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Save game compatibility

Kang54Kang54 Member Posts: 58
So, in the FAQ it says that:

"Will game saves be compatible across all platforms?

Does this mean that you can start a game on one platform and then continue that same game on another platform? Or in other words, could I get BG for PC, start a game, and then transfer that save game to the iPad when it comes out? (Yes, I'm impatient :))

Or do they just mean basic file compatibility without the support functions that'd be necassary for this to work on iPad and android (I think - don't know how much access you have to the file system there).


  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    You can transfer savegames to and from any platform.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    My understanding is that, eventually, one will not need to transfer files at all. One will be able to save to (and load from) a cloud solution. Whether or not you will be able to manually move your save to the iPad is a question I can't really answer. On my android, I can access the basic file structure, but I'm not sure if one can do the same on an iPad. If one can, it should be a simple matter of just placing the file in the right place.
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