ETA on GB3/SHS forums?

I don't really know which would be the appropriate sub forum so here's as good as any; any information about these sites coming back up? It's been 3 or 4 days now and my patience is beginning to wear thin considering those websites are so critical to so many mods, it is highly frustrating. Are the admins of those websites aware of the problem? Released a statement? Given an ETA? It would be most helpful if there was some kind of communication about it.
Many G3 mods are on G3's GitHub page.
Rogue Rebalancing
BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters
IEP Banters
Imoen Friendship
Sarevok Friendship
Of those, the only one I critically need is Rogue Rebalancing. I can live without the others, though I also would really like the two friendship ones. Should anyone have a link or have them on their pc and could upload them, it would be great.
I'll also from now on save everything I get, I don't want to be held hostage by an unstable website.
But it looks like it's still under construction. Only one mod is currently hosted there.
Edit: A small number of mods are also hosted on Wisp's GitHub page: