Equippable wands and rods?
Has anyone done any work with making wands and rods equippable in EE? I see there is an old hak on the vault (link below) but I haven't tried it out yet. Is there anything more recent to this effect? I would be content with making wands and rods only equippable as torches are - not usable as weapons but this might make the current wand n rod animations still valid enough. Another option might be to make them equippable like sling or darts but without ammo but then they could just use the attack animations of those weapons though i guess the ray effect would need to be slightly altered to fit.
Post edited by Calgacus on
Also navigating the 2DA files in vscode is a nightmare - how do you easily navigate 2DA files? I tried opening this one in google docs but it doesnt work. I'm not even sure that the new hak is being updated with my new 2DA file - I just do not see any behavior changes when I test the mod anymore. At first I could, now I can't.
Is there a way around this in the 2DA?
Of course once the item is equip-able it MUST be equipped to use, I am happy with that but it means a char must now choose to hold the wand or a shield or weapon.
If I have to choose between wands n rods being equip-able in both hands but causing the AB penalty or being only equip-able in the off hand but causing no penalty which would be preferable?
Since wand/rods/staffs are generally considered Mage weapons the AB penalty might not be too bad for them since they are usually relying on spells and being able to equip two wands in combat is useful. But it means more for melee oriented chars who will want to keep either a weapon or a shield equipped. At the cost of an AB penalty I give them the option of losing the weapon instead of always the shield.
I will set wands and rods to be tiny to minimize the AB penalty as much as possible but I am now leaning in that direction.
Another minor concern is that done this way the character can attack with a wand or rod and while the wand or rod will not have any damage dice the character can still cause damage due to a strength bonus. I think of wands as too delicate and they should break. Also, if you attack with a wand in your hand then will that around the attack of opportunity rule for characters who are open handed? I guess it also might mean that monks cannot use their open handed attack when holding a wand. Still I think these are minor concerns.
So as it stands now the relevant baseitems.2DA entries are: