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[Request/Idea] Level Cap Alternative

HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
Hey everyone,

One of the fundamental problems which I feel already exists in BG1, but which will be even more noticeable in BG:EE is the level caps.

Trent has already indicated the level cap will be raised a bit (probably 1 or 2 levels), but that will still probably result in players hitting the level cap relatively early if they are thorough.

As a point of principle I hate level-caps. I think they are completely artifical device, and I always find myself using a level-cap remover. The reason for that is one of the core reasons for playing BG/doing quests is getting experience and levelling. Once you cease to get experience, I find a significant part of the fun evaporates. I found the system used in Icewindale 2 for artificial regulation to be particularly infuriating.

But that has to be balanced up against gameplay balance, if you level-up too much then it makes BG too easy, and it makes BG2 too easy. That in itself kills the fun later in the game.

In terms of striking a balance my suggestion is that characters be allowed to continue gaining experience after they hit the level-cap. HOWEVER, while they would still need to reach the normal amount of experience to level-up, once they hit that amount they wouldn't actually gain a level. Instead they would gain 1 or 2 hitpoints. The idea behind this is that you still get some kind of palpable benefit for gaining experience, and you still have an incentive to do so. At the same time that benefit is not one which would imbalance BG2. After you hit the level-cap you're only likely to gain 2 or 3 more levels. It would hardly be a significant imbalance if your character went into BG2 with 6 extra hp.

To give an example therefore, say the mage level cap is 9. My mage reaches level 9 and therefore hits that cap. When he gets enough experience to reach level 10, he gets a couple of extra HP, but doesn't actually count as having levelled up. He doesn't therefore get any extra spells or anything like that. At the start of BG2:EE he would start from the level cap in terms of his xp and level.

I think this system would help avoid killing the fun after hitting the level cap, and avoid the imbalance which would result in not having a level cap.

-After level cap, characters continue to get experience. When they get enough to level, they instead get a couple of extra HP, but don't actually go up a level. This retains balance while avoiding frustrating those who are thorough and hit the level cap early.



  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    I still don't know the point for having level caps. Maybe to stop you from getting too powerful? So what? By the time you get to BG2 you'll be weak again compared to rogues and vampires, one hitted by guards. I don't think it's possible to get powerful enough in levels to be too good.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Well, I don't remember what the BG1 vanilla level cap is (level 8 for most classes?) but I'd like to post my personal experience:

    The last time I played BG1 was through a BGT installation. I completed almost all quests in the game including ToSC and ended up with a party of level 8's (though they were close to reaching level 9).

    Do people really get to the level cap so easily in vanilla BG1?
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    I would be fine with the level cap simply being raised 1-2 levels. Perhaps the problem lies in playing the game in tutu with traps and chests giving XP? Playing the game in the old engine, with TotSC raising the xp cap abit, I never felt like you capped out too early, but rather hit it after nearly scouring every nook and cranny of the entire game (which seems just about right... right?). Of course, this is only true if you use a full 6-player party and don't spend extended vacations camping out at the flesh golem cave.

    Also hitting max has a "clean" feel to it, like an accomplishment, like reaching a goal. In other games, like Diablo for instance, hitting max is disastrous for the gameplay because all you do is try to level (and find loot). After max half the incentive to keep going is gone. But BG isn't that kind of game, at least to me it isn't.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    I disagree, and here are my reasons why:
    1: You do get too powerful. The only way you could deal with this problem would be to make mobs level-up with you, make fights as difficult as your level. But it then you lse one tool to control the story, the character a bit. And in higher levels, itemization becomes more important, more significant. If you would get the good items, the progressive enemies would be too weak. If you don't get them, they would be too strong.
    2: Transfering your char from BG1 to BG2 would have to set your xp level again anyway, otherwise, without xp cap, your imported char might be too powerful.
    3: If you don't have a level cap, every point of experience would matter! This way, with level cap, if you do a quest in a way that it gives you less experience, the only "penalty" is to reach higher lvls a bit later. This way you are free to skip quests, while without the cap, you would feel "forced" to do every quest for the xp, even if you don't want to (for laziness or role-play reason)
    +: This is really a subjective thing: I like to have a set xp goal for myself. So I have the satisfaction of reaching the "top". Also, the party members can get equalized for the end of the game, even though they had different xp amount before. And no, I don't want them to have equal xp all the time. This is something which makes these games a bit different from games of today... It would completely change the gameplay experience, for what we really love this game :)
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    i remember bg2 being significantly easier with imported character that completed bg1 with totsc installed. totsc raised level cap but not by much if i am correct. and it still made a difference, especially because the party in bg2 adjusted to your higher level of experience.

    OT: i found iwd2 no experience for easy kills awful. like i didn't have to make an effort to remove those monsters. damn!
    i agree with minor hp upgrade and keeping the level cap for the BG:EE for continuity reasons, although i think it should be completely gone for BG2:EE.

    i have feeling that further raising level cap for new adventure will create power-problem in bg2:ee that will need to be addressed somehow, be it with more powerful monsters or something else otherwise game might become "easy" on "core rules" difficulty.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    in bg 1 without the expansion the xp cap was 89 000 ToSC raised it to 161 000 and yes in ToSC its actually quite easy to hit that 161 000 mark, i dont even have to finish the durlag quest or even attempt the werewolf island quest and im already at the 161 000 mark before i even start chapter 6, ( that is of coarse doing the durlag's tower after i finish everything in BG the city in chapter 5) but increasing the level cap is too much, although the idea is neat that if you were to increase a level or 2, you would just get a few HP and thats it, but how would the work over in bg II land? when your supposed to be level 8 and you're level 10, do you just go back to level 8 and re level up to level 10? then there will be another problem, you will be level 10 in a level 8 dungeon in bg II and you will be much stronger than you should be , since you started the game at a higher level, @trinit is right, importing your ToSC character/team to bg II already makes it easier, i think the level cap is fine where it is, and as someone else here said i believe it was @Senash, items become way more important, and they help define your character at those higher levels, but that is just my 3 cents though, maybe im just a whacko who drinks too much chocolate milk and eats too much subway to give a viable opinion myes? :)
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    While i like the remove level cap idea, the bonus to life with exp shoud be avoided with all costs or you can finsh with a lvl 8 and 300 hp character.

    My tough is: allow the char to buy status point with exp points (int, con, str...) on the D&D P&P we gain and lose some status point with time, so, based and used as a purchase limit the character number of kills, damaged suffered and spells casts and other variants, the character should be able to buy status points with his experience points, however this is a too raw idea yet and should be refined before an actual use.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    @kamuizin i think he said you should only be able to grow a couple of levels after the xp cap, so you would only have like 6 extra HP not grow 100 extra levels and have 300 xp, plus you would have to do some serious monster grinding to get to that level anyhow
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I think it's a decent idea and could help recover a few lost hp from shitty level-up rolls. 1hp/lvl is fine, as @Sarevok57 said you won't even get an extra 10 "fake" levels, most likely 3-4, and still get some feeling of progression.
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    I think the whole advantage of this system is that it doesn't demand players get every drop of xp they can find, because it's only likely to result in a few extra hp, for the same reason it's not going to imbalance BG2.

    @Tanthalas: I remember when I played vanilla BG1, I was at max level as I first entered Baldur's Gate (party of 6).

    In BG1+ToTSC I was at pretty much max level by the time I did Durlag's Tower, you can easily gain several levels there. There are plenty of enemies who give 4000xp each in there.

    In any event there's going to be a lot more experience to play with this time round.

    I don't understand the context this first point is being made. You are right that you do get too poweful without a level cap, but I'm not advocating getting rid of the level cap. Are you saying that you get too powerful even with a level cap?

    I think you may have misunderstood the request slightly. It is for the level cap to STAY, but for a couple of extra HP to be awarded for when you would otherwise have got a level. Over the course of the whole game, that's only likely to result in about 0-8 exra hp.

    @Sarevok57: the extra hps are for when you WOULD have reached a new level. The request is that the game doesn't treat you as having advanced beyond the level-cap. So when you import into BG2 you start at the level-cap with level cap xp. So for example, if you reached the level cap at level 8, but you got enough experience for level 10, you would get 4 extra hp, but you would still be level 8 and your xp would still be at level cap.

    @Bhryaen: your thoughts on this?
  • AzL0nAzL0n Member Posts: 126
    Yeah I suppose that's fine. It's not like you'll gain many more levels than if there was a cap anyway. Maybe one or two which would give you +6 hp or whatever. I don't see any problems with that. It's a pretty good solution because I always find it a bit frustrating to be restricted in any way.
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    To put this all another way, it's like the game saying: you know what, if the level cap hadn't been here you would have got another level at this point. To think all that xp you got from killing monsters and doing quests has been wasted. That's a bit harsh, we won't give you another level, but we'll give you 2hp to your max to reward your effort and thoroughness.

    @Winthal: you have a good point. But I would say the principle reward for doing quests, in game terms, is experience. When you stop getting rewarded because of some artificial cap, for me seems like the game saying f*** y**.

    I appreciate there are role playing considerations, but if you are going to use that as an argument you have to appreciate that it's a bit of a bastard sword, it cuts both ways. On the one hand, 'BG isn't that kind of game' the game isn't about XP and there are other reasons for adventuring. But on the other hand, why should you stop becoming more experienced, more skillful if your experience has taught you that? Because an arbitrary limit says, no, you can't learn or improve anymore? That's just as inconsistent with the spirit of BG -a game which is entirely about your character developing and realising his power (think about what happens over the course of BG1, the plot of BG2 and how ToB ends).
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    @AzL0n: thank you for putting it eloquently.
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    No, I completely agree... for better or worse. I can't stand the level cap and will be getting rid of it in BGEE, no bout a doubt it. I haven't wanted to suggest it as a Feature Request because, well, they won't do that. Why would they declare they'll be increasing the level cap... and also be completely lifting it? But I feel exactly the same about it: the metagamed stifling of XP gain despite your having done all you could to gain and advance all you could in preparation for the final showdown with Sarevok (not even metagaming about Irenicus who I've only fought once anyway) just feels like a .

    As for your specific idea, I'm not liking a nerfed level advancement either, even as reasonable a "compromise" as it appears to be... As it is, I'd rather the game become unbalanced due to my CHARNAME's thorough but genuine XP gains than level progression be suddenly given a game-stoppingly refereed whistle because the extra XP wasn't calculated for by the game's dev team. I never advance in XP beyond what the game itself allows, and I never cheat on XP, (though I've been known on occasion to exploit the occasional game glitch), so I don't see why I should be penalized for going the gamut. This is partly the powergamer in me talking, but also mostly my aversion to heavy-handed, metagamed tactics by game devs to achieve game presentation goals. If they couldn't achieve those goals without enabling players like me to get gobs o' XP beyond their prescriptions, that's their oops, not mine, so don't penalize me. :-P
  • AzL0nAzL0n Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2012
    Yeah you know I actually agree with Bhryaen. It should just keep on progressing normally. As he says the player has a right to do every side quests and to complete everything the game has to offer without having to be penalized for it.

    Good post, as always.
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    At first I was disappointed by the level cap but since enemies do not scale based on your level I come to accept it. Also, d&d always indicated the level of the characters that should play (example 1-5) so I found it normal.
    On BG:EE that could be included as an option... but then who would willingly "limit their own power" :D Heroicspur suggestion reminds me of Guild Wars.
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    Fair enough, I was just trying to come up with a workable alternative that didn't create imbalances down the road.

    I'll probably be using a LC remover too.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    I'm not sure you could ever be too powerful by the end of BG/ToTSC. I still think the cap should be removed and your XP lowered at the start of BG2 if needed.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    @Ward you can easily be too powerful at the end of bg/ToTSC i had a level 20 fighter solo the last boss battle no sweat, they should make it so no matter what the last boss battle baddies are always 8-10 levels higher than your chums, then the level cap remover could have a chance at some justice i shappose :)
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    @HeroicSpur: You are right, I was quite tired when making that post, I did misunderstand you, but just a very little bit. What you are suggesting would still improve the characters, albeit very slowly and it wouldn't be really significant, but still.

    As for getting satisfaction and rewards in the game after hitting the level cap: GOOOLD! UNLIMITED GOOOOOOLD!!! As my dear friend, Darth Sidious would have said :) You can get enough gold easily to buy the most important items in the world, but I always felt good trying ti get more and more stuff :) Ok, in ToB it wasnt't really a problem anymore, and most stuff there was looted and not bought. In BG though (if I remember well, cause I havent played with BG1 for two years) you didn't get so rich.

    So for me, the items and gold you get from quest rewards is enough. Maybe, like in some MMO-s, after you hit the level cap, you would get more gold from quests instead of XP?
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    @Senash: I got incredibly rich in vanilla BG1, there was nowhere near enough stuff to spend my money on.
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    @Senash: I got incredibly rich in vanilla BG1, there was nowhere near enough stuff to spend my money on.
    My bad, I didn't remember well then. But it that case, that might be a problem to be remedied as well... We have way too much gold. (Ofc that involves keeping and selling everything you find :) )
  • LindeblomLindeblom Member Posts: 257
    Hmmmmm, maybe the solution is to lower overall xp for monsters etc. If you do all quests and kill all monsters you will end up on exactly 161.000 xp.

    Problems solved!?

    Just kidding =P
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    @Lindeblom thats kinda a cool idea, its like in ToB where the cap is 8 000 000 and its impossible to hit that cap without grinding some huge firegiant spiders ( yaga shura's enclave, the battle that you get waken up by where there is 3 fire giants to hell cats and a fire elemental, believe they total 84 000 xp or so) and thats what i liked about ToB its level cap was almost out of reach, but for bg 1 and SoA you can hit the level cap so easy, so toning down xp on quests and enemies is a neat idea i think @Senash, yeah if you do everything in that game and have 20 rep as early as possible with 21 charisma you can end up with 500 000 GP by the end, i usually average around 450 000 GP and i dont even do the werewolf island quest, but its still fun to try and break -how much gold can i have before the end of the game- record :)
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    Yeah I seriously dislike the experience cap in general, and although it definitely won't happen, I would love to see all experience get toned down to the point that you don't hit the cap until you completed all quests, etc. with a full party. It really does just hurt those that go out of their way to do all that the game makes available when those who don't are specifically being catered to, but I guess that a majority of players don't do everything and so the difficulty level of the game has to be crafted around the level that most people will have reached, which means that either those who do everything will be penalized or they'll use a LC remover (which I usually do) and end up a bit more powerful than I guess they should be (although with enemy AI enhancements and such, the game is never "easy").
  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    Safest thing for those wanting less xp from monsters and quests is having it as an advanced difficulty option. Thwacking everyone with it unilaterally is unlikely to be appreciated.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited June 2012
    Here is an idea towards removing the XP cap: scale up the boss fight by an "after the player reaches a certain point in XP, Sarevok and his band all level up once every so many days"

    This would also give a sense of urgency I think.
    In my mind, this would be an optional thing picked at the start of the game between playing with the XP cap and playing without.

    Reason: We don't want the game to be easy, but we also don't want an XP cap.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    hmm, I have to say, I really like the idea of toning down the XP gain from all monsters. During one of my first playthroughs of BG, I remember feeling like it was impossible to level up, and when you finally did it was an amazing feeling. After a while, you learn how things work and know where to go to gain xp faster, and some of that feeling vanishes... it would be awesome to have XP be more hard earned again :)
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    scaling bosses is a neat idea that would always present you with challenge, and reasonably nerfed experience gain would make sure you don't hit level cap too soon or play half the game with no progress in your party.

    however i agree it should be an advanced option and i oppose the "always scaled experience" system as seen in icewind dale 2 leading to zero experience for easy kills. also, i do not think game should make an extra effort to control your progress all the time, forcing you to complete everything to reach the cap. extra exploration should be rewarded somehow.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @trinit yes, and lets steer clear of the "everything scales" model as seen in Oblivion. Easily one of the worst / most broken systems I have ever seen since it totally defeats the purpose of leveling and gaining power, leveling actually makes everything else more powerful than you are. If this system was used in BG1, you would get things like firewine ruins being impossible to go through with a max level party because of the kobold commandos tearing you a new one :D

    Scaling only the bosses as you suggest might work better... however, I could also see situations where that might also create an imbalance in power level between bosses and the enemies leading up to the boss in the same dungeon. If you attempt a dungeon with level 6 monsters at say level 3, have a pretty hard time getting past them but succeed because of good tactics and items, then reach the boss and he is scaled to level 3 and just goes down way too easy compared to everything else. Or another example, fighting the insanely difficult Battle Horrors before Daveorn in the Cloakwood mines, then facing the man himself and he'll just be a joke compared to them...
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