Modifying reputation loss?

in BG:EE Mods
So I'm at a small crossroads with this playthrough. I like killing Shandalar (using the wand of paralyzation tactic) because it's a crazy exp bump and just on a moral standpoint I have issues with his quest.
My only small issue, is I'm in the middle of the Dynaheir NPC project romance, and I have no way to kill him without lowering my reputation to 10 and also ending the romance.
My question to you guys, because after poking around in EE Keeper i couldn't find it, what variable makes it so you can kill a NPC without losing reputation? I was hoping to just change that real quick for this playthrough.
Thanks guys
My only small issue, is I'm in the middle of the Dynaheir NPC project romance, and I have no way to kill him without lowering my reputation to 10 and also ending the romance.
My question to you guys, because after poking around in EE Keeper i couldn't find it, what variable makes it so you can kill a NPC without losing reputation? I was hoping to just change that real quick for this playthrough.
Thanks guys
I mean, iirc the romance script only checks for reputation when Dynaheir is in the party. If you kicked her out then lowered your reputation then boosted it back up before recruiting her again then, maybe...
Note that some reputation losses/gains are scripted (and therefore unaffected by changes to REPUTATI.2DA), for example:
IF InParty("Viconia") Global("ViconiaJoinedParty","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 ReputationInc(-2) SetGlobal("ViconiaJoinedParty","GLOBAL",1) END
i believe what happens is if someone's class in EE keeper or ( NI ) is set to innocent then you will lose reputation based on what the REPUTATI.2da is set to
so you have a couple of options:
#1 use EE keeper, switch his class over to mage or to whatever you want, as long as it's not innocent ( because at the moment it is set to innocent ) and you should be able to kill him with no fuss
#2 if you want to get fancy, you can get a program like NI and open up the REPUTATI.2da and just set the KILL_INNOCENT values to all zero, so when you kill "innocent" creatures you won't suffer reputation loss
for those of us that are playing the home game, option #1 is the easier way of doing things