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hey folks,

I am a new player and i got really excited in building my bard both as Black guard and Pale Lord. Since I'm sure there must be some kind of restriction, I'd like to ask you what you think of this built, and if you have any particular tip or suggestion for this character!

OT (also,how can I use the poisoned weapon with the Black Guard?)


  • Barba777Barba777 Member Posts: 48
    no tips at all? =D
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited August 2018
    My tip would be to maybe not add pale master to that character's class. Pale Masters have a number of issues with their implementation that makes them really suck as a class.

    As for poisoning weapons, you need to have poison to poison a weapon. Poison is a consumable item that is somewhat hard to come by because it is not included in most modules. I would suggest just cheat creating a few poisons for yourself if you want to experiment with them.

    The item codes for a few poisons:


    Since I assume you are new to debugmode here is how you do it:

    1. Press the "~" key and type "DebugMode 1" (case sensitive) then hit enter.
    2. Press the "~" key and type "dm_spawnitem item_code" and hit enter. The item will appear on the ground directly under your cursor so make sure it is in a place you can reach.
    3. When done spawning items, press "~" and type "DebugMode 0"
  • Barba777Barba777 Member Posts: 48
    Tresset said:

    My tip would be to maybe not add pale master to that character's class. Pale Masters have a number of issues with their implementation that makes them really suck as a class.

    As for poisoning weapons, you need to have poison to poison a weapon. Poison is a consumable item that is somewhat hard to come by because it is not included in most modules. I would suggest just cheat creating a few poisons for yourself if you want to experiment with them.

    The item codes for a few poisons:


    Since I assume you are new to debugmode here is how you do it:

    1. Press the "~" key and type "DebugMode 1" (case sensitive) then hit enter.
    2. Press the "~" key and type "dm_spawnitem item_code" and hit enter. The item will appear on the ground directly under your cursor so make sure it is in a place you can reach.
    3. When done spawning items, press "~" and type "DebugMode 0"

    Thank youfor th suggestion!may i ask you what do you mean when you say that pale masters suck? Do you think it wouldn't be somehow implemented with the strenght of a Blackguard?
    Thank you for the poison tips! But where should I digit that code? during the game?
  • Drewbert_ahoyDrewbert_ahoy Member Posts: 97
    Pale master effective caster level was never done properly. So levels in the class don't help with damage/duration of spells. A character with 5 wizard levels and 10 PM would cast spells like a 5th level wizard, for example. By far and away it's best ability is critical hit immunity at level 10. Some tanking builds take advantage of this, but they usually use dwarven defender, I believe, and not black guard levels.
  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 185
    It depends on the mod I'm playing it on, but generally speaking...

    Palemaster: the good
    The extra AC and hitpoints you get from being a palemaster and immunity to critical hits at level10 are incredibly good. The summons a palemaster has, combined with bard song buffs, could be handy.

    Touching people with an undead arm is cool.

    Palemaster: the bad
    Unfortunately, being a palemaster doesn't do much to advance your spell casting as a bard.

    Palemaster attack bonus (AB) schedule increases by +1 every other level up to level 20. Bards gain +3/4levels, and blackguards get +1/level. If you want your character to be able to fight, then taking palemaster levels prior to level 21 are not going to reward you with the ability to hit well or get very many attacks per round.

    Blackguard: the good
    Blackguards have great synergy with bards because they both have Charisma-based abilities.
    I think Divine Shield and DIvine Might are great feats and bards being able to cast haste makes using them way easier/better. Of course, you need a fair amount of dedication and buffing to your Charisma score for them to pay off.
    BG's have a feat that gives them a bonus to saves based on their Charisma modifier (very good here)

    Blackguards have a few summons.

    Charisma and taunt and curse song go together nicely. If you've got a high AC opponent, curse them, taunt them, then hack'em down.

    BG sneak attack with bard ultravision and darkness make a powerful fighting combo.

    If you take at least 4BG levels prior to level21 with 16 bard levels, you'll have 16 base attack bonus which gives you 4 base attacks per round.

    Bulls Strength from BG stacks with bulls strength that bards cast (helps max STR)

    Blackguard: the bad
    Use poison only poisons your weapon for a very short time and isn't hugely effective.

    Taking Power Attack, Cleave, Divine Might and Divine Shield is a lot of feats.

    You have to throw away 5 skill points into hide also (IIRC) to be a BG.

    How I envision it
    There's more of course, but if I were doing the build in a module that only goes to level 20 then I'd focus on bard and blackguard. I'd do:

    ***Don't forget to be neutral or chaotic evil alignment***

    9 bard levels (make sure I have power attack and cleave)
    3 BG levels (choose divine might at level 12)
    2 bard levels
    1 BG level (choose divine shield at level 15)
    then finish out the other levels however you like.

    All ability increases would go to CHA or STR.

    I'd also want curse song, blind-fight, still spell.

    I'd use heavy armor and a two-handed weapon.
    I think these starting stats are doable: 14STR/10DEX/10-12CON/8WIS/12-14INT(for skill points)/16CHA

    If I were playing to level 40 then I could envision a bunch of other stuff including palemaster levels from 21-36 to get epic warding or just 10PM levels for critical hit immunity and bonus AC/hitpoints. Trying to be 3 classes prior to level 20 spreads you too thin and you won't be good at any of them.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Barba777 said:

    Thank you for the poison tips! But where should I digit that code? during the game?

    You would enter the codes during the game.
  • Barba777Barba777 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2018
    Hey fellas!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    An easier way to call the console is typing ##Debug Mode 1 in the chat bar.

    My keyboard never accepted the ~ command, so I need to use this second approach.
  • Barba777Barba777 Member Posts: 48
    Raduziel said:

    An easier way to call the console is typing ##Debug Mode 1 in the chat bar.

    My keyboard never accepted the ~ command, so I need to use this second approach.

    I have tried but it says " debug function not found"...any idea?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @Barba777 Try DebugMode 1 instead (without space). Sorry for misleading you.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    My absolute fav character to go through the 2nd campaign was a dual wielding bard/Rd/pl.
    Was the pale master skills helpful? nope. But it looked cool.
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