoe Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2012
    10 necklaces with 10 other necklaces each with 100 rings=

    over 9000 rings????

  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203

    10 necklaces with 10 other necklaces each with 100 rings=

    over 9000 rings????


    9002, 9008...depends on season.
  • LiffiLiffi Member Posts: 2
    For those who are ignorant to the whole rpg game that bg is base on... I like to say that in the adnd rules any dnd rulebook most likely you can use only 2 rings. So there is a reason. It is same thing why wizards cant use some weapons as such as clerics. There are rules and this is one of them.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    If each of those 9000 rings also held a necklace full of rings that had necklaces... 9 MILLION RINGS!!!1!

    Also, I like how this thread went to hell so fast :P
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited November 2012
    Hmmmm I believe you'd need more than 25 strength to withstand the weight of 9 million rings and necklaces...

    Besides, there is a limit on the amount of magical rings since before first edition came to be. Everyone should be grateful te rules for drinking too many potions is not in effect as well :)
  • balordikaalebbalordikaaleb Member Posts: 13
    we could use slots in the chain mail, insted of regular steel ring we cuold use magic one...
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    I was going to make a crack about potions with ice cubes made out of other potions... But I think I am going to calm down for a bit :P
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Hmm, one thing I really like about Sacred 2 is that you can socket rings and amulets inside gear slots.

    Characters that could take both bargaining and blacksmiting became very powerful with the jewelry they could buy, and socket into their armor.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    mjs said:

    *nods sagely*

    and it's a little known fact that mages, when witnessing impressive and awesome magic by fellow mages, will show their appreciation, not by clapping, but slapping their bottoms to applaud

    it's true.

    I am reading this at work, and the visualization almost made me laugh while I had someone on the phone! xD
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Because magic is unpredictable

    Live with it
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Wow I'm surprised how many people appear to be taking this thread completely seriously.
  • gfm50gfm50 Member Posts: 124
    Mathuzzz said:

    Why you can wear just 2 rings, when you have 10 fingers on your hands???!!!

    I thought this terrible bug will be addressed in the enhanced edition.

    Why not 100 rings? One on your nose, one on your toes, one on your stomach, one on your private parts, etc.?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Hmmm magical rings resize to fit... What about an armor made entirely of magical rings?
  • ImperatorImperator Member Posts: 154
    "We need to go deeper"
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    mjs said:

    magical rings that are too close to each other result in a collision of magical energies that would tear the wearer apart, which is why adventurers only wear one on each hand and never ever applaud each other, no matter how epic the kill

    Imagine bitchslaps you could give!
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